Shooter On Ground! FBI, G4S Linked To Vegas Shooting! Tom Heneghan

Shooter On Ground! FBI, G4S Linked To Vegas Shooting! Tom Heneghan

Wednesday, October 4, 2017 12:47
UPDATE: Security Guard Shooter on ground confirmed!  Drudge and Alex Jones still pushing the Mossad Paddock “radicalized” lone gunman psyop!  Burn down Alex Jones with the truth!  Email Alex and tell him to quit putting out that Matt Drudge (fake name) Fake News garbage!   The official lone gunman fairy tale MUST be destroyed by Alex Jones and all patriots!  Paddock was the patsy!  We have the PROOF now that can’t be denied!  Post it everywhere!  Youtube taking down copies!  If Alex Jones ignores this evidence we know who he serves!  Don’t let him!
Tom Heneghan just reported everything he’s learned from his US Intelligence sources.  I’m including pieces of intel I’ve found from various sources on the net such 4chan that are very interesting.  Nobody ever has all the pieces of such a complex plan but I feel Tom has a lot of the pieces along with other researchers I’m posting.
Listen to the video above for the full briefing.  Here’s some of the highlights of what Tom Heneghan has found out from his sources.
Tom says H.W. Bush, Hillary Clinton, DHS and British Intelligence linked G4S security are involved with the shooting.  British security firm G4S is linked to British intelligence and they were involved with the Orlando nightclub shooting and the Christine Grimme shooting in Orlando!  G4S also ran the security for all the airports involved in 9/11!   Now we have many people saying they saw security guards chasing other security guards.  They used security guard uniforms to get away!
Tom says Paddock became the patsy for the shooting.  This shooting was a blood sacrifice done by a very skilled team of killers.  It was a warning to Trump from the Bush Clinton deep state that we can do this anytime we want so back off locking us up!  It was also a grab for the guns as they always do.
Marilou Danley, the girlfriend of Paddock was working as an FBI informant for years according to Heneghan’s sources!  She was sponsored to get into the country by a CIA agent!  I have that proof of this below that came from 4chan researchers.  
Tom says British G4S is very capable of putting together a murder squad to do this shooting.
Stephen Paddock and his girlfriend Marylou Danley were bag man and bag woman for FBI Division #5 and casinos involved in money laundering, narcotics trafficking and foreign currency manipulation
Brian Hodge saw multiple shooters and was somehow made aware that a security guard was shot!  Did he overhear police and others talking about this since he witnessed SWAT storming the building.  I have more evidence that other people in another casino witnessed security guards chasing another security guard!
Brian Hodge – said there were multiple shooters and a security guard was killed!  Ignored by Fake CIA US mainstream news of course!
Australian Brian Hodge, who previously worked at Jupiters Casino on the Gold Coast, claimed he was staying in the room next to the shooter on level 32 at the Las Vegas resort.
He said he managed to escape the initial horrific scenes inside the hotel but found himself forced to hide in a bush for several hours after the event.
“I got outside safely and was hiding in bushes,” Mr Hodge said.
“There were multiple people dead and multiple shooters. I was just hiding waiting for police to come get us.
At first I thought Hodge was in his room when the shooting broke out and he was saying that it came from his room but he was not at his room!  If you read what he is saying, he says he was caught outside when the shooting started and hid in the bushes around the hotel until it was over.  He had heard police say it was coming from the room next to his and said, hey that is right next to me!   He must have heard they killed a security guard which ties in with Tom Heneghan’s information that British Intelligence tied G4S was involved just as they were involved in the other shootings!  We also have reports from another casino that security guards were chasing a security guard!  Clearly people in security guard uniforms were involved!  Is this G4S?  
British Intelligence linked G4S Security tied to other shootings according to Tom Heneghan and even mainstream news!
June 18, 2016 Tom Heneghan Intelligence Briefing …We can now divulge that James Wesley Howell of Indiana was on the payroll of British Intelligence linked G4S
Note: Omar Mateen the shooter who slaughtered 49 Americans in Orlando, Florida was also employed by British Intelligence linked G4S.
We can also report that Kevin James Loibl of St. Petersburg, Florida, who killed Orlando singer Christine Grimme, on the Friday night before the Omar Mateen slaughter, was also employed by British Intelligence linked G4S.
Both were also G4S “crisis actors” in the Terror Drill that took place in Tampa, Florida the end of May.
DHS has contracted British Intelligence linked G4S to handle security at 90% of America’s nuclear plants.


See also 
“Terrorism and G4S: Was Orlando Another False Flag”
Proof Stephen Paddocks’s girlfriend – Marilou Danley was tied to the CIA!
Here’s some interesting things I found by researchers on the Internet.  All this must be further investigated by the alternative media.
“Marilou Danley” immigrated to the US under the name “Marilou Ocampo Natividad” in 1986, married Geary Danley in 1990 and took his surname.
Prior to immigrating, Marilou was a known Muay The and Eskrina fighter under the alias, “Marilou Ocampo” and became politically active in the late 1970s.  As an elected local official in the mid 1980s, she became embroiled in the controversy over American Development Aid covertly provided by the CIA to promote pro American sentiment during the lead up to and in the wake of President Marcos resignation.  
Researchers say they found Marilou Danley’s immigration records and she was sponsored by a spook – a CIA agent!  
When she immigrated, she was sponsored by Carl W. Ford Jr.  Here’s a link to a bio somebody found on Carl W. Ford.
Here’s the key part of the Carl Ford’s bio 
“Mr Ford resigned his Regular Army commission in 1974 to accept a position as China analyst with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)….
In 1979, Mr Ford left the CIA to become the professional staff member responsible for East Asia on the Senate Committe on foreign relations”
So the CIA got Stephen Paddock’s girlfriend into the country!  Very interesting!  
Fake CIA News – Newsweek just retracted their story that Marilou Danley used multiple social security numbers and was married to two men at the same time.  If she was working for the CIA then anything is possible.  Sounds to me like somebody at Newsweek got a call from Langley and told them to shut up about Marilou – she’s one of ours!
Guests at hotels in Vegas told by police and hotel staff 7 confirmed shooters and deaths at multiple hotels!
Ricki Raulerson reports this on facebook
“Call me crazy, call me dramatic, call me whatever you want. I’m posting this for those of us who were on the strip Sunday night, who know what we saw and what we were told by police officers, security guards, and even the local news when all of this madness started. And I am posting this in hopes of informing others who have believed everything they’ve seen on the news. If while leaving the Cosmopolitan, we had been told there was one shooting at the Mandalay Bay, Anthony and I would have not been worried for our lives and we would have continued to go out, knowing we weren’t headed to that particular area of the strip. But that’s not what we were told. We were told that there were 7 confirmed shooters, and confirmed deaths at multiple hotels. Including Bellagio, the Aria and New York New York. Being told this by a security guard, who then told us to go to the third floor for safety. However, Anthony says, “No Rikki. This is a very popular hotel, I don’t feel like the third floor of this popular hotel in public is the safest place. We’re going to try and get out of here right now.” Running back to our hotel next door, Vdara, we are told once again by police/security checking our id and room key, “yes multiple hotels effected. Go to your room and do not leave.” We then get to the room, immediately turn on the news and start watching out of our windows to figure out what is going on. The news also states, live, that the Bellagio had been effected and there was one confirmed death. 
Now… skip ahead about an hour. The news is no longer stating anything about the other hotels effected. They say it is one person. Every bit of info that was being initially given to us was disappearing. We could physically see from our window view, fire alarms going off at the cosmopolitan, and multiple cop cars and ambulances pulling up there as well. We wanted more information about what was happening at these other hotels right next to us, and we weren’t getting it. And we still aren’t.”

Guests saw security guards chasing heavily armed men dressed as security guards!
Another Gold Coast woman and local business owner Jessica Winters said she and her partner Peter Tutton were locked out the back of the MGM Grand nearby after being evacuated from an internal restaurant twice.
Wendy Miller from Cooroy, on the Sunshine Coast, was also caught up in the attack.
She was at a bar in the nearby Luxor Hotel with her husband when she saw what she described as a “man of interest” run by.
“We managed to make our way back to our room…” she told The Courier-Mail.
“We are in lock down.
“Our door is dead locked and a chair against the door.”
Ms Miller said the man sprinted through her hotel after coming off an escalator from the Mandalay Bay.
“The man that they [security] were chasing was wearing a security jacket like them,” she said.
UPDATE: 10-3-17 (10:35 pm)  
Clyde Lewis was sent an email saying Stephen Paddock was FBI!
Tom Heneghan reported one of his sources said Stephen Paddock never fired a shot and was a Patsy!  That was my guess when I saw the muzzle flashes of what appears to be at least 2 shooters at the lower levels (probably floor 8-10) near the center of Mandalay Bay!  Get this out everywhere.   We are at civil war here and as Al Gore said – a lot of people are going to die in the next 90 days.  
CONFIRMED!   Best Video shows shooter on about the 10th floor!  Paddock was a patsy!
Taxi Driver Shows Gunfire at the 4:50 Mark on lower floors! Official story is a lie!  SHARE!
Clyde Lewis sent email saying Stephen Paddock was working for FBI!
“The LVMPD knows the motive behind the attack, but the FBI will not allow us to release the motive because it implicates the FBI in illegal arms deals ands supplying arms to ISIS terrorist within U.S. borders”
“Stephen Paddock was an undercover FBI agent who participated in multiple illegal arms deals in the Las Vegas area in a gun running entrapment scheme similar to Fast and Furious.  Paddock thought he was engaging in another routine arms transfer, but ISIS operatives who were going to meet him learned about the entrapment scheme and Paddocks’ true identity.  They killed him and carried out the massacre and then fled the scene.  Leland Yes haas a lot to do with this.”
“Everything is being kept under extreme wraps because 1) armed ISIS terrorists are still at large and 2) this is very embarrassing to the FBI and they don’t want their scheme to become public knowledge.”
“I will be sending you further information throughout the day, people within LVMP are disgusted for this information to be released to the public”

Paddock’s brother said he only had a couple of pistols and maybe one long rifle!  No automatic weapons. You have to be a Class 3 dealer to have those!
Padock’s Neighbor Says He Was a Patsy!  Listen to 5:00 minute mark on Gun Control Scum Michael Savage’s show.  Savage wants to take your guns!  He says nobody needs an assault rifle!  
Padock’s Brother Says He Was Working With Police?   I don’t know what this means here but what did he mean by this?  
Robert Steele – Las Vegas was a Zio-Con Operation!  
Note – Why is Alex Jones is still pushing the ridiculous Mossad angle that Stephen Paddock converted to ISIS!  Yeah a multi-millionaire that had multiple aircraft and homes and was a retired accountant from Lockheed just decides to go and join ISIS!  It’s ridiculous as Jim Fetzer reports!
More missing windows on opposite side of Mandalay Bay the next morning!  Why is this not reported?
Jim Stone agrees with me that Paddock was a patsy and brought up this excellent picture clearly showing two more missing windows on the other side of the Mandalay Bay hotel the next morning!  Was there more shooters in those windows we aren’t being told about?  Nothing would surprise me since we’re lied to about everything.  Nobody is talking about these missing windows!
This was not a hoax!  People died.
If you are faint of heart then do not click on this video because it is shocking footage from the concert grounds.  There is no way possible this was fake.  People did die.  It wasn’t fake like Sandy Hook.  I believe this video proves people did die.  This is not a fake shooting and this video proves it.  
Edited Police Audio Confirms Multiple Shooters!  You hear police saying at least 2 shooters!
Here’s something interesting I found. The very same girl was on a Dr. Phil show talking about her narcissism and she is there at the shooting covered in blood and gets interviewed by CNN about the shooting!  I know it’s bizarre but listen to her story.  She said there multiple shooters and seem to think some might have been at ground level. 
Here’s 25 year old Corrine who was on Dr. Phil about Narcissism!
Here’s Corrine being interviewed on CNN about the shooting!  Strange but she backs up there were multiple shooters.
I have accumulated evidence proving the FBI is lying or at least misleading about the official story on the Las Vegas shooting.  In all the videos and pictures, you don’t see any muzzle flashes from the 32nd floor but videos have just surfaced that appears to clearly show muzzle flashes from the area circled in the photo above.  You can also clearly hear two sets of gunshots also!  Jim Stone agrees with me on this.  I clearly hear two guns and so do the gun experts and soldiers!
No doubt in my mind there were two shooters and the video above shows two sets of muzzle flashes in this lower center area of the hotel!  Was Stephen Paddock used as a patsy to blame for the shooting while a well trained team did the actual shooting from a lower level near the middle of the Mandalay Bay hotel?   I don’t have all the answers but I’m bringing out things that need to be investigated and tweeted to @potus and @realdonaldtrump because something stinks here!
Remember even if windows were not shot out at lower levels of the Mandalay Bay, it’s easy to remove these windows if you know what you are doing.  You keep the lights out, remove the windows, do the shooting while you have your operatives tell the police the shooter is on the 32nd floor!   Then replace the windows, clean the room and leave.  I show in my video how every fake news outlet on the planet practically screamed the same phrase that everybody saw muzzle blasts from the upper floors but not one is seen on any video or picture!  Seems like this could be planted information to me.
Remember, An Israeli “art student” team removed a window in the Twin Towers to take photographs of the other tower and then put the window back into place.  
Israeli “Art Students” remove window at World Trade Center!  Not hard for experts to do
It’s certainly not very hard for a professional team to remove the windows while they shoot and then put them back in while they put the patsy on the 32nd floor to die and end the story.  Much easier to tell the world that a lone nut did this than a well trained hit team working for Antifa or ISIS both run by Intel agencies.
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