Are you one of the Walking Dead???

Im going to be very blunt here and quite possibly it may even seem a bit insensitive to any woke Demoncrat Socialism -Politically Correct sheeple you know who you are  the Liberal Democrat Club all around the world pushing vthis Agenda and to all the simply un-informed but frightened older people who were duped into getting these death shots I am so sorry forall who were duped through no fault of their my prayers go out for you all... I'll start off by saying if your in this catagory you either have no comon senseor you have not done your own due diligence, and researched this past the Mainstream Line of BS or you have simply drank to much Tap water CoolAid and your now just a dumbed down apathetic human along with million and millions of others around the world who are accepting this #COVAXJABSTAB I feel a deep sense of remorse and pitty for you as you life is now on a Spike Protein Spirral to death, either by a fast cardiac pulmonairy autoimune event or posibly a much slower more painful autoimmune disease and  death and all caused by this GMO Spike Protein which through the mechanism of the mRNA encapsulated in PEG Polyethalene Glycol in the Stab which basically hijack its way into a cell and Genetically modifies the cell to produces these Bio-weapon SPIKE Proteins what it does'nt do is provide an off switch, So effectively your body will forever keep producing these Spike Proteins. Here in lies the problem These little microscopic cell sized Spike Protein are suppose to search for a specific protein on the #CoVSar2 Virus problem is this protein is so similar to so many other proteins in our bodies that when they build up to a massive numbers in your body they start attacking in other place n the body causing an AUTOIMUNE RESPONSE... In laymen terms your own body goes to war against itself... Now, First and foremost I'm not a Doctor nor do I have any degree from any Jesuit or Freemasonic Universities . What I do have is a bad lower back injury that ended my working labor career and onto Disability Pension I went. Now this was just as Computers were starting to become a big thing with the introduction of the internet. This is where my entire life changed, and in a very bizarre and divine inspirational way... My sisters ex Idiot Beau was basically throwing out a IBM386 PC just the desktop box not anything else with it,  So I fixed it up and started learning the computer It was Windows 3.1 and you had to do everything yourself not at all like today but what it did for myself was make me learn everthing I could from software to hardware their was not a problem or bug I could not fix myself So I became my own tech and did PC repairs on the side for some extra cash mostly to freinds. This put me on the Computer some days 16 hopur or more. Now every so often I would come acroos some of these conspiracy theory stories and would'nt give them much though then one day I saw one on Wako and the Oklahoma Bombing and this peaked my interest and it just exploded with 911... That very day in September what i watched on mainstream news I though looked like a controlled demolition then with  building 7  shit I was forever hooked. I started researching and reading book we should all be made to read but most haven't,  I researched and researched, 12 to 16 hours a day reading, following money trails, checking out both side of stories and re-learning the real criminal history of the real world and trying to de-bunk everthing as well. Some of the things Ive researched are so out there that it would drive any normal person to insanity... Ive watched thousands of hours of historic documentaries on subject from the JFK Murder To the Alien Invasions into the Hollow and out on Flat Earth to Nibiru and back to quantum mechanics and the D-Wave Quantum Computer. You name it Ive researched it probably to some extent or another depending on how important and relevant the story is of course.  One of my most researched area is health and especially natural health. I did intense research on Big-Pharma and did not find anything good about the entire field of basically Criminal  Bottom line is the only thing that matters to them even over life itself.I basically uncovered a so called big pharma mafia controlled by the same people who control the bank, and who control the world from behind the Criminal curtain of secrecy.  Some example of their sheer evil policies you and I are now seeing with our own eyes From Lock downs to Mask wearing its all illegal and #FraudulentMedicalTyranny. Now lets get into this #COVAXJABSTAB that are on every single person mind today are they: SAFE  or NOT SAFE or a  GENOCIDAL BIO WEAPON FOR DEPOPULATION BY MASS MURDER #JABSTAB If you answered the Later You win all the rest you lose LITERALLY... Im not going to into all the proof to prove my point here simply because i have done my due diligence and know that everything bad that I have said about it is 100% truth and the best decision is to not take the #COVAXJABSTAB  It's just simply to Dangerous It Is I Believe  666 a Mark of the Beast 


 To all the now GMH Chimera Sheeople who got the double Jab and no one of you is exempt from this you,you either took it  Blindly, Apathetically, Fearfully, with no other information but what you heard on Mainstream news because they never lie so you didn't have to do your own due diligence they CNN - FOX did it for you with the "Follow the Science" line but the complicit scientist are all lying and you swallowed it all Hook, Line, and #JabStab and praising it all the way calling anyone with a different opinion as a Nut or conspiracy theorist or worse. When all we tried to do is WARN people about its possible Danger, then it was your own choice and now you have to live or die with it...-Well Good Luck because that is all you've got now...  Or on the other hand you were scared into action and did your due diligence and researched the Hell out of this and found criminal Trillionaires and Billionaires conspiring to pull off the biggest #FraudulentMedicalTyranny of the Century... This whole #CoVaHoaX attack and Bio-Weapon released upon Mankind is real and WE Real Flesh and Blood and God Given DNA are staying as far Fkn away as we can from the #Frankenshot Death Shot as is Humanly possible  Its this simple to us 



Real Humans with real Human GOD given DNA

 or the 

New Improved mRNA Superman Genetically Modified Human's or Manmade DNA Chimera Nephilim

What side are you on ??? and Did You choose Wisely or Fearfully  

Lets now have a look at natural preventative measures you can take to protect yourself from these spike protein as best you can as it's still very early into the researching its effect on the normal human people by the #COVAXJABSTAB Sheeople now sheedding these Spike Proteins to other people... 

This is not medical advice it what I MYSELF take DAILY.  So I myself Take daily  5,000iu of Vitamin D3, Zinc 100mg, Selenium200mcg, Vitamin C 1,000Mg,  Magnesium200mg, Potassium 100mg, and 2,000mg Salmon Oil Omega 3fatty acids and two cup daily of Home made Pine Needle Tea and three drop under tongue of Colloidal Silver Daily  to super boost immune system. Pine Needle Tea is suppose to Blocks the effect of this deadly Spike Protiens and I haven't been sick a day in the last 40 years since I started supplementing my diet with vitamins regularly. This is my line of supplement for immune boosting  Before you start any supplement check with your family doctor except know that they are alleophathic doctors and take only about four our aon nutrient and supplement in medical school they are taught on what Big Phama chemical to prescribe for whatever symptoms you have and nothing much more on nutritional health and they very rarely cure anything just mask and hide the pain and symptoms with lifelong prescription Actually it should be CRIMINAL what they practice its nothing more than sorcery  with chemical potions and sudo science 

If you haven't got the #frankenshot yet and are on the fense then Research the shit out of it before you do that's all we can Advise you to Do It's your Choice Please Make The Right One...... 



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