
Showing posts from 2014

Beware the Winter Solstice 21/12/2014–the Date Encoded on the US One Dollar Bill

By William Frederick, M. Div. Contributor profile | More stories Beware the Winter Solstice–the Date Encoded on the Dollar Bill Wednesday, December 17, 2014 20:02 (Before It's News) I have found five dates encoded on the dollar bill. Two of them have already come to pass and the next one is in the very near future, and the way things are shaping up, that day may be a day that could change life as we know it in the United States. All of the date data and the possibilities I see for what may occur on that day, along with the encoded map, are documented in The Dollar Code . I am now going to reveal to you the date data and the next encoded date from The Dollar Code—Merry Christmas. Part 2 The Encoded Dates on the Dollar Bill I wonder how many people know that the money we have been using and carrying around in our wallets and purses has secret information about the future encoded on it. Now in case you are still a bit skeptical about money being encoded with secret informatio...

Facebook Secret Busted Wide Open

Facebook Secret Busted Wide Open as Two Victims Share Full Details of What Facebook Did To Them and It’s Possible You Could Be Next By Reading This! This Exclusive Victims Report Will Enrage You! Saturday, December 13, 2014 7:30 I’ve about had it with outlets that continually lie, manipulate, and abuse the masses for their own gain. Specifically Facebook and now Snopes (who is getting worse by the day) and countless others working towards the elite agenda with little recourse about the impact they are having on humanity so long as their pockets are filled with money. It’s time for us Americans to take a stand against such groups and make our voices heard. If we continue to allow these manipulative giants to rule over us then we can kiss our freedoms goodbye. I f...

The global currency reset is now 100% confirmed, activated and performing.

The global currency reset is now 100% confirmed, activated and performing. Bank of China monies have been received into master paymaster accounts globally, yet still are unreleased to private groups or the public as of Monday evening EST. The United States Treasury was sequestered to solve government shut down threat this coming Thursday. But remaining cabal leadership, led by David Cohen of UST, is still fighting public disclosure of TRN tooth and nail. However, his delay attempts are futile as the Believe it or not cabal has been rendered incapable of starting yet another war/mass destruction event (a la 9/11 or 3/11). Obama administration wants to make it look like Republicans are blocking 2015 government funding, so the Democrats can step in and create a gold backed currency solution. This, he hopes, will ensure his presidential legacy before he is either impeached or...

These are lies the New York Times wants you to believe about Russia

  Our sanctions caused Russia's downturn. They protect Big Oil, the well-connected, and make the world more dangerous Patrick L. Smith Russian President Vladimir Putin, center, looks back at US President Barack Obama, left, as they arrive with Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, at the the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit.(Credit: AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) You can look at the Russian economy two ways now and you should. So let’s: It is an important moment in the destruction of something and the construction of something else, and we had better be clear just what in both cases. The world we live in changes shape as we speak. Truth No. 1: Russians are besieged. Sanctions the West has insisted on prosecuting in response to the Ukraine crisis — Washington in the lead, the Europeans reluctant followers — are hitting hard, let there be no question. Oil prices are at astonishing lows, probably if not yet provably manipulated by top operatives in the diplomatic and ...

The Pilgrim Society

P.I.L.G.R.I.M.$. Copyright May 2005 Charles Savoie “ The mysterious, super-elite Pilgrim Society. ” “The most illustrious world-wide personalities.” “The most distinguished international organization in the world.” “The Pilgrims Society remained hidden until relatively recent years, to identify the apex of power .” (referenced towards end of document) Plundering International Looter$ Gaining Riche$, Injuring Megamillion$ $ecretly = PILGRIMS !  If this is your first read on this organization, I suggest you obtain the introductory background first by reading the December 2004 item in the Archives.  (For the rest of you, take note---silver and silver mining will be mentioned around 50 times).  If you have followed the series to date, I have other disturbing case material with which to inform you.  There is a boatload of fascinating material I hope to acquaint you with.  And you should be fiercely interested in this Society---the rich families behind central b...