
Showing posts from March, 2016

The Serpent Seed-Line of SATAN LUCIFER + EVE = CAIN

The Serpent Seed, Real Jews, The 12 Tribes of ISRAEL and all other Humans on Earth today   God given Human Genealogy 101 This blog today is my thesis on Human's and Human creation, I have No Masonic University degrees, no doctorates or any other indoctrination other than regular High School now on the other hand I have always had the feeling that something in life just wasn't right. Then 911 and almost from the word go that feeling I had skyrocketed to I have to find the truth. so instead of going to Masonic  college or a Jesuit  University I decided to self teach myself  so I started reading and reading and reading and learn I did. I learned that we Live in a real Matrix of  Lies and Deception which for most people is beyond there initial comprehension of reality. A big part of my education came from reading all the Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha and any banned ancient texts I could get my hands on and today's subject comes from the knowledge I le...

Tooth Implants: Don’t Even Think About Having Them!

Tooth Implants: Don’t Even Think About Having Them! Yes, they can do more damage than root canals! Facebook’s Diabolical New Initiative Is Causing Mass Exodus— 1000s Shut Down As They Discover… Tooth Implants: Very Serious Reasons NOT To Have Them! The Health Coach Tooth implants have become all the rage over the past few years, especially as the baby boomers begin to age and lose their teeth. Dentistry has always been extremely adept at capitalizing on our desire to have a nice smile and perfect looking teeth. This is where the true problem lies. Our inordinate and overriding desire to have a mouth full of white shiny teeth has produced the greatest health calamity in the history of Western civilization. That’s a very serious statement, and yet entirely true. The tooth implant is just another highly dubious dental procedure which has contributed to this ongoing systemic health crisis. How so? First of ...