WEF Klaus Schwab Names the "Partners" Gates Foundation and 1000 Companies -- Great Reset

They Planned it ALL 

WEF Klaus Schwab Names the "Partners" Gates Foundation and 1000 Companies -- Great Reset

Its a big club, and you ain't in it.    Well maybe, if you aren't killed off you might get lucky enough to get a walk on part as a slave. 

I went through Klaus Schwab's 110 page book, which you can also get "for free" at the link below.    Just like the COVID shot you can get "for free".   And my review of Schwab's book follows.   I hope some appreciate the work it takes.   And how you can get the plan in 10 minutes instead of 3 hours.

So take those 10 minutes.

How come the Bond villains couldn't get this creative?  Gates Foundation and GAVI are the only directly named entities, but "science" is listed prominently.   You want to know what these Jagoffs think and what they desire?   Listen to what they have to say and write.


 So you want Klaus Schwab's recent book?    This was written in June 2020.

Here it is http://reparti.free.fr/schwab2020.pdf

You may wish to read page 32: The fate of the US dollar.   It appears that the end game is the implosion of the US Dollar by reckless spending and basically handing bribe money to those Government people that will "follow the plan", and then pivot to an all digital currency run by China.

Even though on page 99, they admit that in terms of Global deaths, COVID was a big nothing burger, but on page 34 they claim without elaboration that 

1.3. Societal reset 

Historically, pandemics have tested societies to their core; the 2020 COVID-19 crisis will be noexception. Comparable to the economy, as we just saw, and geopolitics, as we will see in the next chapter,the societal upheaval unleashed by COVID-19 will last for years, and possibly generations. 

ah, and now roll out the Kissinger: he and Klaus are really the life of the party!

As Henry Kissinger observed: “Nations cohere and flourish on the belief that their institutions can foresee calamity, arrest its impact and restore stability. When the COVID-19 pandemic is over, many countries’ institutions will be perceived as having failed”.

Of course they failed, they planned on failing, they took every "stupid" action to ensure they  failed.   And now the end game.....You can read more as they assure you that communism, listening to dear leaders, and an inclusive health care system, and "decisive decisions" are what made the successful countries in the COVID outcomes.

the very essence of their social fabric and socio-economic system may emerge and be denounced as the “real” culprit

And now, on page 37 cue "The Floyd", A Drug Dealing cop <Chauvin>, working security together with <the Floyd> the Drug Dealing Felon and porn star, at a massive drug and money laundering operation "El Nuevo Rodeo" nightclub.....

The Floyd Event was "key" to their program.   Curious also that the The Nuevo Rodeo and the Police Precinct just blocks away, were both burnt to the ground.  Clientele at the bar that Chauvin and Floyd worked at.

And Chauvin had a Beauty Queen wife....and a place in Florida, miles from where Floyd used to live.    I wonder how he afforded all that?

------------------------------- And of course, don't forget Climate Change fear!!!! Page 58 of the book.    EIA states that USA total CO2 output in 2020 was down 11% and its safe to think that is close to the same over the entire world.  What effect did that have on atmospheric CO2?    Check the chart for yourself.



EIA states that USA total CO2 output in 2020 was down 11% and its safe to think that is close to the same over the entire world. What effect did that have on atmospheric CO2? Check the chart for yourself. ZERO!

Klaus will touch on a Dystopian Future like the Handmaid's Tale, P67 "I told you I was a snake, so it's your fault that I bit you"
Wait, but we have just seen how reducing manmade CO2 has ZERO Effect on Atmospheric CO2
But that doesn't stop them from continuing to trot out the lies.
They attempt to fairly address the chances of a Dystopian Future like the Handmaid's Tale, P67 P68

They address bio-metric bracelets.    Come to think of it, no wonder I don't use my fitness watch device anymore.    See the highlighted "I told you I was a snake, therefore it is your fault that I bit you."

P69 They refer to changes in Business as a Micro-Reset, but clearly their 1000 partners in business which they have lined up to start the Great Reset are not Micro.   And they note, hoo hum, how small businesses are going to be disadvantaged by "the difficulties" without defining what these difficulties will be.   They want everything computerized, they call it digital solutions.

They can spy on, even shut down, anything that is "digital"

 P71 finally something I agree with.   In the late 80's I worked in a few assembly plants.    The big buzzword was "just in time" and minimal inventories, even of inventories on the line of tools to repair problems and tools that wear out.    We were encouraged to have no extra of these, and that when needed you go to the Tool Room to get what you needed.   Purportedly for inventory control and cost control.    It  was effing insane!!    So your line is down....$20M or equipment and 30 employees waiting on a part.   That the supervisor walks 10 minutes to the other side of the plant, and then stands in line to request a part.    Just in Time, is Just Insane.

The effective and smart supervisors found a way to get extra parts...requesting when you really didn't need, and stockpiling those.....you had to find a way to hide them.    We had the best production, the rebels who saw the stupidity of "Just in Time".     I 100% endorse "just in case" as any prepper would.

1 is NONE
2 is One

 P86 Psychology and shame

P87  Psychology continues, and then they conclude with 2 sets of Bullshit they pull from mid-air without having previously discussed them.   Global Climate Change Action and Global Governance are critical to avoid DOOM.

P88 If you got this far, you can figure out the narrative here.    For many, it was clear from the get go that the lockdowns were deleterious and designed for maximum pain.   In retrospect, it is even more clear. 


They also bring up the mask issue, and say that it was made political, and that it was a moral choice.    You were a bad person to not choose a mask.   over 50% of the deaths in the Spanish flu were from secondary bacterial infections caused by too much mask usage.   And this new study from JAMA on mask wearing in children. 


P91 Mental Health and Well-Being.    They wanted maximum pain.   Early on I opined that what was being conducted was an MKUltra psyop on a Global Scale.    Days later Amazing Polly came up with "Are We Being Tortured" and she presented a good case.    She was later banned from YouTube.

They let her back in just 2 weeks ago, but her best works are all gone. 


Fortunately, myself and others preserved it on Bitchute





 Final Conclusion and then the last 10 pages are footnotes and citations.

Uh-at the conclusion to the conclusion, they seem to want to gas light us into thinking the "welfare state is good???"   Seriously! ??


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