Genuine article of Bill Gate’s arrest declared fake by AfricaCheck


Genuine article of Bill Gate’s arrest declared fake by AfricaCheck

Bill Gates shortly after arrest by the FBI

There are so many websites that have gained a good reputation and respect of the general public through deceptive means by fighting against fake news but the fact is they rather declare genuine articles fake to deceive the public and to protect the criminals that articles are based on. One of such websites is “AFRICACHECK – sorting fact from fiction,” founded by one Peter Cunliffe-Jones.

It doesn’t make sense at all when a genuine article is declared fake and this is not the first time I have come across genuine articles being declared fake, especially, if the article is about Bill Gates. Africa is the continent that has suffered a great deal through slavery, colonial brutality, Apartheid horrors, and the deliberate spread of diseases, yet publications about the perpetrators are often declared fake.

In May 2020, a publication about Bill Gates’ arrest by the FBI, appeared in Australia’s oldest newspaper, called “The BETOOTA ADVOCATE.” The publication captioned -“FBI Arrests Bill Gates For Biological Terrorism After Tip-Off From Melbourne 5G Protestors” was written by the editor, CLANCY OVERELL. 

The article is about – Billionaire founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates (64) has been arrested by the FBI today on charges of biological terrorism after it was revealed he created the coronavirus so that he could control us because he’s always had an interest in that kind of thing.”

Over 1000 FBI police officers surrounded his high-security underground Seattle science bunker earlier today, where they told him to come out with his hands up, and to bring the cure of COVID-19 with him, he if could.

The arrest of Bill Gates is reportedly the result of a tip-off from the Melbourne conspiracy theorists who breached Victorian lockdown restrictions yesterday to spread ‘the truth’ about this so-called pandemic. The link to the full article-

As soon as the publication came out, it appeared to be that Nigerian online or digital news got the information to publish the article first. Then as usual, “AFRICACHECK stepped in to declare the article fake, with this title, “No, FBI hasn’t arrested Bill Gates for ‘biological terrorism.”

The fraudulent deceptive AFRICACHECK then adds a piece of extra information that “The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is one of Africa Check’s funders, providing 11% of our income in 2019. This is actually a foundation that goes about using Africans as guinea pigs for experimenting with new drugs and vaccines manufactured by pharmaceutical companies in developed countries.

Image used by AFRICACHECK to declare a genuine article by BETOOTA ADVOCATE fake

When it comes to crimes against Africa, the continent has no voice, even African leaders can’t speak because they are scared they will be denied a visa to enter Europe or America.

This has made it very easy for the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control to feed false information about HIV-Aids and Ebola on their health websites, claiming monkeys, bushmeat, poverty, and bats are responsible, while indeed are biological weapons.

After detecting the genuine publication declared fake by the editor of ‘AFRICACHECK’, I quickly send him the mail below: 

My name is Joel Savage, a journalist in Belgium. I came across a publication captioned “No, FBI hasn’t arrested Bill Gates for ‘biological terrorism. ” Please, I want to know what investigation or research you made before coming to that conclusion. Was it because it was published by Nigerian online news?

Frankly speaking, your article is a complete fraud, and deceptive, the fact that the original article was published by “The Betoota Advocate” under the name   CLANCY OVERELL.  We have websites such as “”, that has been supporting, aiding, and abetting crimes committed by foreign governments against Africa, yet they pretend and deceive the general public of doing a good job. 

I will make sure to publish the whole article, including this e-mail for readers to know Africacheck, org consists of criminals more than Bill Gates. After that, I will send you a copy to read. If you want a good name, then do a good job; this is not my first time seeing such a senseless article calling a true article fiction. It’s a disgrace against humanity and the press.

Joel Savage

It will be recalled last year, in the month of April, I published an article captioned “Dr. Raoult Calls On Africans Not To Take Bill Gates’ COVID 19 Vaccine. Even though that article was genuine, the Executive Director of the World Health Organization, Dr. Michael Ryan, also declared that article fake.

Just like how deceptive scientists are those that are awarded, the same the deceptive AFRICACHECK is also proud to display a few awards on its website. The world wouldn’t be in such a mess if people have the vision to detect wolves in sheep clothing.

AFRICKCHECK has a lot of followers on Twitter because the followers might either lack vision, be easily deceived, or probably be criminals themselves. Not me, I have a good brain because God gave everyone free, it’s up to you to use it wisely or foolishly.

I thank God to be among European journalists to expose these criminals supporting and aiding the crimes of Bill Gates because it is only the third world he commits his crimes.


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