The Greatest Hoax or the Greatest Deception Ever
The Greatest Hoax Following is the transcript of a taped presentation by Serge Monast, a French-speaking Canadian journalist. Although there was no date on the tape, Monast speaks of 1983 as "eleven years ago", so we will assume this talk took place in 1994. We heard rumors from time to time of harassment against Mr. Monast, and later had heard that he was killed. That is an unconfirmed (by us) report. Because the tape from which we transcribed was not of high quality, and along with the very heavy French accent, we were unable to make out some of the words. We had to guess at the spelling of some of the names. If -- as you read -- you find words incorrectly spelled or can fill in any of the gaps, please contact me. I've decided to transcribe this tape because the information relates to events occurring today. The projected time-line was off target, because Mr. Monast expected the plan to be fulfilled by the year 2,000.....