1 Plus 1 Is No longer 2
1 Plus 1 Is No longer 2 Saturday, December 30, 2023 1 Plus 1 Is No longer 2…. or so it seems in schools now a days. Education has become indoctrination. This madness is happening in schools in the UK and beyond. Why adhere to 1+1=2 when it can be 3? Or 4 or a unicorn with an elephant’s trunk? I repeat and publish again this online petition to challenge the sexualisation of children in the county of Norfolk, England: https://citizengo.org/en-gb/212254-norfolk-county-council-withdraw-your-sexually-explicit-radical-transgender-rshe-programme Quote: ‘Norfolk’s RSE programme teaches 7-year-old children that they are only born “like a boy”, or “like a girl”, and that they need to choose their gender from options including “boy, girl, and not sure”. 8-year-olds are taught that we live in a “heteronormative” world, but they can be “Pangender”, “Transgender”, and “Cisgender”, amongst others. The term “heterosexual” is not included as an option for sexual preference, giving children, in con...