Why today’s elites literally can’t stand free speech

Why today’s elites literally can’t stand free speech

For example, Wikipedia lists WND as a “far-right fake news website … known for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories.” That’s from a website that daily publishes actual “fake news,” “falsehoods” and “conspiracy theories” on every major political and cultural topic affecting America’s future. In fact, Wikipedia’s massive 29,000-word article on Joe Biden includes only two sentences on Hunter Biden and the massive and overwhelmingly documented level of Biden family corruption and criminality. Here they are: “During the 2020 presidential campaign, Trump and his allies falsely alleged Biden had engaged in corrupt activities in Ukraine related to his son, Hunter. A joint investigation by two Republican Senate committees released in September 2020 found no wrongdoing, nor did a Republican House Oversight committee investigation by May 2023.”

So, no corruption in the Biden family, according to Wikipedia. None at all. It’s all just conspiracy theories, fake news and Russian disinformation spread by white supremacists and Nazis.

How could this happen in America?
Whatever other factors may be at play, there’s one overwhelming reason at the very heart of today’s radical, unprecedented compulsion to crush free speech: The elites – from the permanent “ruling class” in Washington D.C. (aka “the Deep State”) to their propaganda ministry called the “mainstream media” to the Big Tech oligarchs controlling the internet to Big Pharma and other corporate giants, all obsessed with ever-increasing power and wealth – are lying to Americans continually.

It follows, then, that truthful speech, which serves to expose, undermine and annihilate their self-serving agendas, constitutes the greatest threat to their reign, which in turn compels them to crush dissent at all costs. That is the very essence of totalitarianism.

* He exposed the ultra-dark insanity of the current transgender child-grooming craze, including the fact that not only are Hitlerian doctors surgically mutilating untold numbers of mentally fragile American children pursuing the impossible dream of “gender transition,” they are also plying many more children with the same drugs used to chemically castrate convicted child rapists.

* During the COVID-19 pandemic, Carlson frequently featured guests who told the forbidden truth about the pandemic, often at great personal cost, many blowing the whistle on the Biden administration’s shockingly authoritarian response to the viral outbreak and its corrupt relationship with Big Pharma, who together attempted to force every American man, woman and child to be injected with an experimental, ineffective and dangerous drug.

* He likewise exposed some of the many outrageous lies and injustices associated with the January 6 Capitol riot, dramatically airing for the first time long-suppressed surveillance video from that day on his primetime Fox News show.

The double-edged sword of conscience
To fully grasp what lies at the very root of this phenomenon that is currently tearing our country apart, let’s dig a little deeper.

It’s an extraordinary characteristic of truth that, since God imbues human beings with a conscience (“con” + “science,” literally “with knowing”), everyone actually possesses an inner “knowing” of basic right from wrong. (“I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts.” – Jeremiah 31:33)

On the other hand, those who choose to rebel against the Creator and His truth, thus existing in a state of de-facto inner warfare against reality, cannot stand to hear the truth – with which they are already at war internally – spoken by another human being. It burns. This is the basis of persecution.

In the end, the elites’ obsession with “election denialism,” “pro-Putin disinformation,” “white supremacist MAGA conspiracy theories” and other cruel absurdities is really just the playing out of their ongoing internal war with reality. Truth is virtually the only speech the “rulers of this world” cannot endure, since it tends to cause them unbearable conflict, seeing as it fans the flame of their conscience – the truth of God’s moral laws “written in their minds and hearts” – but with which they are at war.

Fortunately, there are still many millions of good, decent Americans – truly the best people on earth. Hundreds of thousands fought to protect this nation and many were wounded in battle – and of course many families have members who paid the ultimate price to defend this nation. They’re horrified at what is being described here. But they still love their country – and they want it back.

A good start in that effort is to speak the truth – boldly, kindly, clearly, joyfully, and without rancor or hate. It’s therapeutic to speak the truth with love. After all, you’re not insane, deplorable, irredeemable or racist, as they insist. You’re an American, with a God-given and constitutionally guaranteed right to speak your mind, come what may.

Or as Tucker Carlson put it on his Fox show just two weeks before being ousted: “Whether you agree with what someone is saying has nothing to do with his right to say it. Americans are allowed to say what they think is true. Period. If they take that right away, you are no longer a citizen. You are a slave.”

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” – John 8:32


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