"Everyone is Ignoring This" - PREPARE NOW!

STUPIDITY and DEMONcRATS go Hand in Hand it seems. We now have "Brain-Dead Biden" and his VP sidekick "Adolf Cameltoe Harris" at the helm of the United States. Its time to Scream and Yell this as loud and as long as you can, the obviously very frightening realization of the simple terrifying fact that "We The People" now have two Un-Elected Elite Illuminati puppets for the 1% Satanic Criminal Cabal of Perverted Narcissistic Vampire Cannibal Psycho's in total control of the office of the POTUS and all its Military Might and Muscle... So if your an honest, moral, peaceful human being and whether your a Conservative, a Republican, a Democrat, a Liberal, a Progressive, an Independent or just an average hard working American Joe hoping for that American Dream... You know the dream of the 6 digit salary big house yard white picket fence with wife kids dog and all the toys of the times. Well your chances of making that happen just went POOF back on January 20th 2021... We told people who the real enemy was and it wasn't Covid19
 Sorry, your Dream just turned into a real LIVE FKN NIGHTMARE with PLANDEMIC and SCAMDEMIC included!!! We have been warning that this evil darkness called COMMUNISM was coming for two going on three decades now and now that its here and has a good foothold on our society through its deceptive new on campus name of Democratic Socialism... Spokesperson for ANTIFA-BLM have both talked about Democratic Socialism and their Marxist training and background. All you really have to do is talk to a few student at your local college or university  to really find out how uninformed or just how misinformed they are about the real facts about Communism. Many young people I talked to about it have this sort of glossy eyed vision of this great society where no one is any better than anyone else and everything is groovy. Were here where GOOD is EVIL and EVIL is GOOD everything is twisted and turned upside down 
"As it was in the DAYS of NOAH,  SO IT IS AGAIN NOW"


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