A Letter to President Trump

We recognize your accomplishments and feel sympathy for the slings and arrows you have had to endure on our behalf. May God Bless and Keep You, and May God Bless America and Keep it Great and Free. We Love You, Sir. A Letter to President Trump By Charles Wills -- November 9, 2020 D ear President Trump I have heard various people saying that the FBI is going to investigate and expose the theft of the 2020 election, and the Department of Justice is going to prosecute the people behind it. Sir, I doubt there’s enough honest, patriotic FBI agents left in the agency, that care about America or the integrity of the election system, to do the right thing. If the FBI’s past behavior is any indication, the FBI will lie about it and cover it up to protect the people who rigged the election. 00:03 01:52 Sir, even if there were enough honest and just FBI agents, willing to do their job honestly, whatever acts of criminality they uncover will be concealed from the public ...