TRUDEAU MUST BE STOPPED Action of the week: Canada Senate Bill S-233 and House of Commons Bill C-223


Action of the week: Canada Senate Bill S-233 and House of Commons Bill C-223

Updated Mar 12.22

An Act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income [UBI]

Subsequent to the following simplifies messaging all MPs and Senators, to avert the loss of all rights and freedoms to a world coup.

Government is powerless without the consent of the people

After devastating consequences of the scamdmemic [business closures, loss of employment, etc.] this is how individuals are being seduced.


Bill C-273 never passed First Reading Feb 2021 so please do not refer to it.

Immediate ACTION is requested for you to contact all MPs and all Senators to Oppose’ An Act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income’, Senate Bill S-233, House of Commons Bill C-223. 

Sending too many emails at once may block delivery as spam. Suggest you email individually, or email 7 to 10 names at a time.

  1. Action: Oppose Bill S-233 and Bill C-223. 
  2. Type of action: Email, call, fax, tweet, mail all MPs and Senators [guide below].
  3. Action Date: Soonest possible. MPs and Senators sit the week of Mar 21.22. They need to hear from us before debating Bill S-233/C-223.
  4. Description of action: 2 letters and PDF below to assist you. Customize your letter and send to all MPs and all Senators. In the subject line write OPPOSE Bill S-233/Bill C-223.
  5. Intended benefits from unified action: MPs and Senators reject Bill S-233 and C-223 preventing a dystopian reset from transforming Canada into a communist state and enslaving Canadians.

Look Inside China’s Social Credit System

Digital ID is NOT about becoming a better citizen, nor is it about safety. It is about enslavement by consent and silence is agreement.   

Before contacting all MPs and all Senators please set an intention, with feeling, to defeat S-233 and C-223. 

Contact emails to message all MPs and Senators

Dynamics are changing so please use the Contact emails CDN MPs and Senators link to guide you. I created 2 email lists divided into blocks to avert being rejected as spam. Details and lists at

2 sample letters and PDF for you to customize

PDF link blocked. Unable to copy text so I did a screen print largest possible.


Klaus Schwab’s Global Shapers

Surely you’ve heard of WEF Young Global Leaders. Well, WEF Global Shapers is a second layer of penetration by the transhumanist Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum. Hard to imagine just how deep, far, and wide this goes.

Hacking humans on a massive scale

Klaus Schwab is bringing the great reset. The folks at the World Economic Forum are busy helping protect you from climate change and disease. Yet some people ask, is Klaus Schwab the most dangerous man in the World? Get the full picture in the video.

Take action now

Everything is energy, frequency, vibration magnetizing matching energy, frequency, vibration through people, events and circumstances.

So, unless you say ‘no’ to a world coup, you said yes.

Please, email, fax, call or tweet every Canadian Senator and MP to ‘Oppose’ Bill S-233 and C-223, to preserve our humanity and freedom.

Also, send this request to minimum 5 people, ask them to send to minimum 5 people, and so on to prompt as many individuals as possible to ‘Oppose’ Bill S-233 and C-223. TY!

Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Doreen A Agostino


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