September 2015

September 2015

Monday, August 10, 2015 11:59

(Before It's News)

Image result for pictures of september 2015
By Daymond Duck

There have been several good articles, pro and con, about upcoming events to watch for in Sept. 2015 (blood moons, Sabbatical year, Shemitah, etc.). To be honest, when these good articles came out I just skimmed over many of them. But I now realize that the list of things to watch for in Sept. 2015 has surpassed my ability to keep up with all of it.

So here is a list I made for myself. It is not my purpose to comment on the relevance of any of these things. But it is my purpose to have a calendar of events that I can refer to. Also, understand that because a Jewish day ends at sundown (not 12 p.m.) and because there are questions about the accuracy of the Jewish calendar some of what is being reported could be wrong.

Sept. 9: The date the Jewish Sanhedrin plans to put Pres. Obama on trial on Mt. Zion for promoting genocide of the Jewish people with the P5 +1 agreement with Iran over that nation’s nuclear weapons program. Will this trial be worthless or will it accomplish anything?

Sept. 13: The end of the Sabbatical year (at sundown on Sept. 13) and the date that a highly respected ultra-Orthodox Jewish Rabbi named Chaim Kanievsky says Israel’s Messiah will arrive. Is he right or a false prophet?

Sept. 13: Congress has 60 days to vote on the P5 + 1 agreement with Iran (signed on July 14, 2015). If Congress takes a full 60 days, this vote could be on Sept. 13. Controversy surrounds this date because there are secret deals between the IAEA and Iran that Congress has not seen.

Sept. 13: The Shemitah year (also called a Sabbath year, or a Sabbatical year, or the seventh year of the agricultural cycle) ends at sundown on Sept. 13. It is associated with financial issues; debt forgiveness; economic problems; recession; declines in the Stock Market, etc. Jonathan Cahn says the U.S. or the world could have economic problems about this time.

Sept.13-15: Rosh Hashanah (also called the Jewish New Year or the Feast of Trumpets) begins at sundown on Sept. 13 and ends at sundown on Sept. 15. Some (not all) prophecy teachers believe the Rapture could occur at the end of Rosh Hashanah this year or next year or some year.

Sept.15: The purported military drill called Joint Assistance for Development and Execution (JADE) Homeland Eradication of Local Militants (HELM) is supposed to end. Will it? Will there be a JADE HELM 2016, 2017, etc.?

Sept.15: The 70th UN General Assembly will begin meeting. During this session (not necessarily on the 15th), France is expected to present a resolution to the UN Security Council to divide the Promised Land (Two-State Solution) and to force a peace treaty on Israel and the PA. If the UN does this, their decision will lead to the beginning of the Tribulation period and the battle of Armageddon.

Sept. 20: The Jewish Sanhedrin plans to put Pope Francis on trial on Mt. Zion for officially recognizing the existence of a Palestinian State on land that God gave to Israel. Will the outcome be recognized by God?

Sept. 22-23: Yom Kippur (also called the Day of Atonement or the Feast of Atonement) begins at sundown on Sept. 22. This will mark the beginning of the next year of Jubilee (the 50th year) which involves focus on God, the cancellation of debts, restoration of land to the original owners, etc. Will God focus on economic issues,Israel’s restoration to the land, etc.?

Sept. 23: Pope Francis is scheduled to visit the White House for discussions with Pres. Obama about their shared values on caring for the poor (wealth redistribution), religious freedom, immigration (elimination of borders), environmental issues (global warming), etc.

Sept. 24: Pope Francis is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress about world peace, religious values (probably a need for a world religion), caring for the poor, etc.

Sept. 25: Pope Francis is scheduled to address the UN. He wants to reduce the world’s population, regulate global climate change, establish a global constitution, establish a global court and establish a one-world government.

Sept. 25-27: The UN plans to hold a Sustainable Development Summit to expand the role of global governance (world government). They plan to discuss global economic issues, climate change, global education and gender equality. It is really a plan to control the life of everyone on earth.

Sept. 28: The Feast of Tabernacles and the fourth blood moon in the current Tetrad will take place on this date. Several major prophetic events have happened just before or just after other blood moon Tetrads. The Jewish Talmud (not the Bible) says blood moons are a sign of war in Israel. Several major end-of-the-age wars are mentioned in the Bible and some are prophecy teachers believe some or all of these could soon occur.

This convergence of events in Sept. 2015 is why many people think something big is about to happen. We shall soon know.

Prophecy Plus Ministries
Daymond & Rachel Duck

Read more articles at Rapture Ready:

September Just Got Even Worse! Wait Until You See What’s On the Agenda Now-It Is Downright Frightening!

Saturday, August 8, 2015 22:05

(Before It's News)

The list of events taking place in September just keeps growing. It seems everyday, something new is being added.  From comets, asteroids, and earthquakes to the collapse of the economy, you would think there could be nothing else that could possibly take place. 

But there is. Next month, the United Nations is going to launch “The 2030 Agenda” at a major conference that will be held from September 25th thru September 27th in New York City.  And, Pope Francis will be traveling to New York to deliver his address that will kick off the UN conference. 

Where Agenda 21 mainly focused on the environment, there is no doubt that the 2030 Agenda is a template for ruling the entire planet.  Not only does it address climate change, but it sets ambitious goals in the areas of economics, health, energy, education, agriculture, gender equality and an entire slew of other issues. 

As you will see in my video, this global initiative is being labeled as a “new universal Agenda” for humanity.  And, coincidentally, this new agenda is firmly rooted in a document known as “Agenda 21″ which was originally adopted by the United Nations in 1992.  Here is a link to the official government document.

Let’s look at the things we know positively are taking place in September. From an article written by Michael Snyder of the Economic Collapse Blog and The End of the American Dream:

September 13th – This is Elul 29 on the Biblical calendar – the last day of the Shemitah year.  Many are concerned about this date because we have seen giant stock market crashes on the last day of the previous two Shemitah cycles.

On September 17th, 2001 (which was Elul 29 on the Biblical calendar), we witnessed the greatest one day stock market crash in U.S. history up until that time.  The Dow plummeted684 points, and it was a record that held for exactly seven years until the end of the next Shemitah cycle.

On September 29th, 2008 (which was also Elul 29 on the Biblical calendar), the Dow fell by an astounding 777 points, which still today remains the greatest one day stock market crash of all time.

Now we are approaching the end of another Shemitah year.  So will the stock market crash on September 13th, 2015?  Well, no, because that day is a Sunday.  So I guarantee that the stock market will not crash on that particular day.  But as Jonathan Cahn has pointed out in his book on the Shemitah, sometimes stock market crashes happen just before the end of the Shemitah year and sometimes they happen within just a few weeks after the end of the Shemitah.  So we are not just looking at one particular date.

September 15th – The 70th session of the UN General Assembly begins on this date.  It is being reported that France plans to introduce a resolution which would give formal UN Security Council recognition to a Palestinian state.  Up until now, the United States has always been the one blocking such a resolution, but Barack Obama is indicating that things may be much different this time around.

September 25th to September 27th – The United Nations is going to launch a brand new sustainable development agenda for the entire planet.  Some have called this “Agenda 21 on steroids”.  But this new agenda is not just about the environment.  It also includes provisions regarding economics, agriculture, education and gender equality.  On September 25th, the Pope will travel to New York to give a major speech kicking off the UN conference where this new agenda will be unveiled.

September 28th – This is the date for the last of the four blood moons that fall on Biblical festival dates during 2014 and 2015.  This blood moon falls on the very first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, it will be a “supermoon”, and it will actually be visible in the city of Jerusalem.  There are many that dismiss the blood moon phenomenon, but we have seen similar patterns before.  For example, a similar pattern of eclipses happened just before and just after the destruction of the Jewish temple by the Romans in 70 AD.


That being said, Lisa Haven put together her own list of key events.  Some of what you are about to see has already taken place, some are about to happen, and some will take place during the month of September this year.

1. NORAD reopens Cheyenne Mountain after years of closure due to worries about an EMP attack

2. US Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage in all 50 states

3. Star of Bethlehem appears on June 30th

4. Talisman Saber Starts

5. Pope Francis declares his desire to build a World Government and a New World Order

6. The Temple Institute announces their plan to farm raise Red Heifer’s a precursor to the Building of the Temple.

7. New York Stock Exchange crashes, United Airlines halts, Wall Street journalist site and Chinese Market Shutdown

8. Jade Helm begins July 15th

9. Shemitah Year

10. Jubilee year

11. Blood moon Tetrad Concludes September 28th

12. UN hosts their Agenda 21 Meeting Sustainable Development for the Entire Planet (September 25-27) Pope Will Travel to New York and address Congress & attend the meeting

13. The coming UN Proposal to make Palestine a state.

Although we won’t know for sure until September comes, which isn’t but a few weeks away, all of these things are enough to certainly make you wonder. As a Christian since childhood, I can honestly say that I know God doesn’t play games with people. We were given specific signs to watch for, and those signs are being clearly revealed to us. I can hardly imagine that God would have given us specific signs as He has so that we see them being fulfilled, and then nothing happens.  I think we should all, at best, be prepared in every way possible at this point and take these things more seriously than what we are.


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