CERN and Revelation #9

CERN Being Utilized to Unlock the Bottomless Pit of Revelation 9! What Is in the Pit? Horrifying Truth Revealed! (Includes Videos)

Thursday, June 1, 2017 14:45
The absolutely terrifying prophecy of Revelation 9 has now been made known and explained with full disclosure! This report is intended for public awareness to help prepare your hearts for what is to come. This will happen SO FAST no one will be able to comprehend what is going on when it occurs – unless you were previously warned in advance. 
This is the biggest reveal of end time prophecy ever documented - PAY CLOSE ATTENTION!
FEATURED VIDEO: Bug Mania With Xtra edits — Locust Aliens from the Pit
A rough demonstration on the principles behind CERN and the bottomless pit are presented in:
FEATURED VIDEO: Thy Kingdom Come ( Part 6 – CERN & The Locust Army)
After starting the video, use the arrow ►| (located in the bottom left hand corner) to scroll through playlist series.
To view the complete Thy Kingdom Come (Art Show) from start to finish, please see: Supernatural Artwork Reveals ‘End Times’ Prophecy! The Most Jaw-Dropping Art Gallery You Will Ever Get To See! [Highly Recommended]
A very interesting characteristic of CERN is its relationship to Apollo (Apollyon) from Revelation 9:11.
A large portion of CERN is located in the territory of Saint Genis Pouilly. In Roman times it was called Apolliacum. The town and a temple were dedicated to Apollyon (the destroyer)!

Apollyon is the king of the locusts of the bottomless pit! 

These are not your typical ‘locusts’.. we now understand what Revelation 9:1-11 was describing!
Alien Covenant includes a near identical representation of the type of creatures described in Revelation 9, that are imprisoned in the bottomless pit, about to birth unto the earth in the apocalyptic event of the Great & Terrible Day of the Lord!
They are supernatural Xenomorphs that emerge from the bottomless pit seeking to sting men with the tail of a scorpion inflicting agonizing pain upon him for 5 months! The movie itself is only supplemental to the prophetic information revealing the locusts of the bottomless pit – everything is fully detailed in this bombshell radio show presentation!
FEATURED RADIO SHOW VIDEO: 05.19.17 – Xenomorph
The Revelation ‘locusts of the bottomless pit’ have now been uncovered! This is not science fiction. This is reality. The greatest horror the world will ever see is about to unleash from beneath the Earth! (For even more in-depth, follow up information see: Creatures of the Bottomless Pit – the Real Alien Threat You Need to Be Aware Of!)
The big secret about your identity that the world does not want you to know about. There is a very dark truth about Satanic ritualistic cannibalism and how it fuels the coming One-World-Government. There is a dark, supernatural army of Locust like creatures that will be released during the Tribulation. Satan has been building his personal army for generations… Lucifer’s Shadow Government operates in the dark corners on Earth, and infects all major spheres of influence.
“The god of this world hath blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not dawn upon them.” 2 CORINTHIANS 4:4 
“Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby” EPHESIANS 2:15-16
“And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile” 1 PETER 1:17 
FEATURED DVD (Updated): You Are Exiles
“When we incarnate into this world we are stripped of our former memories. As part of the great mystery and fabric of creation we have remembrance that connects back to before the beginning, to the foundations of the world and universe when Yahweh/Yahushuah as part of self, held all in being. We have been with the Father and Son since before the institution of time. The reason our memories are swept from us is so that we enter as a clean slate for renewed chance at redemption and salvation. What we do in this lifetime as angels, imprisoned within the flesh, determines our eternal fates and what we do in the life hereafter. Those who are blessed to be counted among the most elect will, in fact, judge angels and sit as jurors in the councils of the Lord to convict and condemn the rebel and fallen angels intended to be as gods themselves, forging a path of self service and vain personal glory.
“Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?” (1 Corinthians 6:2-3 KJV Holy Bible)
There are only two paths we can follow in life, one as a foot washer in service to one another or as tyrant king in service to self. One is the path of priesthood or the way of Abel, and the other of kingship and divine right to rule—or the way of Cain. Those who follow the Lord and adhere to His commandments become the priests, prophets, and apostles that are stood up by the Lord to serve the people. Those who are appointed by Satan to become kings, queens, rulers, presidents, and prime ministers in service of a New World Order are usually personas that serve his goal of world domination. These individuals believe in their divine right to rule over and decide the collective direction of the world. The fact that many of them gather yearly at Bohemian Grove to worship a 40- foot owl, in a mock ritual sacrifice of a human effigy, lets one know that something weird is still ongoing.”
WARNING: These are not your typical ‘locusts’ that are about to emerge out of the pit and takeover the earth in a cataclysmic birth!
We now understand what the prophecy of Revelation 9 was describing! Brace yourself for the biggest reveal of end time prophecy ever documented!
Description: Here is yet another crazy coincidence, a new billboard confirming the Locust Army from the Pit in Revelation 9:11 which is a key subject matter from the latest DVD project – You Are Exiles.


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