Satan has been defeated and now his minions are being rounded up By Benjamin Fulford November 20, 2023 358 Comments Something fundamental has happened at the highest levels of world power. Satan -as in an ancient cult of human slavers- has been defeated and now a mopping-up operation is underway. The signs are everywhere. First, though, let us look at what has been defeated. When Asian secret societies first approached me in 2006 they gave me the following hand-drawn chart of their power structure (sorry about the coffee stains). At the top is the star of Satan (misleadingly called the Star of David) and directly underneath you find Switzerland and the Federal Reserve Board. The Babylonian god-king at the top of this structure was David Rockefeller. Under his direct control, you see Japan, Mexico, Canada, Africa, America, Iran, Greece, England, Russia and Mongolia. On the left side, you see Queen Elizabeth and the European Commission (now the EU). Beneath her, you find the C...