Or is It SICKER than SICK

The Fake “21 Coptic Christians Beheading” Video – Part 1: Timing

Thursday, February 19, 2015 5:18

(Before It's News)

by Scott Creighton

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke

When 21 laborers in America die because the Obama administration has cut funding to OSHA to the point where they only have one guy to check on 50,000 job sites (yes, it’s an exaggeration, slightly), neoliberal talking heads like Bill O’Reilly get hard-ones and they call it “freedom”. Or when 21 laborers anywhere die because they can’t afford things like medicine even though they are working 50 hours a week (not an exaggeration), neoliberals like Bill start salivating at the thought of all that glorious “growth”

That’s because, as we all know by now, “Freedom” to the members of the neoliberal Washington Consensus (neocons, New Dems, (big “L”) Libertarians) means “freedom from New Deal social and economic justice reforms… and “Growth” simply means “the growth of the billionaire class’ profit margins”

So imagine my shock and awe when I heard Bill O’Reilly calling for a new “Holy War”, a new Crusades if you will, over the poorly produced video of the deaths of 21 Coptic Christian laborers in Libya at the hands of the fictitious “ISIS™”

“The Holy War is here and, unfortunately, it seems the president of the United States will be the last one to acknowledge it…I’m gonna also make a call …for every cleric in the country next Sunday, Saturday, Friday in the mosques, with the imams, to address this with their congregation and to say enough, that we people of good faith have to tell our leader to get in gear. I’d like to see every cleric in this country do that. …Let’s make that happen. And I want every pastor, every priest, every rabbi and every imam to email me personally and tell me you’re gonna do that and I’ll read as many on the air as I can.” Bill O’Reilly

Simultaneously, fake progressive sites like the Huffington Post are producing equally sophomoric propaganda pieces in support of Obama’s endless war of aggression in lock-step with those of the O’Reilly faction. Thus the true nature of the Washington Consensus becomes easier to see.

Let’s break this down just a tiny bit if we could on a few of the most basic elements of this event starting with:

Part 1: Timing

We’ll start off by saying, once again, “ISIS™” has horrible timing for “ISIS™”, but great timing for those dedicated to the endless global war against “ISIS™”

It’s almost become a cliché that every time one of our leaders or a leader of one of our allies needs a good pretext in order to justify their attacking someone somewhere for dubious causes, “ISIS™” ends up producing a video that does just that. France, Japan, Australia, Canada, Jordan… these are just a few examples where “ISIS™” happily provided ridiculously crafted propaganda videos just in time for the leaders of these countries to stand-up and join Obama’s Coalition of the Willing and drop bombs on “ISIS™”

Egypt, under the control of Obama’s favorite Dictator of the Month, al-Sisi, has now joined that infamous list as they bomb “ISIS™” in “retaliatory” strikes for the alleged killing of 21 laborers in Libya that al-Sisi himself wouldn’t have spit on if they were on fire in Egypt.

Heck, al-Sisi himself order the killing of over 1,400 Egyptians when he ran his illegal coup in order to remove the democratically elected president of the country and has overseen the execution of countless others for simply belonging to a popular political party since then.

So, do you really think he gives a crap about 21 laborers who had to go all the way to Libya to find a job?

Now al-Sisi has done his master’s bidding (yes, Obama and John Kerry put al-Sisi in place after the elected president of Egypt refused to sign a new deal with the IMF) and put before the UNSC a request to allow him to bomb the crap out of civilian population centers in Libya, just like Obama did way back when. All on behalf of those Coptic Christians al-Sisi loved so much. He hasn’t waited for that approval mind you, he’s been bombing since Sunday.

And if you think that bit of timing is suspect, try this on for size:

Then comes the “BAM!”

And as a result:

Yes. Once again “ISIS™” has conveniently provided the Obama administration all the justification it needed to push through an endless war of aggression anywhere and everywhere in the world, just at the time when they needed it most.

It’s almost like the anthrax attack in that regard isn’t it? But of course, we aren’t supposed to mention the anthrax attacks anymore now that it turns out it was perpetrated by American interests from American anthrax facilities and not “radicalized Muslims” or Saddam Hussein, like were were told at the time.

Bill O’Reilly pretends to oppose the Obama administration on this one. He claims that he want’s religious leaders to call out to their congregations to promote endless wars of aggression fought anywhere at anytime “in spite of” Obama’s reluctance to do so.

And yet, as we can all clearly see, what O’Reilly is actually calling for is exactly the same thing that Obama had requested and was in danger of losing in a republican controlled House and Senate.

That’s an example of that I mean when I write about the neoliberal Washington Consensus (neocons, New Dems, (big “L”) Libertarians): it’s the appearance of conflict masking a rather dark complicity, a uniformity of ideology that goes way past anyone’s standard understanding of “left verses right” kabuki theater that has become the American political system.

Years ago, when thinking researchers and responsible journalists were trying to expose the bullshit lies George W Bush was trying to use to justify a war against Iraq, Bill O’Reilly told Americas if they couldn’t support the president at a time of war, then they should just “shut up”

Today he is essentially doing the same thing, only he can’t come out and say it since he makes his bread and butter pretending to oppose the man at every turn.

Were this to be the only example of a terrorist act taking place at a time most convenient for this administration or it’s many predecessors, then I would be inclined to give it the benefit of the doubt. But it is not.

False flag terrorism has been a tool used by leaders of this country far too often over the course of the past 100 years with it’s frequency of use becoming almost commonplace in the last decade and a half and it will continue on that rising trend until the people come to recognize it as quickly as they sniff out a faith-healing charlatan, a snake oil salesman or a traveling rainmaker from days gone by.

Do you remember faith healers on TV telling their audience members, mainly lonely elderly people living on Social Security, that if they sent them a donation they would “heal” them over the airwaves and put a word in to God himself to make sure they got a first class seat on the Greyhound to the Pearly Gates?

That’s what I thought of when I saw Bill O’Reilly telling pastors, rabbis and priests to send him an email explaining their plans to push Obama’s endless war of terror on their congregations.

“And I want every pastor, every priest, every rabbi and every imam to email me personally and tell me you’re gonna do that and I’ll read as many on the air as I can.” Bill O’Reilly

Do you think there is a financial incentive to have Bill O’Reilly give you and your religious not-for-profit scam a ringing endorsement live on Fox News? Of course there is. Attendance on Sunday’s would flourish and the tithes would roll in like a blessing from God himself.

And all they would have to do is promote the exact opposite of more than one of those 10 commandments everyone seems so enamored with starting with “Thou shalt not kill”.

When we see some sleazy dirt-bag preaching late night spots on public access pleading for money in exchange for long distance healing, we immediately recognize him for what he is and vote with our checkbooks accordingly. So why not Bill?

And by the same token, when we see that Obama was getting some flack about his demand for more war all the time everywhere and suddenly -POOF- there is another “ISIS™” commercial custom made to provide him with all the support he needs for that endeavor, why can’t more of us understand that chances are, it’s not a coincidence?

Don’t get lost in the ease and comfort of righteousness. Things like the Crusades and work-camps undoubtedly follow from that course of action.  There is a religious aspect to all of this. One that deserves a call to action. But it is vastly different than the message being sent by the likes of Bill O’Reilly. All you have to do is see the world with better eyes than he gives you credit for. All you have to do is speak with more courageous voices than he is willing to hear.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Edmund Burke


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