Planet X Puzzle September 2014

Planet X Puzzle

Sep 18, 2014

In this article we will look at different news topics happening at the time, and try give the reader a big picture of what is happening at the current time. Many mainstream media outlets will show you a small part of the picture but will never show you the big picture and how it could relate to planet x.



What better way to bring in worldwide martial law given announcement of a rogue planet traveling through our solar system? This would not require you to have police and military on the streets, as people would not leave their homes if the ebola situation continues to worsen, which it is doing at the time.


The latest headline shows a 48-year-old volunteer who is receiving the ebola vaccine, as the second human trial. Another news headline reads that congress is worried ebola could hit the United States and become more contagious.

link1 | link2

What is interesting about this entire situation is that immediately after the first ebola cases were starting to be reported this was a global emergency. Almost as if this entire event was planned right out of the gate. Now we have the associated press stating that ebola cases could double every three weeks, which is not good at all.

In our opinion this situation is being used in two parts, 1. A mega distraction from the increasing earth changes and nearby presence of planet x 2. To push vaccinations on the populations of the world, which are known to give people problems.

Distractions & Isis


When watching a recent CNN broadcast we noticed the emphasis being placed on ISIS and the long segments of the news being focused on the threat. Even though there are a host of many things happening at the current time.

As planet x becomes more visible in the coming months more distractions will take place, such as the recent comments from Joan Rivers about Michelle Obama being a transvestite, and Obama being gay.

There are a long list of other distractions which have been played out in recent years, such as the revealing of the illuminati, and a host of other conspiracy facts, that have now come to light. What better way to get the public attention on these issues as an in-bound rogue planet enters into our solar system.



Suddenly we have a press secretary by the name of Rachel MacGregor who suddenly resigns. The navy removed three top commanding officers on a ship called the “destroyer” while out at sea. It is interesting to note the name of the ship, which is similar to the Egyptian “destroyer” planet x aka nibiru.

On top of the strange resignations as of late, we have witnessed the militarization of the police departments in some areas of the United States and across the globe. We have also witnessed the increase in hints of something yet to come, with a recent article out of NBC news saying to “Expect more 9.0 earthquakes”(read more).

And of course just recently the president announces September 2014 as National Preparedness Month?!  It is clear something big is on the horizon and those in the know, continue to make their plans.

Long Sunset & Red Skies

2014-06-17 19.50.44

The longer than normal sunsets are now apparent, as one day we witnessed light beams coming from the sky, and the sun has already dropped below the horizon line. This visual display is 100% evidence of an in-bound sun that soon the entire world will start pointing at and talking about, as the cover up is about to be blown wide open.

The red skies are now on the rise, and sky even has a hint of gray, as the red iron oxide tail of planet is being reflected by the sun. Watch for increased visibility this October in the western sky near sunset time. Take note, there are other people in other countries now seeing planet x at the moment.

Indo-Australian Plate Activity


The plate housing Indonesia is currently in the process of breaking up, with volcanic activity now taking place at the Mayon volcano as 12,000 people have now been evacuated. The Rabaul volcano is also generating an ash plume, and disrupting flights in the nearby area.

Of course these aren’t the only active volcanoes mount Slamet is currently spewing lava and gas during its eruption seen from the Pandasari village in Brebes.

In this same region we all witnessed a magnitude 7.1 earthquake downgraded to a magnitude 6.7 earthquake which took place in nearby Guam.  This was in the earthquake watch window which we posted previously on our website, due to the magnetic compression taking place over the past weekend.

This magnetic compression is continuing and is lasting for a long period, expect another strong earthquake in another part of the world. This key area in Indonesia will be an ongoing area to watch, as once the pressure is released from the planet x passage, expect major adjustments to occur.

Planet X

map of the world


To prepare for planet x, getting to higher elevation and leaving coastal areas is a smart idea, as the oceans will be sloshing back and forth during the time of passage. 200 – 1,000 feet above sea level is ideal, and in-land is also an ideal.

You need to know what is your current sea level so you can get to a higher ground. Here is a link below that will helping in figuring all of this out now below:

Start on the top center of that link, and you will find out everything that you need to do to survive the pole shift, and on our planet x research page we have part b of the presentation which goes over survival tips.

A recent experience has shown us that the sun is generating skin biting neutrinos, as we witnessed yesterday. Planet x is heating up the sun, causing the whitish color and many people experiencing the burning effects on their skin.


hard to see

Planet X - Nibiru

“The Worst of the Cover-Up”


What does it take to mask the truth of a passing planet that bores through the inner solar system every few thousand years, leaving unbridled destruction in its wake?  What lengths are required to deny and distort the plethora of evidence that proves this planet has returned and is poised to inflict yet another devastating passage?

The most blatant lies of omission and commission are presented here to demonstrate just how pervasively the existence of Planet X has been systematically obfuscated and categorically denied by an intractable cover-up.

Bird Deaths

Providing highly improbable explanations for the increasing incidents of mysterious bird deaths around the world, the cover-up has succeeded only in eroding the public's trust of any "official causes" relayed to them through the media.

"Birds are sensitive to methane gas, which when released from the air floats upward as it is lighter than air. Thus, unless humans are around to smell the distinctive scent of methane gas, they would be unware of the release of this gas due to stretched rock beneath their feet. The birds, however, are in the path of this rising cloud, and die or become disabled enough to drop. Canaries were formerly used in coal mines for this reason. If they were singing, there was no methane about, but if they dropped over then the miners had their clue to leave the mine shaft quickly!"

ZetaTalk: GLP Live - March 13, 2010

Sampling of Incidents Since 2011

4,000 Blackbird Deaths in Arkansas Attributed to Midair Collisions (Jan 1, 2011)

500 Dead Blackbirds and Starlings Found Dead in Louisiana (Jan 3, 2011)

200 Starlings Found Dead in South Dakota (Jan 18, 2011)

50 Dead Birds Fall From Sky in Kansas (Apr 7, 2011)

Hundreds of Dead Birds in Oklahoma Likely Died From Hypothermia (Aug 11, 2011)

6,000 Dead Waterfowl Wash Ashore at Ontario Lake (Oct 24, 2011)

50 Dead Starlings in New Mexico Likely Flew Into Passing Vehicle (Dec 10, 2011)

Hundreds of Dead Blackbirds in Arkansas Likely Startled by Fireworks (Jan 1, 2012)

Hundreds of Dead Birds Found in Maryland Likely Flew Into Power Lines (Feb 15, 2012)

Thousands of Dead Birds in New Jersey Killed By Pesticide (Aug 14, 2012)

Dozens of Dead Starlings Fall From Sky in Tennessee (Dec 31, 2012)

Dead Birds Fall 'Like Raindrops' in Winnipeg (Aug 7, 2013)

Dozens of Blackbirds Found Dead Along Virginia Road (Dec 12, 2013)

Hundreds of Birds Found Dead Along I-35W in Texas (Jan 23, 2014)

Birds Fall Dead From the Sky in Oklahoma (April 3, 2014)

Three Incidents of Mass Bird Deaths in Pennsylvania in One Night (July 27, 2014)



Unexplained booms are being reported with increasing frequency, alarming local residents who have grown incredulous of the many implausible explanations provided by the authorities.  By randomly attributing this widespread phenomena to mining activity, military training, ordnance disposal, sonic booms, fireworks, tannerite and even cryoseisms, the cover-up has again portrayed their desperation in hiding the truth of Planet X from the common man.

"Booms are caused by one of several phenomena, all related to plate stress and adjustment. One result is that due to an adjustments elsewhere a ripple travels through the land, the type of ripple that many report seeing during an earthquake. Close to the epicenter of an earthquake, such ripples are waves of land (above or below the waves). The troughs are deep, the crests high, and land is seen rumpling up many feet into the air and traveling during earthquakes, a horrifying view. The farther from the epicenter the more spread out the waves, so the crests and troughs are slight and the waves have a long distance from each other. This causes one type of boom, where a dropping or heaving ground causes the air above to clap as it rushes to fill a void. Clapping air is of course what causes thunder claps, but there the void is caused by superheated air from a lightning flash.

"Another result of adjustments elsewhere causing a boom is in the stretch zone. Land sinks because the rock supports underneath have pulled apart, and boom, the air claps. This can be land pulling apart under water too, causing the same phenomena of clapping air in the air over the water. The boom is occurring over where the land has dropped, which might relate to your safety nearby. If you are in the stretch zone, such stretch zone results as sinkholes or dropping bridges that pulled out of their moorings or meandering rivers choosing a new and lower path through the land nearby can occur. Yet another cause of booms is snapping rock. If the rock is heaving, trying to lift one section of a strata so that is has little support beneath it, then this rock strata can snap. This can also occur where compression or mountain building is occurring. Just look at that jutting rock. Something caused it to snap and jut!" ZetaTalk: December 11, 2010

Documented Incidents

Strange Sounds, Earthquake Lights

Mystery Booms Heard Across the U.S.

Frost Quakes: Dissecting the Lie



Many have observed the deployment of airborne chemicals by high-altitude aircraft, conspicuously criss-crossing the sky and creating a diffusing haze around the Sun.  While the uninitiated may attribute such displays to be innocuous contrails, such blatant attempts to mask the increasing visibility of Planet X and its components around the Sun will ultimately fail and be remembered for the atrocities for which they were originally intended.

"We have mentioned that chemtrails originally had the purpose of testing how well humans in the flight path could resist various microbes and chemicals that would sicken them. The point was to delay them as they attempted to migrate toward enclaves of the wealthy, for instance, to sicken those leaving LA and trying to reach Utah. Behind these tests was a more sinister purpose, to poison and kill the migrants. When the US military discovered the plan, being openly discussed at times in the back rooms of the White House, they rebelled and refused to have any part of chemtrail activity in the future. Where the campaign was being conducted by the wealthy, their plan was to use the US military when the time came, and without the cooperation of the US military, this plan could not succeed. Thereafter, chemtrails were used to fog up the view of Planet X. In some cases, tests were done to determine where the drift would go, where the chemtrails were pushed by the prevailing westerlies. Since sunrise and sunset are the danger times when Planet X might be sighted, these are the main fogging target times." ZetaTalk: Chemtrails

See also:


ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 129, April 19, 2009

ZetaTalk: September 25, 2010

ZetaTalk: February 12, 2011


Crop Circles

For untold millennia, crop circles have been provided to warn the inhabitants of Earth of the periodic passage of Planet X, aka Nibiru, and it's entourage of moons and debris. Hundreds of these spectacular portrayals have been splayed across vast fields of wheat, barley and grass in recent years, each containing a specific message pertaining to the approaching Pole Shift and Transformation. The Cover-up has responded to these stunning alien displays with sloppy and unmistakable crop circle hoaxes, along with defacing authentic crop circles. While the reporting of genuine crop circles has decreased since 2012, the Circle Makers continue to articulate their warnings to the subconscious of mankind through this highly evolved means of communication regardless of the Cover-up's endless attempts to confuse the common man.

"Humans have always stood in awe of crop circles as you can be assured this is not the first era where they have been prevalent. They speak to the subconscious, which sees the patterns and senses their meaning, and the conscious hasn't a clue. What is their meaning?

"Crop Circles are telling you, in a universal language, of coming events, and we are speaking here not only of physical events, such as the pending pole shift, but spiritual as well. In the past these simple but eloquent messages were left, with increasing frequency and urgency, leading up to the shift.

"This time, because of the Transformation, there is more than one message to relay."

ZetaTalk: Crop Circles - July 15, 1995

See also:

Crop Circles Part 1

Crop Circles Part 2

Crop Circles Part 3



Smoke trail of fireball that exploded over Russia on February 15, 2013 injuring 1200 and damaging thousands of buildings.

The Zetas have long predicted Earth's atmosphere would be assaulted by debris in the years preceding the passage of Planet X.  NASA has offered various flaccid explanations, from meteor showers to asteroid swarms to rogue Near Earth Objects, all of which fail to account for the increasing incidence of fireballs exploding in Earth's atmosphere.  Now that such incidents are being reported on nearly a daily basis, media coverage has grown sparse  - yet another accurate Zeta prediction.

"Meteor and space trash activity will increase, going into the passage, far ahead of the actual passage itself. This trash is unsettled and plunges into the Earth's atmosphere. There will be increasing activity of this nature - larger meteors, more than just dramatic fireballs or green streaks. There will be more dramatic shows, but at the same time less talk of it in the media." ZetaTalk: Space Trash

Documented Incidents: Fireballs on the Rise

See also:

ZetaTalk: Asteroid Threat

ZetaTalk: Deflecting Asteroids


Fish Kills

The release of methane trapped between shifting rock layers under lakes, rivers and coastal waterways has resulted in incalculable numbers of dead fish across the globe in recent years.  With fish mortalities now being measured by the ton on nearly every continent, such unprecedented carnage is nevertheless attributed to ordinary phenomena such as red tide and seasonal die-off, as well as overcrowding and unsuitable water temperatures.  While the cause of death in nearly all reports is hypoxia: lack of oxygen, the fact that methane will convert oxygen to carbon dioxide is never mentioned.

"Methane is known to cause bird dead, and as methane rises when released during Earth shifting, will float upward through the flocks of birds above. But can this be the cause of dead fish? If birds are more sensitive than humans to methane release, fish are likewise sensitive to changes in the water, as anyone with an aquarium will attest. Those schools of fish caught in rising methane bubbles during sifting of rock layers beneath them will inevitably be affected. Fish cannot, for instance, hold their breath until the emergency passes!" ZetaTalk: Dead Birds and Fish

Documented Incidents:

Animal Behavior, Methane Poisoning



The dramatic rise in earthquakes since 2003 is perhaps the most telling indication when Planet X arrived in the inner solar system, asserting its dominant magnetic influence upon the Earth.  The increase of devastating quakes and tsunamis in recent years has been self-evident, yet all official reporting agencies vigorously refute any such claim.  Under strict orders to conceal all evidence supporting the existence of Planet X, USGS has engaged in a campaign of lies and disinformation second only to NASA.  Not only has USGS manipulated quake data by consistently downgrading quake magnitudes and removing quakes from their database, significant quakes occurring in uninhabited regions frequently go unreported.  For years, live seismographs were continuously recalibrated to dampen sensitivity until finally all GSN and ANSS Backbone heliplots were rendered unavailable for 5 months between August 2013 and January 2014.  Lastly, by issuing the ludicrous claims that increased seismic activity is the result of fracking and global warming, the cover-up has indicted themselves before a global audience that will demand swift justice for being so egregiously misled.

"Greater than 90% of the earthquake activity is being altered by the USGS at present, which is under orders to prevent any clue being given to the public about the Earth changes caused by the presence of Planet X. Over a decade ago, the approach was to de-sensitize the live seismographs periodically, so the displays do not turn black worldwide. Then any quakes that could be dropped were dropped. This was obvious to some who were watching the database manipulation. Quakes in the list would suddenly disappear. This was particularly the case where a quake happened in a remote location, or out in the ocean. Dumbing down the magnitude quickly followed, but in order to ensure the public did not notice, the USGS took control of all websites reporting quake statistics. At times, this control breaks, and discrepancies are reported to the public." ZetaTalk: August 7, 2010

"Fracking has been a process used extensively for decades, since 1903 within the US alone. If fracking caused earthquakes, has this just been noticed? This is clearly an excuse for the increase in earthquakes, one of many the establishment will latch onto as earthquake frequency increases and earthquakes occur in unusual places. Earthquakes are caused by an adjustment in the entire rock strata, over a wide and deep area. The epicenter is merely the point where the adjustment, or movement, is greatest. The pressure that caused that adjustment spreads for hundreds of miles, in all directions. Fracking cannot accomplish this." ZetaTalk: December 17, 2011

Documented Incidents:

Earthquakes Worldwide

The New Earthquake Country

See also:

ZetaTalk: Quickening Quakes

ZetaTalk Newsletter Issue 254, August 14, 2011

Dropped Quakes


Earth Weather

The meteorological impact on a planet whose axis of rotation is increasingly perturbed by the steady approach of a stronger magnetic presence has been comprehensively detailed by the Zetas.  Long before the current weather extremes manifested, the Zetas predicted the wobble's effect on Earth's weather: a steady increase in violent storms of historic magnitude; record-smashing temperature extremes of hot and cold; alternating cycles of drought and deluge, culminating with a blending of the seasons - all of which is now occurring with unmistakable fruition.  While those tasked with reporting the weather are coerced to provide false assurances that nothing is amiss, the untold millions whose lives have been upended by this global onslaught have proven otherwise.  Unable to produce a satisfactory explanation to account for the myriad of unprecedented weather anomalies, the cover-up cowers behind their exposed contrivance otherwise known as global warming.

"The media had been told for years that any discussion of a planet next to the Sun, in the inner solar system, was verboten, forbidden. Weatherman were told not to mention broken records continuously, although on occasion this would be allowed or the public would be suspicious. The Earth wobble was also strictly forbidden as a topic, despite the Sun and Moon being out of position regularly."

"Global Warming is forever enmeshed in scandal, where the UN and their scientists discarded data and cherry-picked only that which confirmed the theory. Global Warming was likewise proclaimed to be following computer models, which quickly became irrelevant as the melting ice and permafrost outran the models. None of these theories which supposedly “explain” the current weather address the Earth wobble, which is about to announce itself in undeniable terms to the public." ZetaTalk: May 5, 2012

Documented Incidents: Wild Weather, the Wobble Effect

See also:

ZetaTalk: Heralding

ZetaTalk: Earth Wobble

ZetaTalk: Drunken Lurch

ZetaTalk: Weather Wobble

ZetaTalk: July 17, 2010

ZetaTalk: December 31, 2011

ZetaTalk: April 6, 2013

Earth Wobble Evident in Alaska



How better to validate the approach of a rogue magnetic planet than observe its effect on Earth's magnetosphere?  The NICT simulator provided real-time visualizations of Earth's magnetosphere for nearly a decade until it was abruptly terminated in 2012.  Not a surprising move by the cover-up, given how vividly MagSim portrayed a progressive magnetic onslaught from Planet X that could not be blamed on the Sun.  While other sources of real-time data have confirmed the deformations of Earth's magnetosphere is worsening, the availability of such data is becoming increasingly sporadic.  Relying upon thinly-veiled lies of omission, the cover-up continues to incriminate itself like a wanton criminal impervious to prosecution.

"Any plot of a magnetosphere will show output from the N Pole, regardless of what activity might be ongoing at the S Pole. Magnetons flow out from the N Pole, circle round, and return at the S Pole. What would cause the Earth's magnetosphere to temporarily show only an outbound stream (blue lines), and this almost entirely turned quickly in space toward the direction of the Earth's magnetic S Pole rather than arching out into space before returning, but then bypassing the Earth's S Pole? It is as though the magnetons are diverted away from returning to the Earth's S Pole, and this is what is occurring.

"We have stated that the N Pole of Planet X is increasingly pointing toward Earth, forcing the magnetic N Pole of Earth to push away during the daily Earth wobble that results. If this flow of magnetons from Planet X is strong enough, the magnetons flowing out the Earth's N Pole cannot fight the push in order to return to the Earth's S Pole. In this case, they join the larger field temporarily formed by Planet X and the Earth, which are attempting to form an end-to-end magnet at this point, and return through the S Pole of Planet X! " ZetaTalk: Severe Wobble

Documented Incidents

Magnetosphere Deformations and Earth Wobble Effects

Real Time Magnetosphere Data – Reading Between the Lines

Cover-up Games: Magnetosphere Data Hide and Seek

Magnetosphere Turbulence

Manic Magnetosphere, Silent Sun

Mangled Magnetosphere

Magnetosphere / SOHO Images


Shifting Earth

Another Zeta prediction that has inexorably seen fruition is the dramatic rise in incidents involving shifting Earth. From the sinking of plate borders to a global sinkhole pandemic; from massive landslides and gaping land cracks to the incessant collapse of infrastructure - gas lines, water mains, bridges, buildings, railways and roadways; an escalating trend of undeniable veracity has emerged.  Endlessly blaming the weather - an intentional misdiagnosis that asserts a symptom to be at cause, the cover-up has neglected to address the pathology of flash mob rage that will relentlessly be visited upon their enclaves.

"Confused investigators look for reasons for disasters that have their etiology in Earth quietly pulled apart, rock flakes pulled away, rather than pressed together, so that no quakes occur. The stretch zone is that sinking feeling, where support weakens, the ground sinks, and silently so. Thus gas and water mains explode, because the ground under them shifts, factories or refineries with gas line joints firmly sealed explode as these joints are pulled apart, and bridges fall as their mooring lose their firm footing." ZetaTalk: Stretch Zone

Documented Incidents



Mudslides - Pacific Northwest U.S.

Landslides - Southeastern U.S.

Crumbling Earth - United Kingdom

Landslips - United Kingdom

Building and Roadway Collapse

Train Derailments

Bridge and Tunnel Collapse

Gas Explosions

Water Main Breaks

Dams at Risk

See also:

ZetaTalk: North American Rip

Pakistan Sinking

Sinking Admissions



Planet X and its entourage of Moon Swirls have extensively been recorded by the SOHO and STEREO observatories since Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003.  Due to the ever-increasing appearance of these unexplained artifacts in LASCO and STEREO images, NASA resorted to prolonged service interruptions and even image editing, only to have such feeble manipulations exposed.  Overrun by a daily barrage of unwanted anomalies, it now appears only the most conspicuous portrayals of the Planet X complex are removed.

"We have addressed the pathetic editing by NASA when Planet X components show up on their SOHO or Stereo images, and the divided loyalties among those employed to fool the public. Deliberate attempts to insert the Planet X components on older images prior to 2003 also were obvious." ZetaTalk April 14, 2012

As the official admission that Planet X resides in the inner solar system approached in late June 2014, NASA announced that all instruments on both the Stereo Ahead and Behind spacecraft would soon be deactivated.  The Zetas explain why:

"The announcement about down time on the Stereo satellites is very revealing. As Nancy has pointed out, the Planet X complex has appeared, caught between the Ahead and Behind satellites, on more than one occasion.  As with the SOHO images, editing out any evidence of the Planet X complex occurs. But a public alerted to the presence of Planet X slightly retrograde to the Earth will attempt to use the Stereo images to confirm what they have been told. They will want to see for themselves, just how big, how bright, how close the complex is to the Earth. Certainly the Ahead satellite has a better view of this area, thus it is being closed down first.

"After the announcement, many in the public would rush to examine the Ahead images and find that the Planet X complex is simply not there. Of course, it has been brushed out of the released images for years. This practice would start to be questioned, with the public realizing that NASA was complying with Reagan’s National Security edict, but wanting the REAL images now. NASA does not intend to give the public real data, as suppressing panic is still part of the establishment’s agenda.  Is NASA saying the announcement, or portions of it, will not occur before July 6? They are saying that NASA’s portion of the announcement process would not occur before that date.  Once NASA has confessed, doctoring is supposed to STOP.

"A second concern is the halted Earth orbit. This fact is considered so radical that NASA and others have determined that admitting it would confuse the public, and make them think the whole announcement admitting the presence of Nibiru is a hoax, a game. Thus, beyond stating that the Earth’s orbit and rotation have “irregularities”, such as the Earth wobble, they will not admit a halted orbit. But Stereo cams that are supposed to be looking directly AT the Earth will soon show this to be the case. The Earth will be missing. To avoid closer scrutiny, expected to occur after the announcement, they are simply taking public access to Stereo images offline, and they will never come back on." ZetaTalk: July 5, 2014

Documented Incidents: SOHO / STEREO Captures

ZetaTalk: NASA's Movies

Winged Globe/Nibiru/Moon Swirls on SOHO


Tsunami Buoys

DART tsunami buoys located along seismically active regions worldwide have indicated significant displacements of the ocean bottom near tectonic plate borders.  Equipped to record rapid changes in ocean depth, the DART system has portrayed dramatic plate undulations that have consistently aligned with the Zetas' 7 of 10 predictions.  Pressed with escalating evidence confirming undersea plates are heaving in response to the approach of Planet X, the cover-up responded predictably with omissive tactics: an abrupt and enduring absence of undersea seismic event reporting; the steady deactivation of buoys with a history of recording the most frequent and demonstrable events; a prolific omission of data from the handful of buoys not permanently deactivated; and even the murder of a buoy technician intent on publicizing the truth.  In this, the cover-up has shamelessly confessed their utter disdain for the common man and indifference to the coming perils facing humanity.

"Buoys have proven to be an embarrassment, in that they show the ocean floor rising or falling, and in accordance with our predictions. The death of a Malay buoy maintenance man recently, to silence him, was considered a red flag, so buoys are not being taken out of service when they are flagging plate movement. Being taken out of service does not mean they are no longer operational, it simply means the public cannot be privy to the information. One can read past the outages to see where plate movement is occurring, thus. Just look for the newly deactivated buoys, and draw your own conclusions!" ZetaTalk: November 24, 2012

Documented Incidents:

Evidence of Indo-Australian Plate Tilting

Earthquakes Worldwide

2012 Sumatra Quake & Tsunami



The explosive rise in volcanic activity has been undeniable, with both active and long-dormant volcanoes  erupting in a global chorus of surging molten lava and skyward ash plumes.  Magma under increasing pressure from a roiling core and worsening wobble has announced the return of Planet X through a growing crescendo of bellowing volcanoes.  Yet another prophetic Zeta prediction that cannot be obscured from public view, only minimized in the media and blamed on global warming.


"There are many aspects of the slow magnetic dance between the Earth and Planet X since it arrived in the vicinity in 2003. One, mentioned early in the body of ZetaTalk, was the increased roiling of the core of the Earth, such that swirling magma heats up the crust of the Earth and presses into volcanic outlets. There are more active volcanoes now than in the memory of man." ZetaTalk: May 31, 2008


Documented Incidents: Volcano Watch



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