Huge New Epstein-Like Operation Discovered - The Grove

Huge New Epstein-Like Operation Discovered - The Grove

The following story is Public Domain, yet the Journalist who released this story asked not to be named:

UPDATE: When you embed these images elsewhere, you have to actually set a path back to this site and use the file name, and not your software’s default file naming (this is going BONKERS) and I can see people’s mistakes trying to get this out there.

REVENGE: Molech for the BIG BOYS.

The grove, as it turns out, appears to be for the labourers.(I’ll post a disclaimer here – I have not been to the grove to see how nice it is, but I can surely state it does not get nicer than this.) What I have here is the upgrade, which includes f*** rooms inside Molech’s head, in an absolutely private and pristine setting that is nearly unapproachable and was only reached with a fair amount of work.
By the way, this place can, like the grove, have flames come out of the ground plus a place for hangings plus an obvious ritual tower and it’s a really spooky Molech that clearly has F*** rooms behind the eyes. Additionally, the place is suitable for child hunts, no child would ever get out of those woods and the entire main theme is “weaving spiders come out at night.” ALL DOCUMENTED.

This particular post is going to be worth alerting David Icke, Alex, and everyone else over. It is totally new stuff, and another Grove and Epstein’s island all rolled into one.

First of all, context.

These photos were taken with one of the world’s most powerful cameras and this particular shot, which was the only way to get the Molech face was taken from a mountain that was about a kilometre away. I have others that were taken right on the boundary but for what we are dealing with here, this was the only way to get what this really is to show. it’s a Molech “convention center” with a weaving spider’s roof. The actual size of this is about 20,000 square feet. In front of this is a 15-acre field that is perfectly open and showing Molech perfectly (once you get past the fence). Embedded into the ground are numerous pipes that can shoot flames. The entire location is very luxurious with a full-time groundskeeper and security who live in the home in the foreground that is about 200 yards away from the Molech. You can’t tell any of this in this particular image because of the image depth compression that happens with a mega-powerful lens. For example, the trees are old growth and have trunks 8 feet in diameter, and the tower is taller than them. You’ll see how huge this all is in subsequent photos.

This image is a thumbnail. Click it for the larger image.

I actually have far greater detail than even the large image but the question becomes “how detailed does it really need to be, and how much bandwidth am I going to eat?” I settled on a meg a shot. 

This next item is pretty much the same thing as the first, with a little different framing and a cropped out example item to provide context for just how large this place is. The scaling is way off from what your perceptions would guess. The home in the foreground is about 200 yards closer and uphill from this temple (it is actually sitting higher than the base of this temple) and is approximately a 1500 square foot home. It’s just buried in the trees (which are enormous old growth).

Well, lookie here. Just like Epstein’s “fantasy island” there’s a pile of mattresses visible through a window. If you want to screw a kid in the eye of Molech under a great big spider web, this is obviously the place to do it. I wonder who books this place. just kidding. I don’t “wonder”. I have the answers. Later with that, I want my dead man switch.
You can click this for a larger image but the small one is already obvious.
For context, here is the actual layout of the place.

Now that there’s context, let’s get on the ground around this place.

The entire place is set up so that if you are not familiar with it, you’d never know it was there. It is absolutely buried in the trees totally out in the wilderness, and the moloch area and large courtyard (it is about 15 – 20-acre courtyard) are completely obscured and can only be approached via a river that is flanked on both sides by 20-foot cliffs. These cliffs are buried in tall weeds and brush and are invisible until you almost step off. It would not be a death drop unless you starved to death with broken legs. High enough to break legs and be impossible for a kid to get over but not high enough to kill (most of the time.) It can be accessed by going a considerable distance downstream and walking up, or by coming down from upstream where security would easily see you and nail you.
This place is permanently staffed by people who live in auxiliary buildings and a house you can see in the aerial shot.
the natural-looking barriers that are too good to be true are important to note because there’s no way you’d ever stumble across this place, it takes a purposeful effort to get to it. There’s a gated road on the east side that attaches to the property (I’ll show that later) but if you want to know what is in this place, that road is a no-go, nothing telling is visible and I don’t think you’d want to be caught beyond the gate.
The entire place is surrounded by a cliff like this. You have to go down it AND UP it to get up to the level this temple sits at. However, there is in one spot access from the courtyard with stairs that go down into this “moat” which provided a way to get a shot of the courtyard. Even though you can look right into the courtyard, you can’t see the temple from ANYWHERE along the moat because the trees and other obstacles are perfectly placed to block a view of the temple no matter where you look from, (from the other side of the fence.) It has perfect privacy.
Another detail is that if there’s a kid hunt, no kid that manages to breach the fence is getting across that moat, NO WAY. Only, it does not look like an intentional moat, it all looks perfectly natural. It is Perfect.
Here is a look into the courtyard from the top of the steps that went into the moat. This is fenced and locked off from the moat but that is not showing in the photo.
One thing to point out here is that you can’t see anything from the moat. The fence is right up against the moat also, you can’t easily walk the edge and in the few places it is possible, no matter where you look from you can’t see a thing despite the fact it looks like you ought to be able to in the aerial photo.
Oh, another thing to point out is that the place is set up for ceremonies much like what Alex talked about. If you look in the lower right-hand corner of the courtyard pic, you can see a mound of rocks with a pipe sticking out. That shoots fire like in the Molech video Alex got and a lot of these mounds are visible around the perimeter of the courtyard in the aerial shot.
The courtyard shot is pretty much the best that could be done during the day with security walking the place. About those other night time photos for later . . . . . well, I’ll wait, this post is only a notification, as stated earlier.
But there’s some other cool stuff, that will provide context. Here it is:
This is how nestled it is into its private spot, way the hell out in the boonies. You’d never in a million years, from this spot, guess it has a moat and you can’t just go to it. All of that is perfectly obscured. 
There is a scissor lift on the property. Take a look at the branding on it. What a laugh!
This is the nice peaceful “country road” that actually goes down to the place. Considering the place is staffed, it would not be wise to go down un-announced. One thing I did not point out is that it is obvious this place is designed to accommodate “parties” of 1000+ and it is obviously seasonally used. I have a pile of photos of this place and it all boils down to what should I post?
How about if I post a couple of ultimate close-ups?
Gee. There are trees in there. Greta Thunberg would like that. Let’s call this the Thunberg Hotel.
Actually, that’s an important shot because you can clearly see the table and chairs and put them in context for how large this temple is. also, look down below. There are portal windows with bars in them. Why don’t all the windows have bars? Gosh. Why are they only on those small portal windows? Oh well, at least there’s light down there.
I don’t think this is where the finer accommodations are.

BIRD STRIKE. A bird broke one of the windows on the tower

I gotta say, I have never seen creepy like this, especially with those stacked up beds in the adjacent window. Yikes. They did those slit eyes with the drapes on purpose, don’t try telling me that was happenstance.

So how do you close after posting something like this? I GOT IT:

To those wrecking funding to this site, SURPRISE. And this only got posted because Claudia told me to because you pissed her off too. BONUS: Yeah, I have the goods on the patrons of this place BUT WAIT, THERE IS MORE!
Now that I have delivered phase 1 on this promise, I might as well spew something else:
Too bad I’m not in the U.S. where people will care more, but I uncovered a ring of Jewish doctors that are murdering people in hospitals for ritual purposes and “expedient” purposes and have 9 of them photographed and tagged, PLUS the 3 hospitals they do it at. Wanna try me? Haha, well, you probably thought the aerial image I posted of this “Molech temple” a couple months ago could not be followed upon. You guessed wrong. How about that. Maybe someone will do something about those doctors down here, maybe not, but the tribe is the tribe don’t ya know! Poke’em anywhere and they all scream. I won’t be going to THOSE hospitals to get “care”, HA, no way. That’s in my dead man switch too.

I bet you laughed while screwing me over this month. Welcome to unintended consequences!

Oh, and a little side note here: I have uncovered that this place was in part financed by people’s taxes, with the excuse to get financing being that the spider web was a terrarium and they “planted lots of trees”. Only, it was not stated to the public what the place actually was and the public is not invited. It was just a way to divert funding and get it done on the public dime. Classic! It would be fun to alert the public about this so they could demand access!

UPDATE II – December 19, 2019:

“Moloch temple” facts – to counter misperceptions and in a few spurious cases, the standard trollage

1. This place is built like a combination of a convention center and a resort. It was impossible to capture the scale of this building due to the way it was proportioned. The room behind the eyes would have at least a 25-foot ceiling and the eyes are about 20 feet wide per eye with both of them equaling about 50 feet including the space between them. They are clearly visible as an “evil face” for well over a mile but you have to be on the surrounding mountains to see this. Under the spider web, there is enough space for at least 50-foot trees.
2. This is not a millionaire project, it is a billionaire/trillionaire project that also got, in part, paid for by tax revenues that were siphoned off of environmental programs.
3. Not pictured: There are 3 different dams on the property, there specifically for this place. The smallest one is in one of the pictures. The actual scale of this place is approximately the same as Epstein’s island. There is lots of stuff not pictured in the report.
4. It is very remote, but buses can get there. The roads are not paved but also don’t need 4 wheel drive. There is enough LP gas storage on this property to empty an LP truck and nothing would need that much unless you wanted to run a nice ceremonial fire show. They also don’t use the gas for heating water because the place has a very large solar water heating array. It is not a “solar heater”, it is an array. I don’t know what on earth they’d need that much hot water for.

, Here is some of the solar water heating array. Note the size of this, it is only on one small not noticed portion of the roof, and that little piece of the roof is as much as a house would have. Why do they need that much hot water, and you can at least get a feel for the scale of this place from this picture:

5. Claudia somehow got information that indicates this place was asked for by British royalty and that it was the European Illuminati that put it in. Obviously, from some of the stuff on the ground, there is at least an occult type of Jewish influence here also. These would not be people you’d leave your kids with.
6. It is kept in perfect functioning condition and is occasionally used and between uses, the groundskeepers don’t bother with the details. There are plenty of little messes from “work in progress”.
7. The place emits an evil presence that reaches out for about 5 miles and can be felt by people who don’t even know anything is there.
8. It is somewhat probable that after a report such as this that they’ll tear it down because they want their secrecy and don’t have it anymore. Then again, I have not given out the coordinates so the verdict is still out on that.
9. Though the place is quite private there are ranchers in the area that can see it, at least if they have to go after a straggling cow. However, they would probably not know what it is and would not be able to see into it well enough to observe what is going on.
10. The place definitely could detain people on the lower floor and probably also has a bunker complex. There is simply too much support there for just the surface appearances.
11. This place, with the way it is set up, would be the #1 choice for those who wanted to get through a zombie apocalypse. It would handle that type of scenario with style and comfort and absolutely anyone who mattered could be there. It would be tough to overcrowd. I’d love to have that place after a few exorcisms and a little re-construction to get rid of the creepiness, it is a five-star bug out. Exactly the type of place any survivalist would want. I am sure the location it is in was chosen with that in mind.
To those speculating why I am keeping the actual location of the Molech temple under wraps – I am keeping it under wraps for the “dead man switch” plus to provide a reason to stop messing with this site’s funding. I’ll wait a while to see what happens with that. Some people are speculating I am afraid of retribution if I give the coordinates. That’s not it.
See also Sextortion World Order:


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