
Showing posts from September, 2014

EBOLA’S Here… So what’s Next

EBOLA CONFIRMED IN DALLAS Patient isolated as virus hits the U.S. Image Credits: Sebástian Freire / Flickr (Medical workers) by INFOWARS.COM | SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed the first U.S. Ebola diagnosis Tuesday after examining a patient in Dallas, Texas. The patient, who recently spent time in West Africa according to health officials, has been in isolation at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital since at least the 29th of this month. CDC officials will hold a press conference to discuss further details at 4:30 p.m. CST. Infowars was unable to reach the CDC for comment. The announcement comes only days after a top German virologist asserted that five million people would die in Ebola-infected nations within Africa. Despite recent attempts to reassure the public, the United States government has quietly been preparing for an Ebola outbreak for months. Just this week, the CDC began advising funeral homes on how to handle the remains...


CDC WARNS FUNERAL HOMES IN U.S. TO PREPARE FOR EBOLA VICTIMS Recommendations caution workers not to embalm corpses by PAUL JOSEPH WATSON | SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 The Centers for Disease Control is advising funeral homes in the United States on how to handle the remains of Ebola victims, although officials are keen to stress that the development is not a cause for alarm. A three page list of recommendations instructs funeral workers to wear protective gear while handling Ebola victims, as well as warning them not to carry out autopsies or to embalm corpses. “If the outbreak of the potentially deadly virus is in West Africa, why are funeral homes in America being given guidelines?” asks . Last night it was revealed that a Dallas hospital is holding a potential Ebola victim in “strict isolation” after the patient was admitted based on symptoms and “recent travel history.” Alysia English, Executive Director of the Georgia Funeral Directors Association, dismissed suggestions ...

Washington’s Web of Lies and Deception

Washington’s Secret Agendas The public continues to fall for the lies by Paul Craig Roberts | | September 29, 2014 One might think that by now even Americans would have caught on to the constant stream of false alarms that Washington sounds in order to deceive the Washington people into supporting its hidden agendas. The public fell for the lie that the Taliban in Afghanistan are terrorists allied with al Qaeda. Americans fought a war for 13 years that enriched Dick Cheney’s firm, Halliburton, and other private interests only to end in another Washington failure. The public fell for the lie that Saddam Hussein in Iraq had “weapons of mass destruction” that were a threat to America and that if the US did not invade Iraq Americans risked a “mushroom cloud going up over an American city.” With the rise of ISIS, this long war apparently is far from over. Billions of dollars more in profits will pour into the coffers of the US military security complex as Washington figh...

Planet X Puzzle September 2014

Planet X Puzzle Sep 18, 2014 In this article we will look at different news topics happening at the time, and try give the reader a big picture of what is happening at the current time. Many mainstream media outlets will show you a small part of the picture but will never show you the big picture and how it could relate to planet x . Ebola What better way to bring in worldwide martial law given announcement of a rogue planet traveling through our solar system? This would not require you to have police and military on the streets, as people would not leave their homes if the ebola situation continues to worsen, which it is doing at the time. The latest headline shows a 48-year-old volunteer who is receiving the ebola vaccine, as the second human trial. Another news headline reads that congress is worried ebola could hit the United States and become more contagious. link1 | link2 What is interesting about this entire situati...