…Is it Tonight America???!!! Department of Defense Tweets Q Confirmation

…Is it Tonight America???!!! Department of Defense Tweets Q Confirmation

Monday, December 25, 2017 11:40

…Is It Tonight America???!!! Department Of Defense Tweets Q Confirmation

It will be nice to have MORE leadership like Trump, who can do the right thing… and are not afraid… how fragile the ‘old deepstate system’ is, that one man, can take it down…but of course… it is the love within us all that is bringing in a new reality for all of us… a better one. :)  

Trump Wears Purple Tie, And Drinks Water With Both Hands To Send Message To Hillary And Soros! Did You Miss This? What Did He Say?

Thanks to BPEarthwatch for his fascinating informative videos… 

Alternative on Monday Dec 25 2017 10:56

While America Under State Of Emergency, Q Suggests Historical Surprise Military Activity This Christmas Night!! Marking Return Of The US Republic To The People!!! Research Dec. 20th Executive Order Too And Put It All Together!! Secret Service Recently Does First Ever Live Drill At Whitehouse!! 

Alternative on Friday Dec 22 2017 16:58

Trump Plunges Sword into Heart of Beast! Implications of Dec 20 Executive Order Will Change Fabric of America, Affecting: MK-Ultra, Entertainment Industry, Media, Food, Abortion, Human Experimentation, Cult-Related Activities and More! 

To Alternative on Friday Dec 22 2017 08:18

Best News Ever! Donald Trump Declares US National Emergency Dec. 20th!! Donald Trump’s Astounding Christmas Present To The World And America! Human Trafficking Conspiracies No Longer Tolerated By America, Now Acknowledged As Existing, And As Threat To National And World Security! 

If you want to be informed…

If you want to go to the human colonies in other star systems… look no further than those who are pioneering this ability… join the Human Colony now… space travel isn’t for the experts… it’s for the willing!  https://www.hucolo.org/  Workshop opportunity in Feb. for channeling, next level healings, learn to communicate with spiritual lifeforms, liason with extraterrestrials via channeling sessions… learn new ET languages etc. 

Galactic News

Alternative on Sunday Dec 24 2017 10:04

Other related:
Beware to all The great deception is near their paving the way to mass mind control manipulation into accepting Evil in place of Holy and many even some of Gods elite shall once again accept and believe the lie from the Garden of Eden of becoming human gods as Satan Spoke. Beware of the coming Alien First Contact as the Pope himself has spoken of this possibility occuring in the very near future. This is all false doctrine of Lucifer and the Fallen Angels final attack on everything of God before they are finally put away for eternity in the Bottomless Pit of Hell. The Fallen Angels as we speak have been once again been released on this earthly plane as prophesied in the Book of Enoch and seen by all alive by the sudden massive leap in Technology which started occuring right about the same time these Fallen Demons were released around somewhere between 1750 and 1900 right when humanity also technologically leaped incredibly forward, incredibly fast... Mankind in the name of science has almost done now all the evil abominations of Human Genetic Manipulation, we have Cloned Humans, we have created Hybrid Chimera creatures warned of prior to Noah Flood. With the LHC "Large Hydron Collider" or CERN they are attempting to open a dimensional portal or gateway to the other dimension of the Anti-verse-Bottomless Pit where all is anti matter and incompatible with anything in our universe where God will put Satan and his minions once and for all hopefully very soon. All this new age shit that is being talked about so widely like channeling, spiritual healing, communicating with spiritual lifeforms, and this liaison with extraterrestrial via channeling and learning new ET languages can all be translated into  4 words "Contacting Spiritual Demonic Entities" I would be very cautious of all this very old knowledge being revamped as new age Alien ascended masters channeling you to can be gods is all nothing more than lies and deception being perpetrated on us all by yes spiritual and yes powerful evil beings...  

Ephesians KJV 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

So beware of the Big Deception it coming soon...  


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