The Removal/Arrest of The Supreme Court Justices Will Trigger The Event- Wikileaks Files Now Online!- Joe Rogan Joins The Fight!- State Of The Union- Latest Real News

 The Removal/Arrest of The Supreme Court Justices Will Trigger The Event- Wikileaks Files Now Online!- Joe Rogan Joins The Fight!- State Of The Union- Latest Real News

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 17 Dec. 2021

Compiled Fri. 17 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty-Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty-two multiple personalities.”

You Were About to Bear Witness to the Greatest Military Operation that Ever Took Place.
A Deep, Dark World was Being Exposed.
The Truth Won’t be for Everyone.
The Choice to Know Would be Yours.

It’s Go Time!!!
It all connects
Crash Inbound
Evergrande – Bitcoin – Tether – US Dollar

“First indictment (unseal) will trigger mass pop awakening. The first arrest will verify action and confirm direction. They will fight, but you are ready.”…Q (17 Dec. 2019)

Wikileaks just dumped all of its files online. Yep. Everything from Hillary Clinton’s emails, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs’ HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic…  Happy Digging!

Stand Up for Victims of Human Trafficking:

Please help your area become part of a nationwide March to End Human Trafficking and Child Protective Service Corruption to be held March 6-8 2022.

Judy Note: Everything was in place for 209 nations to do their Global Currency Reset. As of Wed. 15 Dec. at Midnight a fake Joe Biden headed a defaulted and corrupt US Inc. The US Military which was in charge of triggering the GCR were keeping the timing under wraps, though at least three sources indicated it would go by Sat. 18 Dec, or if not by Mon. 20 Dec.

On Thurs. evening 16 Dec. Bruce reported that on Thurs. 16 Dec. the new Iraqi Dinar and the new US Note were put on par 1:1 with each other and that we should have 800 numbers Sat. morning 18 Dec. and start Sat. afternoon. If that does not occur it would go on Mon. morning 20 Dec. The General Public would start Jan. 2-3.

Some Bond Holders Tier 3 have been told they would get a call at noon on Sat. 18 Dec. and would get access to funds at 1 pm that afternoon.

On Thurs. 16 Dec. MarkZ “I spoke to one paymaster who swears there is a mad rush now to get this thing out over the next three days or so – to at least get notices out.”

Restored Republic: Wikileaks Just Dumped All their Files Online: Hillary Torturing & Killing Children in Satanic Rites; Vegas Shooting by FBI; WHO Created Plandemic with Pharma, Fauci, Lawmakers Making Bank off Blood Clotting Vaccines; WHO admits no deaths related to Omicron; Biden, UK Cancel Christmas while Army Activated and Mass Arrest Happening.

A. Thurs. 16 Dec. 2021 The Big Call, Bruce: 667-770-1866 pin123456#

Redemption Centers were fully staffed from morning to night from now on.

For the past two days, Conference Calls have been held with Tier 1 Banks, Redemption Center Staff, major bank executives, US Treasury Manuchin, Shabibi, Zimbabwe Bank executive, and many other countries.

The St. Germaine Trust opens on Christmas Day.

From high up sources we know we have some timing decided. We should have 800 numbers Sat. morning and start Sat. afternoon. If that does not occur it would go on Mon. morning 20 Dec.

They will take it through the end of the year. The General Public would start Jan. 2-3.

While Shabibi was talking today Thurs. 16 Dec. the new Iraqi Dinar and the new US Note were put on par 1:1.

Some Bond Holders Tier 3 have been told they would get a call at noon on Sat. 18 Dec. and would get access to funds at 1 pm that afternoon.

B. Thurs. 16 Dec. Evening MarkZ

Covid/Omicron/Vax Hoax:

Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Peter McCullough

-75 Lawmakers Making Bank on Vaccines

-FDA Warns Over Severe Condition Linked to COVID-19 Vaccine

-Rising up today against Vaccine Mandates, Covid tyranny: Munich Germany, Wellington New Zealand, New York City

-Anonymous source: Epoch Times reported that the WHO has returned its requests for comment and confirmed that the agency cannot indicate any deaths related to Omicron. CDC Director Rochelle Walenski confirmed Friday afternoon that only one patient has been hospitalized in the U.S. due to Omicron. Suddenly, the “new option 500 times more deadly” officially turned out to be useless. This news also hints at new orders given by Lagarde. The new German Finance Minister Christian Lindner made his debut as finance minister, announcing the injection of 60 billion euros into the fight against climate change. The funds will be received from previously unused debt. This is a sign that the central bank of Germany has been seized, and the “unused debt” is paper money printed in order to protect the environment. So we see leaders downplaying concerns about the pandemic by printing money for reasons unrelated to war and disease. Remember that ultimately we are dealing with a battle over the psychological process of deciding what we, as a species, will do in the future. The battle is between those who want to use fear and hatred to enslave us and those who want to build a better future together. On this front, we receive a lot of contacts about mass meditation on December 21 to promote positive thinking. These meditations are not religious but rather designed to develop positive thinking, because the best way to deal with negativity is positive.

-It was found that people do not know much about injections against Covid-19, and the willingness of the Medicines and Medical Products Regulatory Agency in the UK to license a product about which, as it turned out, there was not enough information, has not received an adequate explanation.

-However, we know that, as I first reported, the MHRA received a huge amount of money from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has financial ties to injection manufacturers such as Pfizer. As for the effects on the brain, the main question is, will lipid nanoparticles be able to transfer mRNA through the blood-brain barrier?

-The brain barrier is a semi-permeable barrier of cells that prevents the penetration of certain substances from the blood into the protective fluid around the central nervous system. It is very important to know if this is happening, because if so, then all bets are on what can happen to the brain. After all, liquid nanoparticles are already being used to deliver other drugs across the blood-brain barrier.

-If mRNA gets into the brain, then neurons, brain cells, can be marked by the body’s immune system as foreign. And as the number of repeated injections increases, the problem will get worse. The concern is that brain cells can become a target for cytotoxic T cells and die.

-It has now been established that mRNA is found in all human tissues except the kidneys. It has been found in the heart, lungs, liver, testicles, and brain. A Japanese study, for example, showed that the vaccine actually gets into the brain. Also of concern is the fact that scientists have called for research to investigate any link between vaccinations and acute demyelination of the central nervous system.

-What damage will it do? How long will it take before brain damage can be determined? I haven’t the faintest idea. Just like everyone else. In a normal experiment with a new drug, doctors would look for and check all possible problems before releasing the drug for widespread use. But injections against Covid-19 are administered to billions of people without having the slightest idea what will happen. If you have been given an injection, the first certainty is that the mRNA of the vaccine will get into your brain. The second danger is that the more vaccines you have been injected with, the more dangerous it will be.

-Only time will tell how many cells of your brain will die. And children, of course, will be more vulnerable because they are more vulnerable anyway and because they are more likely to live longer. Some experts, advisors, and regulators will tell you that the risks are small. But how can they know that? And what is a small risk? They told us that the problems with blood clotting are small. In my opinion, getting one of these vaccinations is like taking a huge dose of LSD and waiting for what happens next. And hope that you don’t become like Peter Green, for example. And, remember, vaccination against Covid-19 will not stop you from contracting the virus and will not stop you from transmitting it. According to the NHS’s own guidelines in the UK, you can get infected or spread Covid-19 even if you have had three vaccinations. The choice whether or not to get vaccinated should be yours.”

State of the Union:

The Supreme Court was established on March 4, 1789. When did the US Supreme Court have the Second Judiciary Act placed? Around 1871. Things were being done then that should never have happened like the 1871 Act Of England and having nine Supreme Court Justices.

Taking Back The Country is larger than we can imagine. Chapter 11 – USA Corp, Vatican & City Of London are bankrupted. 1871 Act Of England has been reversed. (MARITIME LAW TO 1776 COMMON LAW). The whole world will be shocked at the 1st Arrest because the whole world has been under the English Justice System. (MARITIME LAW, CROWN, GOLD FRINGE ON US FLAG) The removal/arrest of the nine Supreme Court Justices will trigger the Event.

The enormity of what is coming will SHOCK THE WORLD. Pray. THE TRUTH WILL SHOCK THE WORLD. Regain power by any means necessary. Trump comes back as 19th President, not 45th.

Zero-Day = Mass Cyber Attacks to shut everything down before DECLAS. 11.4 could be 11.22 the day before Supreme Court. 2moro’s Delta talks about a reminder Unclassified Setting Monitored & Analyzed in RT. Then 2nd drop on Zero Day [ZERO-Day] Countermeasures in place. [Example] Think Emergency Alert System. Think WH controlled *new* RT ‘news’ website. Think WH controlled *new* video stream platform. Think Here. Should this occur, immediate steps will be taken to classify each as ‘Public Utility’ (essential public services) to gain appropriate gov regulation (control). Why do we make things public? …Q

“RV? We are entering the Event Stage. This is the part of the movie where they try to scare the hell out of you and you run to their One World Order Plan. Confusion around the Global Currency Reset, GESARA, NESARA is real. Always remember, we have a new currency (QFS) that will replace the fiat trash. QFS has not been publicly announced as of yet. This is the switch we are waiting for. Stay strong, help others. WWG1WGA” …Whiplash347 Thurs. 16 Dec. 2021

“Ready? They’ve been preparing you for two months on not having Christmas December 25 a Satanic Day. They’ve been preparing your Hearts & Minds for a Tragic Queen Death & Pope Death too ever since I ramped up Operation London Bridge Posts. REMEMBER on the Friday every media outlet posted about it then on a SUNDAY a Black Swan landed on Tiananmen Square. I’ve told you for a long time we are Calendar Flipping from Gregorian to Julian Calendar. I also said since the start of 2020 that when Q drops this it will hurt for six months. They’ve told you it is Biblical. The two most Biblical times are Easter & Christmas. We went through the Ever Given parting the Red Sea at Passover to it Flooding/Raining 7/11. We have been through it all.” …Whiplash347 Thurs. 16 Dec. 2021

Judy Note: While the below was published back in 2017, it contained vital information about what to expect in the next several days.

Nov 01, 2017, 10:56:16 PM EDT Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No. 147567888 Q Clearance Patriot: “My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be actioned and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country are being exhausted in full. However, the atmosphere within the country will, unfortunately, be divided as so many have fallen for the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding fake news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).”

Anon: There are signs that the corporate propaganda media will soon be captured by White Hats. In particular, sources from the CIA report that CNN will soon be cleaned up and turned into what it should be: a source of truth and facts. This title suggests what will happen “A CNN employee was indicted Friday on three counts of using an interstate shopping facility to abuse underage girls.”

The key point here is “creating interstate commerce” because it allows CNN, Google, and other media giants to be systematically screened for child abuse. Another sign that the White Hats put an end to media fraud is the fact that actor Jussi Smollett was convicted of staging a racially motivated crime. This is evidence that Antifa’s attempts to foment a race war in the United States, funded by the Chinese Communist Party, are coming to an end.

The Real News for Thurs. 16 Dec:

-They Cancelled The Fake White House Christmas Party because of C O V I D, 45+JFKJRISALIVE:,

-UK Merry AXE-mas: Britons CANCEL pre-Christmas plans, pubs CLOSE and the West End falls silent as public heeds Plandemic warnings:


-On December 6, a lawsuit was filed with the International Criminal Court, in which British government officials and international leaders were accused of various violations of the Nuremberg Code, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crimes of aggression against the people of the United Kingdom. Sources in MI6 promise that this is a clear sign that criminal leaders from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the UK are facing charges of committing war crimes.

International Child Sex Trafficking:

-“THOSE YOU TRUST THE MOST” The leader of a megachurch with a well-known Phoenix location was charged with child sex crimes and is believed to have told his victims they were going against God if they refused his desires, law enforcement officials said.

-May 14 2018 Vatican, Clinton, Soros, Global Elites Named in Child Rape, Homicides: /celebrities/2018/05/vatican-Clinton-Soros-global-elites-named-in-child-rape-homicides-2475385.html

-April 27 2018 Vatican led Child Holocaust Cover-Up/celebrities/2018/04/vatican-led-child-holocaust-surfaces-covered-up-2475374.html

-April 26 2018 Pope Francis Plans Child Sacrifice/celebrities/2018/04/pope-Francis-plans-child-sacrifice-for-June-21-2475368.html

-May 15 2017 Cult Arrested with Caged, Abused Babies and Body Parts Released Without Charges/celebrities/2017/05/cult-arrested-with-caged-abused-babies-and-body-parts-released-without-charges-2475072.html

-May 17 2017 Vatican, Global Elites Found Guilty of Child Sacrifice: /celebrities/2017/05/vatican-global-elites-found-guilty-of-child-sacrifice-2475081.html

Wars and Rumors of Wars:

-Russia Rolls Out New S-70 Okhotnik Combat Drone. The stealth-enabled unmanned combat aerial vehicle was wheeled out before a delegation from the Russian Ministry of Defense. The ‘Hunter’ stealth drone is equipped with advanced anti-detection capabilities and has been in development since 2011, with Sergei Surovikin, commander of the Russian Aerospace Forces, stating the vehicle will be capable of hitting targets of the ‘air-to-surface’ and ‘air-to-air’ categories.

Global Food, Fuel, Goods Shortages:

-Major Automakers Facing ‘Microchip Crisis’ for YEARS. Carmakers have been warned to brace for a global semiconductor shortage, which could extend beyond next year – consultancy firm Roland Berger warns. Bottlenecks in the supply chain and production issues are set to complicate the auto-manufacturing process for companies like Volkswagen Group and GM.

2020 Election Fraud:

-Mark Finchem believes they may be onto a racketeering case in Arizona, which stems across multiple states. He said they received new testimony from a gentleman who says a company called Fuelworks rented out the ballroom at the Wigwam resort, and that ballroom was filled with boxes of ballots from multiple states – not just Arizona. If true, this is huge

SPIRITUAL RESET by KomorusanQ714

The sons of God lost control of Creation due to the worthless concepts of spirituality that the hybrid human serpent seed bloodlines created for us. We are born in our Father’s Love genetically encoded with His Righteousness we have a moral compass and know right from wrong.

Trump was born to complete the task that Jesus started. He knew the time would come to answer his calling to stand up and step in at this time in human history. Trump is not bound to any religious indoctrination and therefore he’s totally receptive to what has to be done so that our Heavenly Father’s will is done on earth as it is in Heaven.

It’s the cleansing and rebirth of our Earth. It’s the “Second Coming” where all original creation will be restored. Unless we understand how we surrendered our discernment to the doctrines of vipers, we will fall again. United we Stand, Divided we Fall.

The Nephilim Used Religion To Divide And Conquer The Sons Of God

The Pagan Gospel Of The Church Replaced The Gospel Of Jesus The Irrefutable history behind Roman Emperor Constantine's ability to implement his pagan practices into the bible canons that began at the Council of Nicaea in 325ad and ended at the Council Of Carthage in 397ad when the official bible rolled out. Revelation’s Doom And Gloom Is Part Of The Programing The irrefutable history behind the book of Revelation.

The Globalist Globe To Be Exposed Next: The greatest challenge we will ever face is the ability to deprogram ourselves to the truth about our earth.

It’s about ending what has plagued our earth for thousands of years. The Nephilim hybrid human demonic race feeds on our children and through the abduction scenario, took our children to D.U.M.B’s to experiment, torture, extract adrenochrome, traffic, and genetically modify themselves to look like us. The Nephilim are no longer the giants of old with two rows of teeth with six fingers and toes. They’re the new men of renown who control all governments on earth which allows them to do their evil degenerate activities, genetic experiments, and satanic rituals underground. This video shows how for many generations parents have been abducted and used to be manipulated genetically by themselves and their children. They can’t survive without our DNA. They’ve been doing this for thousands of years.


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