Illuminati Show of Force Coming Soon, "Q" Army of Patriots Ready: Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret.

Illuminati Show of Force Coming Soon, "Q" Army of Patriots Ready: Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret. +Video

 BERTRAND DAILY REPORT The War For Your Mind & Soul Continues
By Capt. Dave Bertrand, Ret.
Friends and Associates:
With the passing of one of the top globalists / NWO Illuminati GHWB, it is important to note….the fight has just begun.
For centuries, the Society of the Illuminati have maintained complete and unfettered control of the world, it’s resources, people and governments. We are now on the precipice of saving humanity….a monumental task that may not end with a simple ‘National Emergency / Executive Order’ of 60,000 plus sealed indictments, but is a start
“The national emergency allows Trump to seize assets and unleash the military to carry out mass arrests and adjudicate via military tribunals, effectively imposing martial law.”
Because of the “Q” phenomenon, the entire world is reacting and watching President Trump make his next move(s) to take-down the Deep State / Illuminati by asset forfeitures and criminal acts involving pedophilia child trafficking….the Achilles’ heel of the 13 (plus) [Royal] families that thrive on life extension techniques by sacrificing children for blood transfusion(s) and the extreme adrenal rush from adrenochrome produced by the brain of a child being tortured, forcing a chemical release into the child’s blood.
Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C₉H₉NO₃ produced by the oxidation of adrenaline.
Besides adrenochrome being their secret life extension [high], the original families of what became the Illuminati, were descendants of the ancient gods that came to earth to seize resources and enslave humans.
DNA manipulation was necessary in-order to make (us slaves) more productive, but as Humans revolted (because of knowledge) the race of humans became (mostly) extinct, except for a handful that evolved through incest through the ages and now control all of earth.
As time passed, their circle of incest, in their attempt to maintain ONE bloodline of [Royalty] was causing extreme mental problems and deformities, thus….. they found it necessary to recruit healthy women to bear their children.
Today, the 13 [Royal] families continue to worship their gods of ancient times, and those gods referred to as “Falln’ Angels” under control of Satan a.k.a. (Extraterrestrials) continue to instill their own satanic powers of evil into the minds of the Illuminati…..of whom allowed Satan to take their souls in exchange for secret powers, wealth and control of the planet.
“In their opinion, they are entitled to rule over the rest of us because they are the direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves royal.”
While at the same time, the Deep State / Illuminati use those evil powers to enslave humanity (present day) by keeping knowledge to a level of their choosing, writing a history of lies taught by a brain-dead educational system. In essence, by staying in the dark and ignorant, humanity will continue to exist, and many reading this will prefer to be a slave.
Like they say, “You can’t fight city hall, therefore why rock the boat?”
Hello !! Our very existence right now requires the massive awakening happening around the world, because the Deep State are about to make some final moves and if we don’t react…we will perish.
The difference now, as opposed to when one of the Annunaki brothers [gods] became upset with the human slaves, because they “were too noisy and talked too much” a majority were killed…..the difference is:
Because of ‘reverse technology’ from E.T. races and their UFO’s captured, the technology to counter evil in the spiritual realm is now possible. ‘Solar Warden’ is now capable of forcing down un-welcomed UFO’s that pose a threat to earth. Not entirely…..but close to it ! Those that pose a threat (possibly) are entering earth’s atmosphere unnoticed. That is why people are seeing more UFO’s appearing and disappearing than when the conventional saucer shaped UFO’s were the norm, however….they’re still coming as metallic ships.
“Solar Warden is an ultra-secret project that maintains a fleet (or several fleets) of spaceships that are operating within our solar system. Some say they’re defending us against alien threats. Others say they’re involved in the covert colonization of space.”
“When Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of “non-terrestrial officers” and “fleet-to-fleet transfers” and a secret program called “Solar Warden”, he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed “the biggest military computer hack of all time”, and stood to face prison time of up to 70 years after extradition from UK.”
UFO’s (lately) are bright large orbs, or cylinder shaped with no wings. Are they ours…or theirs?
My flight crew and I witnessed such an event around 1997 while flying a 727 near Memphis. The UFO appeared, stayed ahead of us for about 5 minutes and disappeared, leaving a distinct halo around the cigar shaped UFO. Memphis radar had no contact, but two other airliners saw it as well, and is documented in the MUFON files.
The Annunaki gods are still coming and going. Their contacts (or representatives) on earth are the Illuminati.
Regardless if you believe that or not, is irrelevant, but know this….the Illuminati do believe and they ‘channel’ spirits of the dark side on a regular basis with dark knowledge while at the same time, well known Christian prophets today channel with the ‘Holy Spirit.’ (Each and everyone of us are capable of bringing darkness or the light into our life by methods of channeling and/or meditation). The fear factor keeps most from attempting such an easy task.
It’s NOT just a battle between Trump, the “Q” Army of Patriots against Hillary Clinton, Comey, Lynch et al, it’s a spiritual battle between good and evil. The awakening is upon us, because we are in the battle for our lives, our planet and the future of humanity.
annunaki bloodline
The Annunaki Ancient gods a.k.a. Nephilim from the star system Pleiades
“The Nephilim were on the earth in those days- and also afterward – when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heros of old, men of renown.” -. Genesis 6:4
We could easily expect to see a great awakening of the Illuminati (maybe not in our lifetime) but when [they] themselves realize, Satan is setting them-up for failure while attempting to destroy humanity for the purpose of taking earth completely away from “Father” God or (possibly) the “benevolent” extraterrestrials, those on an extremely higher plane of existence that (might be) empowered by and/or closer to the “Holy Spirit” universal power.
Prophesy says that “Jesus will return and will come down from the heavens on a cloud,” [to save humanity] but is that accurate? When the bible was written by man, reciting ancient scrolls….the description of events was in the language of those times. Today’s language would [probably] describe such an event, as ‘Benevolent Extraterrestrials’ arriving from space in crafts that can appear and disappear as if a cloud is dissipating or forming.
Extraterrestrials have been involved with humans before time and continue to influence our existence. The dangerous ones want to destroy humanity. Some theorize…their need is to remove most, or all of humanity for their own, because their planet is dying, but WE are standing in their way with technology WE took from them and/or what was provided by benevolent extraterrestrials, “of whom are actually us from the future, or descendants thereof.”
The anti-human extraterrestrials have aligned themselves with those that have power and control over the entire planet. Biblically, we can call them ‘falln’ angels’ of Satan, or just plain beings from another solar system that need and want our resources, if not the planet completely.
The Illuminati [Royal Bloodlines] created secret societies and governments around the world and recruited the best of the best into their circle. What evolved was an extremely powerful organization that bought-up (or stole) all the wealth in the world and formed alliances in-order to protect themselves and their interests.
They formed governments and enacted laws and taxes against the people in-order to protect their criminal acts of corruption, while WE the people (today) keep their assets fluid.
The Deep State / Illuminati pre-select presidents, congressmen and women while their CIA controls intelligence agencies around the world to protect the world’s economic system. If a war is necessary…one of the “7 elements” within the CIA go into action, (including) the necessity to take down a president that was NOT pre-selected by THEM, but (maybe) by a military force of “White Hats.”
Rigging of presidential elections didn’t work this time (2016) and if rigged….was rigged by military intelligence.
President Trump was selected by elements of the military intelligence and powerful (unknown identities) to give the stolen wealth back to the people of [These] United States while it is theorized, [THE] United States Incorporated (Delaware Corporation created in 1805) by the Illuminati is in jeopardy.
The outcome is unknown, and is extremely dangerous for Trump. However….theologians and prophets like Mark Taylor and the late Kim Clement emphatically believe that Trump will succeed. Skeptics believe there is no way in hell that Trump can take-down the Illuminati.
What WE do know…..the Deep State is in a panic and are about to go full speed ahead with whatever they have in their arsenal. If we look at Ukraine and the recent activity by NATO, the plan is to get Trump into a war with Russia….because Russia is on Trump’s side to take-down these 13 families and their wealth, which would include the so-called [Royal] family of England. THEY want WWIII in a very bad way….
We’re also seeing bits and pieces of (MSM) UFO news (lately) that would definitely launch the Illuminati into a tail spin if ‘Disclosure’ became a reality of what UFO’s are all about and the connections thereof. Not to be confused with the [DECLAS] coming soon…two different animals.
Let us not forget about the Deep State’s plan to possibly use ‘Project Blue Beam’ as their attempt to confuse the masses of a UFO attack and/or the arrival of “Jesus” as a fake attempt to bring-in the New World Order as the savior of humanity.
Because the Deep State is losing ground, the use of ‘Project Blue Beam’ would be portrayed by the Deep State as an action by the Trump Administration to fool humanity (or an act by Satan)….therefore, turning the tables saying “believe us, we are on your side [sheeple]“
It’s all coming to a head soon and we are witnessing the most outrageous possibilities of our lifetime.
Now…very important !
The video presentation was provided to me by Jeff Adams (an insider) and when he sends me something…I watch it, and I did last night. It is a very educational video detailing the facts about “Q” and “WE THE ‘Q’ ARMY” of patriots in this battle for humanity.
What I learned is very disturbing and backed by facts…..
America is NOT ours (in their minds) and is owned by a U.S. based Illuminati family with underlings attempting to control us and keep us brain-dead. Those underlings are well known criminals in our government and are about to be arrested.
To bring them down would seem to be impossible, based-on the corruption at the top that protects them at every turn. The underlings are in the CIA, FBI, DIA, Military and Congress. They’re in our colleges, our law enforcement agencies, local government, and most every major corporation.
Their power began with the industrial age and the building of railroads. All railroad companies, the major ones….are still part of the Military Industrial Complex. They are being used to carry freight and passengers, only for the purpose of commerce that benefits the one major Illuminati family that resides in America.
We have seen many reports about rail cars outfitted with seats and shackles. Most every rail car that hauls vehicles can be converted overnight with seats. Unused rail cars are parked in remote areas of the country.
Tens of thousands of plastic coffins are stacked around the country for an unknown use.
These are part of the military / FEMA [Martial Law] plans….depending upon who is the president at any particular time. The REX 84 program was designed for dissidents and others that oppose the [current] government and NOT for the purpose stated in-order to get the budget passed in 1984.
What followed, were hundreds of “FEMA Camps” created on military bases to (NOT house illegal aliens) but for you and me ! Those camps are currently manned and ready…..
Under Obama, the military went-on a major hiring campaign to man these [Internment] camps.
The Prozac Queen, Nancy Pelosi is only two heart beats away from being the president of [THE] United States. With a schizoid as president and Schumer licking her boots, there is no doubt in anyone’s mind of what a new Civil War in America would look like, but getting the “White Hats” of our military to go along with a Pelosi take-over as a result of [potentially] two assassinations by the CIA, the war in America would be astronomical.
What are the odds??
Watch the video and decide for yourself and you might agree with me….we are 2 minutes before midnight of something very big happening soon. [These] United States of America belongs to WE THE PEOPLE and we no longer will be slaves of [THE] UNITED STATES, INC.
Pray for Trump’s safety and perseverance and WWG1WGA.
—Dave Bertrand

The most important show to date – inthematrixx – master decoder – Anon – what is [P]

From the Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Your Comments Are Welcomed and Can Be Published Unless You Specify otherwise.
Retired Int’l Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727), Former (State) Law Enforcement, U.S. Customs (UC) Sector 5, Vietnam era Veteran (Korea), Embry Riddle Aeronautical University & University of Alaska (Undergraduate), Interests include Border Security, 9/11 Conspiracy, Government Corruption, New World Order, Freedom vs Communism, Secret Space Programs & UFO Encounters, Aviation, and Enjoy Living Off-The-Grid From Arizona to Montana Each Year.


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