Radical LGBTQIA Indoctrination In Our Schools


Radical LGBTQIA Indoctrination In Our Schools

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Recently, we attended the Christian Pre-School graduation of our 5-year-old grandson.  As I watched those little children up on stage singing songs of praise to God, I thought about WOKE Socialist Fascist School Board Members,  Administrators and Teachers in many public and even some private schools that are pushing radical LGBTQIA indoctrination in our schools on children as young as kindergarten.  It dawned on me that I would not trust these people to babysit my grandchildren let alone educate them.  

To be clear, anyone who is LGBTQIA  in America is free to be who they are and to love who they want; but they are not free to indoctrinate children by pushing their lifestyle, which in many ways is an attack on religious faith and the traditional family.  It is estimated that there may be 5 – 8% of people in the United States who are LGBTQIA .  Their rights are protected under our Constitution as are the rights of the other 95% of people in our country who do not practice this lifestyle.  

Those of us that support religious faith, the traditional family and marriage between a man and a woman have every right to espouse our views without intimidation, or threat of being cancelled.  We also have every right to boycott companies like Disney and others that are pushing this radical ideology on children.   Most important, parents, in particular, are in charge of their children’s education not woke Educators and certainly not teacher unions.  The indoctrination that is going on in our public schools today in the name of “social justice” must stop because it is both child abuse and criminal malpractice. 

In Reno, Nevada where we live the woke School Board and Administrators are pushing a 4th and 5th-grade sex education curriculum for children that are two or three years away from puberty in which boys are referred to as bodies with a penis and girls as bodies with a vulva.  In Reno, as is the case throughout the country, half the kids cannot read or do math at grade level and inner city kids are way below grade level.  Many of these children guaranteed cannot read the words penis or vulva and it is completely inappropriate to create this gender confusion at this age.  Frankly, what they are pushing is sick.

Parents and grandparents with money can opt out by sending their children to private schools as we do to avoid this malpractice.  But 90% of kids in our country attend public schools where a lot of this crap is happening.   As result, we must have School choices to allow all parents to control the education of their children.  Woke School Board Members, Administrators and Teachers who refuse to focus on quality education and instead push radical Socialist Fascist indoctrination cannot be trusted to educate children.   

Parents and concerned citizens must take back our public schools by removing woke School Board Members from office, which is happening all over the country.  And once done, woke Administrators and Teachers that insist on this indoctrination must be FIRED to stop the child abuse and criminal malpractice that is occurring.   While tolerance of anybody who is different should be taught to prevent bullying, radical LGBTQIA indoctrination in our public and some private schools is just plain wrong.  

Further, these topics should only be discussed when age-appropriate presumably after children reach puberty.   Focus in elementary school must be on teaching the basics so that kids learn history, and science and read and do math at grade level to end the national crisis that we face.  To do otherwise is a waste of valuable time and money. 

LGBTQAI+PPP Does not belong in grammar school or anywhere else in or on this world for that matter... Sodomy and Sodomites are an Abomination in the eyes of our Creator the one true living God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob-Israel. Oh, how fast humanity forgets the lesson of Sodom and Gomorrah and the Lord God's harsh and just punishment on those Sodomites of the times. Today the sodomite community which now calls themselves the LGBTQAI+PPPthey carry on worldwide like Flaming Flamingos with half-naked faggots flaunting it in the streets of almost every single metropolitan city worldwide and on Satelite and Cable TV as well as all over the internet We are being flooded with this satanic agenda that flows alongside the immoral and corrupt Sodomite community who are pushing it in our schools


  1. The school corporation that is no longer public in any way more then its name. It has been getting worse for 100 years a full century. Don't belive me try in find a 1937 or 1928 Kansas or mid-west exit exam. Bet you fell it. Second why the woke hate your categorized a what a generation? You an every one of them are in perpetual darkness in most asuradly asleep. An its a parent's job to raise teach and properly educate your children expecting any1 else to is ignorant. Today yesterday tommarow an for ever.


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