
Showing posts from 2023

1 Plus 1 Is No longer 2

1 Plus 1 Is No longer 2 Saturday, December 30, 2023  1 Plus 1 Is No longer 2…. or so it seems in schools now a days. Education has become indoctrination. This madness is happening in schools in the UK and beyond. Why adhere to 1+1=2 when it can be 3? Or 4 or a unicorn with an elephant’s trunk? I repeat and publish again this online petition to challenge the sexualisation of children in the county of Norfolk, England: Quote: ‘Norfolk’s RSE programme teaches 7-year-old children that they are only born “like a boy”, or “like a girl”, and that they need to choose their gender from options including “boy, girl, and not sure”. 8-year-olds are taught that we live in a “heteronormative” world, but they can be “Pangender”, “Transgender”, and “Cisgender”, amongst others. The term “heterosexual” is not included as an option for sexual preference, giving children, in con...

Look Up - A Hibbler Production - Rothschild Go Bleep Yourself and Rockefeller's Israel - Pope - Gates - Worth 6 - Quad Trillion - And the USA Needs to...

Look Up - A Hibbler Production - Rothschild Go Bleep Yourself and Rockefeller's Israel - Pope - Gates - Worth 6 - Quad Trillion - And the USA Needs to... Saturday, December 30, 2023 

Grape Seed Extract May Reduce Blood Pressure

Grape Seed Extract May Reduce Blood Pressure Saturday, December 30, 2023 High blood pressure is considered by the conventional medical community as a “silent killer” that needs consistent treatment with drugs that carry serious side effects, and don’t address the underlying causes. A new study reveals that grape seed extract may be an effective natural therapy in lowering the blood pressure of men with prehypertension; grape seed has a wide range of beneficial effects that directly improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.  High blood pressure is considered a chronic medical condition that affects about 1.13 billion people worldwide. [i]  Believed to be a major cause of premature death around the world,  high blood pressure  is diagnosed when blood pressure levels deviate beyond beyond normal ranges. Yet, diagnoses rarely go deeper than this, and treatments rarely improve the underlying conditions that lead to  dysfunction of the endothelial lining o...

150 Bilderberger Criminals' Names & Faces That Manipulated The CONvid-1984 Plandemic Response

150 Bilderberger Criminals' Names & Faces That Manipulated The CONvid-1984 Plandemic Response Sunday, December 31, 2023  These are just a host of people who were behind the response to the CONvid-1984 and, as such, are accomplices in murder.  So, we’re giving you names and faces of others who should be brought to justice in this matter, along with a plethora of others in our own government and Big Pharma. The Expose  has the story. Over 150 Bilderbergers (of the 1,861 who are still alive) have played important parts in the Covid-19 event. Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page attempts to name and shame them and reveal the roles they   have played . Bilderberg/2021 by Wikispooks Bilderberg_2021-Wikispooks Download Index for Wikispooks’ page It is unknown whether a 2021 Bilderberg Meeting was held; the group’s website stated that it “had to be cancelled, due to travel and meeting restrictions.” [1]  Of the 1861 living Bi...