Trump a Moral Patriot Believer in the Truth or an Evil Vile Turncoat Traitor Satanist

                  Trump a Moral Patriot Believer in the Truth or an Evil Vile Turncoat Traitor Satanist

TRUMP is the wild card and the problem is who's trump card is he??? The people's who he's been priming with the truth about the Deep State at his rally's for the past 5 or 6 years. Or is he really a turncoat traitor for the Deep State that we won't realize is a traitor until its to late to stop him

                  I have always stated that Donald Trump was a wild card a trump card The question was always for who is he a trump card the White Hats or The 1% Satanic Elite of Trillionaires and Billionaires Pedophiles and Pedavores They could be called Modern day Vampires with their lifelong addiction to their fountain of youth Drug Adrenochrome which is harvested from infants and young children after they have been satanically terrorized and tortured and at the moment of peak terror They drain the blood from the back base of the neck and bled the child dry killing the child they then also partake in cannibalism eating the child Adrenal glands, Pineal gland, Pituitary glands, and so on ...This occurs 100s perhaps 1000s of time per day all over the Globe Every single day. Just to keep this 1% Vampire Elites in supply. Not just anybody can find and purchase this drug and if it was available that easily you still wouldn't be able to purchase it its to expensive for even millionaires because once hooked your like a vampire you need it forever after that. The Epi-pens of epinephrine for allergic reaction turn into Adrenochrome the synthetic form and not a blood product and no children involved in the production. Well back when Obama was POTUS he changed law and raised the price of these Epi-Pens as these 1% Elite Adrenochrome vampires use it in emergency when they dont have or cant get the real thing as Epinephrine brakes down into Adrenochrome when its exposed to light. All we the people can do at this point is watch Trump with a magnifying glass. Another thing many MAGA Trump people dont understand is his almost constant praise of these #Frankenshots they are the real Bio-weapon turning the VAXXED into weapons that will shed mutated form of any virus a vaxxed person come into contact with after the JABSTABS. The White Hat Doctors fear this more than anything as they just dont know whats going to happen They say its possible they could mutate it into a very virulent deadly variant and possibly even an extinction level pathogen worse than anything we have ever seen before .

                They The White Hat Doctors who are risking everything there Medical licenses, there jobs their livelihood, and possibly even their own lives or the lives of their families... Just to get the TRUTH the real information about the #CoVaHoaX and the massive Global #FraudulentMedicalTyranny being forced upon us daily now and you better believe it that their coming soon for you with Totally Mandatory VaXXine to be forced on us all at gunpoint on every global citizen, Men, Women, and Children and there is no exemption not Medical or Religious exemption NONE. They want to get this deadly lethal injection the #Frankenshot into every human on the planet without any real information about it other than the Purposely left blank Product Monograph that come packaged with the Vaxxine. I have obtained a revised copy of the PFIZER product Monograph dated Revised September 3rd 2021 was sent out to Doctors and Pharmacist only and not for Patient or Public's eyes... It states right on it that as of Sep 3rd these JabStabs have not been fully approved by Health Canada "Health Canada has authorized the sale of this Covid19 Vaccine  "UNDER AN INTERIM ORDER " only which goes to show Health Canada's complicity with all of Little Castro TRUDEAU's illegal dictatorial and simply insane mandates and orders imposed on the entire Canadian population to keep us in a state of constant FEAR FEAR FEAR so we may easily be persuaded into believing this massive #FraudulentMedicalTyranny of the #CoVaHoaX Plandemic with its real agenda of Global GENOCIDE by Depopulation by 95%...We now know through intense Due Diligence and research that this whole #CoVaHoaX Scamdemic has been a PsyOps, which has been in the planning for over 60 years give or take a decade...Any Doctor who are promoting and pushing these VaXXine on their patient is doing so without giving the patient  proper truthful and accurate information on its safety its effectiveness and of course a list of ingredient and Doctors just dont have this information so how can they possibly give you Informed Consent ... 

             If Doctors are injecting their patients with these Drug Vaxxine Biologic Pathogens Doctors are injecting their patients with something that they cannot possibly give them informed consent for Which means these Doctors are Violating their Hippocratic Oath They are also violating The international Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Treaty.. Doctors are also Violating the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki... Is this your Doctor If so FIRE HIM OR HER AT ONCE They are now all complicit Criminals and are being paid to do it. For example every Patient Admitted by a doctor with Covid19 the Doctor receives a bonus, And when a hospital admits a patient to the ICU the hospital get around $15000 and then if they can get them on a Ventilator $35,000 that a lot of financial incentive to skew the numbers of Covid19 patients going thru these hospitals

           After giving someone all the fact that we now have about  how dangerous and UNTESTED, UNAPPROVED, Deadly Never before used mRNA encased in Lipid Nano Particulate which enable it enter cells more easily it also allows it to cross the Brain Blood barrier Turning you into an Artificial SARSCoV2 Spike Protein factory with no Off Switch. So if after hearing or reading all the White Hat Doctors Factual research and if they still decide to get it at least they have been giving informed consent as best is possible in this time of twisted TRUTH and outright Lies. Like, Right now no Doctor can really give any patient informed consent because even doctor dont know all the ingredient so if there telling you its safe its OK It works, their Lying to your face about it and their either totally complicit or very naive doctors or they themselves are really stupid brainwashed with fear and lies ...                 

           So were does Trump fit in to this Is he a Good guy and really for the USA people or a Deep cover Deep State Swamp Demon


Some of former president Donald Trump’s actions and decisions have begun to raise questions for many of us. These are questions we need to ask ourselves and consider whether we were duped or not.  ‘Betsy and Thomas’ have supported Donald Trump since the day he and Melania came down the escalator in Trump Towers to make their announcement.

We are as devastated, as any of you might be, after discovering that Trump threw the whole world under the bus for big pharma with an executive action that he signed in January 2020. 

If what we discovered is part of a counter intelligence operation to expose and destroy the British Pilgrims, we need to know now. Is Trump a man of God and TRUTH or son of Satan and lies?

Stories Contributed by N. Morgan


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