
Showing posts from March, 2019

Whistle Blower: "I Organized the Christ Church Mosque Shooting"

Whistle Blower: "I Organized the Christ Church Mosque Shooting" (Complete Video) Friday, March 22, 2019 8:18 The New Zealand Story has taken some interesting turns in the last 6 days.  John Podesta was in New Zealand for 5 days prior to the shooting, and now a whistle blower has come forward and confesses to organizing the New Zealand Mosque shooting, while working for the CIA! On March 14, 2019, New Zealand sustained its deadliest mass shootings in modern history when a gunman, 28-year-old Brenton Tarrant, killed 50 people and injured another 50 at Al Noor Mosque and the Linwood Islamic Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand, according to Mainstream Media Reports. (Yet To Be Confirmed). The media immediately identified Tarrant as that most noxious of all monsters — “an alt-right affiliated white supremacist”. ( Wikipedia ) Who Is John Podesta and Why Was He In New Zealand? John Podesta , 70, is a major D...


THE ATTACKS IN NEW ZEALAND HAVE BEEN DONE BY GLADIO COVERED BY AUTHORITIES The New Zealand authorities and agencies and other agencies including MI5, FBI and the Belgian agencies (HQ of Gladio are in Belgium) and the French agencies, have been warned that these attacks have been orchestrated by Gladio (NATO/CIA) by email on Saturday March 16, 03:34 CET. Since the attacks and the (fake) videos of the attack in New Zealand have been done by Gladio, which has signed this attack on their server 4 hours before it occurred, they decided to keep all evidence of their job on their Server. Their server got already in real time the signature of 300 other attacks in 2 years around the world. See the story below. This include Las Vegas, Paris, Brussels, London, Manchester, St Petersbourg, Moscow, Barcelona, Parkland, Santa fe... The reason of this: Gladio, emanation, of NATO/CIA manage the individuals through nano implants in their brain, to achieve their false flag operations. A false Flag O...

Former Mossad Agent Dissects the New Zealand Mosque Mass Shooting

Former Mossad Agent Dissects the New Zealand Mosque Mass Shooting Posted on   March 22, 2019   by   State of the Nation Facebook Twitter NZ TERROR: REAL STORY of the Christchurch attacks EVIDENCE PROVIDED. Marc Delantre Belgian Intelligence Agent 57yo (independent) Exfiltrated and protected agent by Mossad (2009-2012) Informant agent for the Belgian Secret Service (2013-today, in Belgium and from abroad) for the French Secret Service (2015-today) for the FBI, USA (2016-today,  450 emails exchanged ) for the Mi5, UK (2017-today) Gladio Agent Passive, since September 11, 2001 (I did not know, my position) Active but not aware, since July 2008 Active and aware, and known as such, since October 2017 Object: Dear members of these agencies above, Dear authorities of New Zealand and Australia and their embassies, Dear authority in Belgium, Dear Secretary General of the United Nations, Today, I will take ...