‘Freedom Convoy’ eyewitness on Canada’s SHOCKING anti-protest tactics

FKN TRUDEAU'S GOTTA GO     His nazi Castro dictator tactics don't work on Awake Canadians anymore. He's the Dictator of the small fringe group now with unacceptable communist values And that is the Truth of this insane sick story    FKN TRUDEAU'S GOTTA GO
There were reports of bridges and ramps being blocked by Police and an apparent sighting of rooftop Snipers over what could be called a big huge party or festival with flags everywhere and happy-spirited fun-loving Canadians  Not Trudeau hate rhetoric and his attempted racist and divisive speech. This convoy could not have been more diverse there were people of all creeds and colors all just wanting their country back from the tyrants who have usurped it from them. We have had No Governmental Opposition to any of these tyrants' illegal orders, policies, and mandates. There is another story that has peaked many's attention is Why is Trudeau pushing these Vaxines as hard as he does All his news conferences have been vax vax vax. Why is this why is he so adamant about it more than any other Nations leader. What's going on here??? Well, it turns out Canada created the Nano lipid tech that carries the jab payload into the body's cells and Trudeau himself is pocketing $$$ from every jab worldwide as they are all using that same Lipid Nanotech  The story on this was disappeared nearly as fast as it appeared. As to its credibility who knows now until something new comes out, we will just have to wait and see. For myself and knowing how evil this man really is.  He was accused and the accuser was silenced for 2.4mil paid off to the greedy parents of the pedophilia victim by Trudeau's Family for him to walk away scot-free. This was way before he was PM. That fact alone should have prevented him from ever running for election but when the society behind it all is as corrupt as it is in Canada right now anything is possible. Well, It's really over for Trudeau now he has shown all of Canada his true yellow color his comment about this shows his total disconnect from the reality of real Canadian and his implementation of totally foreign Communist policies being dictated to him by none other than Klaus Schaub and George Soros... And Finally, the awake non-hypnotized non indoctrinated non compromised good moral people surrounded the Capital and filled Parliament Hill with over a million people that's not counting the truck all there to see Justin But Justin ran away and hid like the little Crotch Cricket Troll he is probably screaming Mommy Mommy Mommy they don't like me anymore and he would be right. We Hate you, Trudeau Please Go to Cuba and Stay in your real father's dictatorship you'll love it down there. But get the Fk out of Canada, because sooner or later Canadians will charge and convict you of Treason, Mass Murder, and attempted Genocide, to begin with 

Is this what we have become up here in the great white north Strong and FREE Rooftop sniper next they will be at every outdoor event so you'll always have GUNS watching your every move in Trudeau's Canada. Like Stepfather Like Stepson! His Pedophile stepfather Pierre Elliot Trudeau called out the Army in Ottawa because the Pedophile Trudeau concocted the entire FLQ terrorist threat in Ottawa and the Province of Quebec mostly in Montreal out of thin air. Why?  To cover up the fact that he was a Pedophile. Trudeau had the man Pierre Laporte who was going to out him as a pedophile Murdered and he also had James Cross a British Diplomat Murdered just to build the FLQ terrorist theory just for looks. That Entire event was a total LIE He took the nation to the brink of civil war just to cover up his pedophile perversion and now look what his bastard son Justina is doing to all Canadian right now He is making all Canadian suffer He gets off on it. He's Gotta Go. 

Pierre Elliot Trudeau, also himself rode around the street of Jewish Montreal dressed in full NAZI regalia Terrorizing people in that neighborhood


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