Graphene Oxide in All Vaccines Makes the Vaccinated Walking Time Bombs RF, EF, EMF RADIATION WiFi 4G LTE & 5G are the Key to unlocking the whole #CoVaHoaX, #FraudulentMedicalTyranny - Plandemic-Scamdemic, #Frankenshot Depopulation Agenda which is believed to have started about 4 centuries ago in 1720 with a million killer called Bubonic plague then a 100 years later in 1820 we had Cholera then another 100 years Spanish Flu now known to have been a vaccine experiment in USA gone haywire. Fast forward to 2020 and now we have the latest super changeling Delta variants of the #CoVaHoaX virus coincidence possibly, but quite likely not July 28, 2021 TLB St now Graphene oxide in all vaccines makes the vaccinated walking time bombs CLAIRE EDWARDS In a new video, La Quinta Columna reveal that graphene oxide (GO) has been found in saline solution, and they deduce that the use of GO is much, much more widespread and...