The Serpent Seed-Line of SATAN LUCIFER + EVE = CAIN

The Serpent Seed, Real Jews, The 12 Tribes of ISRAEL and all other Humans on Earth today

 God given Human Genealogy 101

This blog today is my thesis on Human's and Human creation, I have No Masonic University degrees, no doctorates or any other indoctrination other than regular High School now on the other hand I have always had the feeling that something in life just wasn't right. Then 911 and almost from the word go that feeling I had skyrocketed to I have to find the truth. so instead of going to Masonic  college or a Jesuit  University I decided to self teach myself  so I started reading and reading and reading and learn I did. I learned that we Live in a real Matrix of  Lies and Deception which for most people is beyond there initial comprehension of reality. A big part of my education came from reading all the Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha and any banned ancient texts I could get my hands on and today's subject comes from the knowledge I learned and disseminated from them all. So lets go.   Genetics, Blood Types and Blood type anomalies - Recessive Genes, Human Creation, GOD, Satan, Angels, Nephilim, Giants, and how the ancient texts like the Bible and the Apocrypha texts and Pseudepigrapha texts, The Dead Sea Scrolls The Nag Hammadi, The Qu'ran,  The Zohar, The Ramayana, The Bhagavad Gita, The Maya Hieroglyphic Codices, the Kolbrin Bible, the Taoist text, The Septuagint, The Alphabet of Ben Sira and so on all of which have given us a more complete story which starts from the very beginning of creation and human history and was never meant to be hidden but of course eventually it had to be hidden or written in code or parable to protect it against the forces of  Evil trying to suppress it completely. The other reason the information in these text would be hidden, was by evil self serving humans to gain knowledge,status and power. Why? Because this hidden or occult knowledge was power and "power corrupt all, so absolute power corrupts absolutely all".  The corruption, addition and omission to all the different texts has continued over the centuries. The answer to the riddle of our creation and corruption is so simple it escape people who don't use there GOD given Morality Compass its that GOD given inner sense-feeling of knowing the truth when told it , We all have it, but so many disregard it or don't even know they have it at all or its not working because of the calcification of there Pineal gland by fluoride and Common Sense(what makes sense usually is). Part of that common sense is we Humans were created by intelligent GODLY design (there own science has proved this) which explains the Big Bang as a big explosion of creation by GOD.  Life was not created by a destructive explosion but rather a creative explosion of life force or the spirit of GOD descending upon all the waters of existence at the moment of creation 

Christian creation by GOD with the THEORY of Evolution is Blasphemy

 quote: "All the theories of physics say that when the universe burst into existence some fifteen billion years ago with the Big Bang, matter and antimatter existed in equal amounts. Erupting from a celestial cauldron of unfathomable temperatures, matter and antimatter materialized and then annihilated repeatedly, finally disappearing back into energy, known as the cosmic background radiation. The laws of nature require that matter and antimatter be created in pairs. But within a millifraction of a second of the Big Bang, matter somehow{GOD} out numbered its particulate opposite by a hair, so that for every billion antiparticles, there were a billion and one particles. Within a second of the creation of the universe, all the antimatter was destroyed, leaving behind only matter" end quote.


 Sounds pretty GODLY to me!!! And that's the real theory of the Big Bang event as scientist have descriptively theorized it happened **SOMEHOW**. Scientist always forget to add GOD's supernatural divinity and that it played all the parts in creation. We must always keep in mind that Satan Lucifer the Dajjal the Devil will always twist ,switch around, reverse, lie and outright deceive Humanity whenever and wherever possible. FACT: The scientific theory of Evolution by Satanist Freemason Charles Darwin DIMINISHES  the GREATNESS and POWERFUL GLORY of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH and its a BLASPHEMOUS LIE... That is the truth and not a theory.

Human Genealogy Adam to Noah

Human beings first and foremost were all created by GOD with perfect GOD given DNA and come from Adam, Seth and this is the seed-lines of the Twelve Hebrew Tribes of ISRAEL and the seed-line of Adam and Eves other children. There is only one other place humans descended from and that was from the Evil Deception,Seduction and Rape(it was technically a rape because Eve was innocent and unaware of the reality and incapable of understanding what Lucifer was doing to her at that moment) by Supernatural Satan-Lucifer of Eve in the garden. As a result his Serpent Seed mixed with Human Eve's Seed it created the very first Nephilim CAIN and the future Line of Cain with whom later mated with the Watchers or Fallen Angels.

Cain and Able

 WHAT???? Satan is Cain's, but he is Adam and Eves child? Is he not Able's twin? Here from Genesis is Cain's line from Cain and his wife on, Genesis Chapter 4:17-24  "17And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bore Enoch(not the Enoch of the book of Enoch as many mistake him for just another deception):and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. 18And unto Enoch was born Irad; and Irad begat Mehujael; and Mehujael begat Methushael; and Methushael begat Lamech. 19And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah. 20And Adah bore Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle. 21And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. 22And Zillah, she also bore Tubalcain, an instructor of every artificer in bronze {brass} and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah. 23And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech; for I have slain a man to who wounded me {my wounding}, and a young man for hurting me {to my hurt}. 24If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.."  So If Adam was not Cain's Father who the hell was??? And therein lies the answer   Cain's seed-line descendant which were later taught and aided by the Watchers after there incursion and taking of human wives from Cain seed line at around Methusael and his son Lamech time(Jared Time)onward to the Great flood when Genesis 6:5  "5And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually". and Cain's genetic line had been corrupted so completely by these Watcher's and there Hybrid children which human's called the Nephilim. These were the first line of nephilim and prophesied to live only five hundred years and then die to become demons on the earth In Roman and Greek mythology(twisted truth)they were the Titans(Chronos) or first gods the second line of Nephilim were the Olympians(Zeus Poseidon and Hades) then the Flood

 Cain's Seed line

 Then GOD brought on the great Flood to mostly wipe out this corrupt line of the human genetic pool. We again have been deceived into believing  they were all killed in the Great flood, but again another lie, Cain's Line and the Nephilim  both made it through the flood, How you say??? It generally thought it was by the seed of Ham's Canaanite wife, as she was a descendant of the seed line of Cain her offspring would be as the hybrid Nephilim made it through the Great Flood is a whole other hidden story which we will get to in a bit. The Bible does tell of the nephilim surviving through and existing after the great Flood.  Genesis chapter 6 :4  " 4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men who were of old, men of renown."  Here is more on these Fallen Angels  that were cast down from Heaven by God: from the Apocrypha Book of Enoch Chapter 7 [SECT. II.] verse 9-14." 9.These are the names of their chiefs: Samyaza, who was their leader, Urakabarameel, Akibeel, Tamiel, Ramuel, Danel, Azkeel, Saraknyal, Asael, Armers, Batraal, Anane, Zavebe, Samsaveel, Ertael, Turel, Yomyael, Arazyal. These were the prefects of the two hundred angels, and the remainder were all with them. 10. Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the dividing of roots and trees. 11. And the women conceiving brought forth giants, 12. Whose stature was each three hundred cubits. These giant devoured all which the labor of men produced; until it became impossible to feed them; 13. When they turned themselves against men, in order to devour them; 14. And began to injure birds, beasts, reptiles, and fishes, to eat their flesh one after another, and to drink their blood."

 Nephilim Giants 

 This Watcher incursion occurred in the days of Jared and Jared would have warned all his Godly line of people about these evil Angels being cast out by GOD down to the earth and  to stay away from there lands completely. The 12 Tribes of Israel are the traditional divisions of the ancient people of ISRAEL.  All 12 Tribes being descended from the line of ADAM SETH ENOS CAINAN MAHALALEEL JARED ENOCH METHUSELAH LAMECH NOAH SHEM ARPHAXAD CAINAN SHELAH EBER PELEG REU SERUG NAHOR TERAH ABRAHAM ISAAC JACOB JUDAH and PEREZ  and all 12 Tribes were Promised by GOD the Promised Land. Again!! All the Biblical Israelite are GOD"s chosen people.  Not just the Jews they are but one Tribe of 12 Tribes.  The Bible tells us that the twelve tribes of Israel are descended from the sons and grandsons of there Israelite forefather Jacob and are called "Israel" Because GOD gave Jacob the new name of ISRAEL. The Tribe of Jacob-Israel are from his son's, Judah his line are the true Jews, but they are not the entire Israelite population of earth who are all entitled to the Promised Land as stated by GOD...

 The 12 Tribes of Jacob-ISRAEL

 David and Jesus were both Real Jews of the Tribe of Judah.  Today the 12 tribes of Israel, are spread out all over the entire world. Today the Tribe of Judah is deceptively divided into 3 different sects.   Throughout the "Tribe of Judah  Real Jews" history they have been oppressed, subjugated and infiltrated by other Tribes of Israel, other human cultures and the line of Cain most likely as well.  They were infiltrated by the Khazar's who converted to Judaism out of fear of the Muslim and the armies of the Christians Templar's and Crusaders and then there was the infiltration by the evil house of Levi-Ashkenazi branch of Jews who were the Scribes and Pharisees  originated from and today they account for 90% of worldwide Jewry. Ashkenaz the father of the Ashkenazi Israelite descended from the Tribe of Levi known as the Levittes and they are one of the other 12 Tribes of Israel. BUT NOT THE TRIBE OF JUDAH therefore Israelite YES a Jews NO!!! These are the False Jews talked about by Christ of the true Synagogue of Satan as described in Rev 2:9 and 3:9  quote: Rev. 2:9 9I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty (but thou art rich); and I know the blasphemy of them who say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. and  Rev. 3:9 9Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.”   The False Jews are alive and well in the 21st century and it seems more plentiful than at any time in the past. they have infiltrated most of the Western NATO aligned nation and the British Commonwealth. The false Jew Banks of the Rothschild Dynasty which all run under Babylonian Money Magik Fraud which charge enormous USURY upon it patrons. Its now common knowledge that this False Jew Banking Empire has been behind every War since the Napoleonic Wars by manipulating them and funding both sides with there Money Magik schemes and conspiracies. They have literally caused Genocides many times over and killed at least if not more than a Billion Human lives for $$$USURY Profits$$$. This alone should make all people with morality and compassion and love for the almighty LORD GOD to cry out to heaven for justice...Our world today is under such total intense corruption that not a thing is done without prior knowledge what humans see, hear, eat, drink, and live, is really all one big illusion of deception beyond most compromised individual's capability of  understanding. J.Edgar Hoover quote"Yet the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent". This conspiracy that Hoover talk about is the same one warned of by John F. Kennedy quote " The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it’s in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know... For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed." end quote They were both warning of the Luciferian Freemason Secret Society plan for a New World Order which in reality is really The modern SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN  - SOS  which was headed up by Elite Luciferian Albert Pike's super secret new and reformed Palladian Rite a Global Society which is really a disguise for the SYNAGOGUE of SATAN  it seemed at times impossible to convince people that it was the SYNAGOGUE of SATAN who directed the World Revolutionary Movement,Communism,Fascism and Nazism, AT THE VERY TOP and who were using Real Jews to serve their own diabolical purposes, as 'Whipping-boys,' upon whose shoulders they placed all the blame for their Evil Genocidal New World Orders Luciferian sins against LORD GOD ALMIGHTY and their crimes against all humanity."


 Many have claimed the Khazar's as SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN people but this is in our belief only partially true. These two verse are truly very descriptive and point to a priesthood of False Jews who were rich in material money gold and silver and poor in Godly Spirit and of a Synagogue where the Scribes and Pharisees of the Day occupied most of there time. Today the Scribes and Pharisees are the Rabbi and the Sanhedrin's the priesthood of the Jews. Many of them are Zionist and are directly responsible for aiding in the creation of ZIONISM in the first place. 


Zionism is a deceptive ideology and there corrupt view that the Promised Land is solely for the Jews and not all Israelite like GOD Promised to Abraham Isaac and Jacob-Israel. Now this is truly ironic as this priesthood knows the truth and knows they are not from the tribe of Judah as well and they are presently in the process of exterminating the Palestinian people many of who are from the Tribe of Judah or Israelite of another tribe and they just don't know it. This is why these supposed Jews aren't moved one bit when other people criticize the Jews for what they are doing and have done in the past. Because there not Jews but of the real House that Murdered Christ on the Cross the seed-line of Cain's SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN.  Now the main global population of Ashkenazi Jews have no Idea and are totally oblivious to the truth that they are not true Jews descended from Judah son of Jacob-Israel but from another son or Tribe of Israel. They have hidden the truth about the 12 Tribes and they don't even talk about it anymore as if the rest of the Israelite Tribe's dropped off the very face of the earth itself.  Another deception by these Ashkenazi Zionist False Jews is the fabricated lie that the Jews are a separate race from the rest of mankind.they are not they are really a tribe within the Race of the twelve Tribes of Israel or the Isrealite Nation the total race of human descended from the Adam Seth line. The Cannaanites Amorites Edomite Jews are not real bloodline Tribe of Judah Jews or Israelite's for that matter. NON Israelite (the other children of Adam and Eve) the Gentiles were not a separate race from the Israelite and even though there were eventually Fallen Angel incursions and later hybrid giants from within these populations as well, most were just real humans of Adam and Eves and Seth seed-line or Cain's seed-lines


One of the biggest  deception Is concerning the Two Religious texts of the Jews: 1) the Torah which is the first five books of the Old Testament Bible penned by Moses dictated by GOD and as most christian people believe this is the book the Jews follow as its is by Moses there liberator prophet of GOD. But this is false and deceptive as Its really this text:  2) The Talmud which is penned by Scribes, Pharisees, Sadducee's and the Sanhedrin's who are not of the TRIBE OF JUDAH... It has no divine teachings of GOD in it at all. In Fact It is filled with derogatory commentary on the Old Testament many derogatory comments and lies about Christ and its filled with racial slurs racial hatred and a special kind of hatred towards Non-Jews-Gentiles or as they called them  "Goyim-Goy"(cattle, beast of the field, herd animals)It also states the Jews are superior to all other humans and the Goyim are a completely lower form of life. Goyim are lowers than the excrement on the bottom of a Jews Shoe". They also preach that they the Jews are GOD's only sole chosen people and the sole inheritors of the Promised Land. Now some real truth on the authors of the Talmud, first off there real god they worship is Saturn-Lucifer-Satan and are not inspired in any way by the GOD of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and therefore nothing more needs be said on the Talmuds true intentions.


quote "Our race is the Master Race. We Jews are 'divine gods' on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
- Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin 
in a speech to the Knesset quoted in "Begin and the Beasts,"
New Statesman, June 25, 1982 by Amnon Kapeliouk -
from Counter Currents Website 
"Thy birth and thy nativity,
is of the land of Canaan;
thy father was an Amorite,
and thy mother an Hittite".
(Ezekiel 16:3)

Map showing the Promised Land and how it was divided among the 12 Tribes of Israel

Now the Real Jews of the Tribe of Judah are the biggest Victims in all of this. They are accused of being Christ Executioners when it was really a plot by the Priesthood, the Scribes,Pharisees and Sadducee's to incited the Jews of the day to wrongly accuse and convict and then they got Pontius  Pilate to execute Jesus Christ for them.Exactly as it was portraiyed in the Mel Gibson movie "Passion of the Christ". Real Jews have been persecuted by many nations of people since the Crucifixion for this evil conspiracy-deception and its a crime that was laid upon them by there False Jew Priesthood of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. the Jews have been oppressed,exiled,thrown out of every country in Europe at one time or another and even some countries twice. They have been labelled as Cheap,Liars,Thieve,Cheats,Swindlers,Usurers!!! They have been accused of Conspiring to take over the Entire World as is told in the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" used as proof of the conspiracy. They(false-Jews) in turn blame it on the Illuminati but the Illuminati is a Jewish(false-Jew) creation by the Rothschild Dynasty financing of Cryto-Jew Jesuit Adam Weishaupt in 1776 to create this secret society of the ILLUMINATI. The truth is its this one group of  False Jews of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN who are the real Evil problem and that is why they will even sacrifice other Jews as was done in WWII to further there Luciferian Agenda

 EVIL False Jew Ariel Sharon

The Real Jews of the Tribe of Judah are and have been protected by GOD throughout Biblical history and will be also helped and protected by GOD First in the end time as per revelation and the reason is two fold.  The real tribe of Judah Jews have mostly followed the teaching of GOD and the prophets and second they are the only Tribe who have kept the Sabbath Day Holy. The rest of the tribes are spreed out over the entire earth and have assimilated into different cult, religion and populations. The deception of the SABBATH was decreed by the The Roman Catholics and the Protestants the Anglican and most all of the other Christian denominations have followed suit and went along with the move by the The Vatican-Roman Catholic Church which is really the anti-Christ church of Lucifer SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN  when all the deception is removed. Its blasphemous act of changing the SABBATH from Saturday which was the last day of creation when GOD rested and which GOD then sanctified and made it Holy as a DAY OF REST, to Sunday the roman sun gods worship day, was a complete slap in the Face of  the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY by the RC anti-Christ church and a complete insult of  His Creation and Commandments...Making Sunday he Roman sun god's worship day as GOD'S day of rest is an Unforgivable Sin by the RC anti-Christ Church. GOD'S SABBATH which is also one of GOD"S TEN COMMANDMENTS was and is meant to be kept FOREVER

  "Holy Royal Roman Catholic Luciferian Anti-Christ Church"

Here whats the Bible states  quote: “My covenant I will not break, nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips” (Psalm 89:34). “I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it” (Ecclesiastes 3:14). “The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy. They are steadfast for ever and ever, done in faithfulness and uprightness” 


(Psalm 111:7, 8)."God gave His Law to the Israelite's at Mt. Sinai. Amid thunder and lightning, a thick cloud covered the mountain, and a trumpet blasted. Smoke billowed up as from a furnace and the whole mountain shook as the trumpet grew louder and louder. Moses led the Israelite's out of their camp to meet with God, and every one of them trembled." Then God spoke (Exodus 19:16-19, 20:1). "If this Law were to be changed, it would be reasonable to expect God Himself to announce it, and give reasons for its alteration, amid the same amount of ceremony." Yet there is no indication in Old or New Testament Scripture of such an announcement.

 The SABBATH From Alpha to Omega FOREVER

Now that we have established that humanity itself had basically two branches Where did all the other Humans come from? for the answer we have to go back to the Book of Genesis and the story of the garden the serpent and the forbidden fruit when totally understood with the help of the Bible, the Apocrypha and all the other ancient Text mentioned above tells a more comprehensive,understandable and complete story. The simple understanding of this story is that Eve lost her virginity to the serpent-Satan-Lucifer and then she did as the serpent had taught her to Adam as well and then they became very aware of there nakedness because of  the act of sex taught to Eve by  Lucifer when he stole(rape) her innocent and her virginity which in turn she taught Adam the same act. Eve being innocent and unaware of the whole meaning of the sexual act became impregnated with both the serpent-seed of Satan and later the seed of Adam and she bare twin half brothers Cain and Able

GOD knew Cain's real Lineage

It has totally been proven scientifically possible for a women to be impregnated by two or more Fathers though rare it does occur and did occur that day way back in the Garden of Eden. Any medical doctor know twins can come from two fathers or more and sometimes can be conceived up to a week apart. Its the truth of Genesis in regards to Cain 's birth as the firstborn child of Lucifer the very first Nephilim Hybrid and a new anomalous bloodlines within the human genome and then pure-blood twin Able Cain's half -brother Adam's child was born next. This serpent seed-line answer more directly why GOD for apparently no reason was so harsh with Cain offering and so accepting of Able offering. GOD new of Cain's Serpent Lineage "You are of your Father".  There is nowhere in the scripture that place Cain in Adam lineage. Why? because Cain is Satan Seed-line and the scripture do support that. Satan-Cain Seed-line is alive and well and well mixed in among all of humanity today, just as the  Parable of the Wheat and the Tare tells us it will be in the end times.  Most church priest and pastors will use Genesis 4:1 which reads, "And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord." to claim Cain as Adam and Eve lineage.  
Ancient Texts, the Bible, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha 

 We are all very aware of the many omissions additions and translation errors which have permeate throughout the Bible, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha text, actually all ancient text as mentioned above have all been manipulated in one way or another over the centuries to mostly obscure the truth from the reader of the underlying story without really changing the overall story. This is where you must also use common sense and your GOD given morality compass to decipher the TRUTH and real story which is always there. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm that Genesis 4:1 was edited and tampered with. In fact the passage should probably read: " And Adam knew his wife Eve, who was pregnant by Sammael (Satan), and she conceived and bare Cain, and he was like the heavenly beings, and not like the earthly beings, and she said, I have gotten a man from the angel of the Lord."

 Lucifer taking Eve Virginity in the Garden 
In the parable of the wheat and the tares, there were several declarations made that the churches often ignore.
1. The good seed were fathered by the Son of Man, Son of Adam. 
2. The good seed, Adamites are the genetic sons of Yahweh.
3. The tares (Cain's seed) are the Genetic sons of Satan.
4. The deceiver that fathered the tares is the same serpent of Genesis 3:15
5. The sons of Adam (wheat,sons of men) will then inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, after the tares (sons of Cain,sons of Satan) are utterly destroyed. Again, as stated in verse 38, "The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one Lucifer-Satan" This is not only a physical lineage, but a spiritual one as well. GOD told the Priesthood Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducee's of His day, " are not my sheep.." in John 10:26. In Josephus, Wars 2:8:2 Josephus makes it quite clear the Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducee's were not Israelite's by birth. There are three sects among the Jews. The first of whom are the Pharisees; the second the Sadducee's; and  the third sect, who pretends to a severer discipline, are called Essen's. These last are Real Jews (Tribe of Judah) by birth and bloodline, and seem to have a greater love for one another than any other sects of Jews have. 

 Eternal Battle between Good and Evil

The Real Jews of Jesus's day mixed with contaminated Edomite hybrid blood, and therefore they could claim both Abraham and Isaac as their fathers. The wheat and the tares will mix together until the end of the age when the angels will separate them apart the Good from the Evil . After the Great Flood, Satan's seed-line (bloodlines) started over again with Ham and his Edomite wife's offspring son Canaan after flood father of the Canaanites.  There were either more Watchers incursion creating the after the flood Nephilim or it recurred in the human genetic line through a recursive gene or a repetitive supernatural Nephilim gene in Ham wife's DNA. However it happened It did because genesis says it did: Genesis 4:44  "The Nephilim (Nephal fallen) were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God (the Watchers Fallen Angels) came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty(fierce,powerful) men who were of old (Heroes), the men of renown."(Myth-Legends)

"Mighty Men which were of Old Men of Renown"

All thru out humanity there are story and Myths of the many gods who came from Heaven mated with human and created demi-god children with powers and super strength,and enormous size and stature ex: The Annunaki ,the Olympians and the Titans, the Norse Gods of Asgard,the Egyptians Pharaohs, the Inca Aztec Mayan Gods and the list goes on and on The question as to who these "from heaven to earth they came" Alien Gods are can be answered quite simply today's as being Fallen Angels incursion that happened before and after the flood. The original 200 Fallen Angels under there leader Semyaza are now locked away in Tarturus where they were put by the Arch Angels of the LORD GOD  Micheal,Gabriel,Raphael,and Uriel for 70 generations which according to Hebrew calender's ended somewhere around the turn of the 19th century  to return until Final Judgement Day when they will be cast into the Lake of Fire with Lucifer . Until then thought they got to watch there first generation line of the largest of all the Nephilim children to have lived on earth, enslave man into serving there every will right up until man could no longer keep up with there demands for food.So they began eating all Animal Plants Birds Fish and Humans as well and finally these Horrible Monster Nephilim Giants  turned on each other and they began to fight then to war and murder and mutilate and cannibalize one another until they were all dead as the LORD GOD prophesied. Now these offspring children of the Original 200 Fallen Angels under leadership of Semyaza were the first Nephilim and GOD  bound them to the earth forever and because they are a hybrid mix of Flesh and Blood and Angelic Supernatural Spirit and blood, GOD declared that upon there death there  Supernatural Angelic Spirit convert to Demonic Spirit form as invisible Evil Demonic Spirits who will hunger but cannot eat, thirst but cannot drink, set to roam, terrorize and haunt humanity until the end time and Judgement Day comes

 Cyclops,2 Rows of Teeth,6 Fingers & Toes and Tails are all Nephilim Recessive Gene Anomalies

We have shown here the different sect of humanity and basically it comes down to two line of progeny "GOD-Adam's bloodline of Adam  - Seth (12 Tribes of Israel) and All Adam other children (the Gentiles or Adamites)who all started out Created by GOD Holy and Pure,with Human  DNA  and probably type O Blood the only one pure GOD created kind of blood before the Fall of Lucifer and the creation through abomination with Eve which created all the other blood anomalies from the RH + - factor to the A,B, AB anomalies.Now that Humans are able to decode their own Genetic code many different things are  turning up. The first was a DNA search to see how far back they could go to plot humans ancestry and it pointed back down to there being two great grandfather ancestors of humanity so they automatically said that this pointed to the one ADAM as the Father of all Humanity. But could not find Adam himself. Now why could they find two forefathers of humanity but not the one. Because there is and always has been as far back as is known a genetic anomaly in the Human gene pool in that there are two blood-type when originally there was only one Blood Type TYPE O. Today there are 8 blood types who are completely incompatible to some degree with each other.  The Rh+(based on iron) and Rh-(based on copper) Reese monkey blood-type anomaly and was probably introduced when the Annunaki tweaked with our DNA. The A, B, AB Types anomalies were created during the Lucifer Eve encounter and later Fallen Angel -Watcher incursion with human woman of the already Serpent Seed-line of Satan - Cain and the rest of humanity, Gentiles and Israelite's included

Blood Types Per Ethnicity Chart

 Not all that long ago everybody that wanted to get married had to take a blood test and you could not get a licence without it. It was because of this Rh factor because an Rh- woman body when impregnated by an Rh+ man the fetus does not survive it is attacked and killed by the mothers body. Its is so ironic and obvious now for the elect (godly people) to see that the Blue-bloods families of the Illuminati -the global Royal Families and the Super Wealthy Super Elites who have boasted of there Superior Divine Bloodlines and this  Rh- Factor is there prize possession There Lineage!!!But in reality its just a mark on them buy Satan.  What losers they are because we also know they are all practicing Satanist of Satan's and mostly Cain's seed-line of course and are all doomed to eternity in the lake of Fire. This bloodline of "Satan-Lucifer-Cain" of the RH+-types A, B, AB is one of the biggest Occult Esoteric Secrets ever to be revealed. 

Now to the UFO - Aliens - Interdimentional Beings - Ascended Masters Draco's etc. all are just the latest re-incarnations and manifestations of the Watchers and Nephilim Demons deceiving Humanity and abducting human for of course Genetic and Reproductive experiments all in an attempt to perfect the Nephilim Hybrids Serpent Golem creation process. They have so far remove Recessive Rh negative genes that contribute to gigantism and the six finger-toes anomalies and it believed they can now walk among us unencumbered and un-distinguishable from regular human's. It is said these Nephilim Golem Demons can shape-shift to there natural form at will they can disappear on the spot and reappear just as easily. This recessive Rh- negative genes that creates blond hair blue eyes is a  mutation, It is caused by the lack of melelin. Positive Rh+  genes dark hair brown eyes = dominant melenin. The simple fact we see is that O is the Blood type GOD gave to ADAM at creation "in our likeness".This likeness does not mean looks like,  it mean complete likeness body type, blood type, and spirit soul type as well... We see all these recessive genes and many anomalies as simply different flaws that were created by attempts by Lucifer Gang of Fallen Angel's at insulting and corrupting GOD's Divine Perfect Creation of HUMANITY"In His Image"his creation of MAN".

 They will be Void of Form Naked and have Hideous Faces

The Annunaki Story from the Sumerian creation story show and tells exactly what occurred in the many Fallen Angle's Biblical, Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha text which tell of a Fallen Angel -  Alien (annunaki = those who from heaven came to earth) incursion to earth from the stars and then they started tampering with our DNA and interbred with human women this is where these recessive gene mutations and the RH- factor came from.These ANNUNAKI Fallen Angels were also known to be doing genetic recombination or Recombinant DNA experiments with humans and animals creating the biblical Chimeras Could this possibly be where the RH Reese Monkey factor entered our human genome??? If so before that there would have been only Human blood-type O,  NO + NO - NO A NO B NO AB  Just TYPE O There was no need for other types of  blood. Its all because of the Fall of the Angels. This Fall is what created there new Mutated Golem ungodly Abomination Bodies which made it possible for them to impregnate human women and upon mixing all this CORRUPTION with Flesh and Blood Humans of blood-type O it created all the blood abomination mutation of all the new different blood-types out there.  Its Fallen Angels from Lucifer to Semyaza and the 200 to the Watcher incursions that created all the rest of the blood abomination anomaly mutations of    "RH + - and the A,B,AB Blood-type with Recessive Gene Mutations (Satan Seed)".  Today we are told by science that Rh+ is based on Iron and Rh- is based on Copper and that is the anomaly,  Iron vs Copper  witch doesn't mix well.  Just as GOD and SATAN don't MIX well . The simple fact is this Type O Is Divine Heavenly GOD created Spiritual Human blood and Jesus had this blood-type 


"THE BLOODLINE OF JESUS (YASHUA) AND THE NAZARENES MUST HAVE HAD THE PUREST O BLOODLINE TYPE"  and it was never  meant to be mixed with Fallen Angles blood types or any other for that matter.  Now its these Recessive Genes and Mutations in the bloodlines that have been passed on from the Serpent Angel Lucifer Seed-line when he and the rest of the Fallen Angels mixed there corrupted Fallen Blood which was created into there Flesh Angel Spirit human looking bodies when they landed on MT Hermon It was only after this Fallen Serpent Angels mixing that all these recessive genes and other blood types annomilies occurred in the Human genome.  So the truth is Type O is the purest Human (Jesus) blood there is and all the other types of Rh+ - and  type  A, B and AB, are all caused from this evil incursion mixture of pure GOD given human blood type O  directly from  the "daughters of  Men" with the Fallen Angel Serpent line of Lucifer and Cain's bloodlines.  In our view its simply the most common sense moral and simplest answer there is out there. Remember GOD is SIMPLICITY and Lucifer -Satan is COMPLICATION and CONFUSION. Blood types were simple before Satan interference. There was one types O and it was never intended to be mixed by its creator GOD...  But Satan had other plans and caused the first complication with Eve and there seed CAIN and after that blood types became corrupted further. until 8 new contaminated or partially contaminated Serpent Seed Types 

   Modern Human Blood-types

Just because a person has Rh-+ A/B/AB blood the reality is they are really type O with Rh + - A/B/AB anomalies and this does not doom them to Hell automatically, on the contrary GOD created all and gave free will to all and want us all to overcome evil defeat Satan and enter heaven for eternity, So like all other Humans and spirits they will be Judged on there actions and deed on Judgement day just like all the rest of humanity. It’s not possible for those with Rh negative blood anomalies  to have a higher strand DNA than the “Human 12 strand DNA O blood-type template.” Even if you only have a small percentage of the original 12 Strand DNA O blood-type template,that you will be part of the ascension if you have a good heart or soul and follow GODS teachings. What probably makes the most sense is that these 15% pure Rh-Negatives of the population were some of the original inhabitants of Earth tied to Cain which is Satan’s Seed-line. The others were most likely from other fallen angel incursions before the Great Flood of Noah. Blue eyed inhabitants only date back to 6,000 years ago with the introduction of Cain who is Satan’s Seed. The 2nd generation of blue eyed inhabitants were derived from a later incursion by Fallen Angels who mixed with female descendants of Cain after the Great Flood of Noah. Through interbreeding, the blue eyed gene has been passed on to Rh- negative people, but each DNA blood type most likely represents your particular link to any given Fallen Angel that contributed to the populating of the Earth, whether good seed or evil seed.


The more people who are reading researching and thoroughly investigating all the many Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha text along with the Biblical Scriptures the more occult hidden meanings and truth are being revealed to us every day now for as GOD has stated he gave us EYE to SEE and EARS to HEAR and with them we can see and hear the light of understanding of the LORD GOD JESUS YASHUA CHRIST, ONE GOD, ONE BLOOD-TYPE, ONE WORD, ONE TRUTH,  Amen!!!


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