Satanic Luciferian Pope Francis Orders Christians To 'Pray to Satan' for 'Real Enlightenment'??

Satanic Luciferian Pope Francis Orders Christians To 'Pray to Satan' for 'Real Enlightenment'?? 

If you thought Pope Francis couldn’t possibly make it any clearer that he is a false prophet who worships the Devil, you would be wrong.

If you thought the pontiff who replaced the conservative Pope Benedict in a globalist coup orchestrated by Obama, Clinton and Soros couldn’t find an even more disgraceful way to betray his followers than he has in the past, you would be wrong again.

Pope Francis has outdone himself this time, putting his Satanic cards on the table in the most shameless and blasphemous manner possible. That’s right, he announced the coming of Lucifer and told his followers to get down on their knees and pay their respects.

  • This video by Rumble is blocked (by the Macron’s French government) so I am unable to submit a comment, however I take at face value the title “to pray Satan”. Mister Bergoglio has demonstrated through his encyclicals; through his endorsement to the lethal COVID19 vaccine injection/Mark of the Beast and other various declarations that he is a man of perdition. He is Anti-pope Francis the Reprobate, so, nothing new!

    If you investigate, you will find that Mister Bergoglio, a non-priest of the genuine RCC, you will find that he is the sixth in line of an uninterrupted dynasty of six anti-popes which has systematically deconstructed the Church for over six decades.   Pope Benedict”. Anti-pope Benedict XVI was conservative in name only. He was a high priest of the Illuminati of Bavaria. He postured as a ‘conservative’ in order to fool the traditionalists such as the SSPX (fraternity of the priests of the Society of Saint Pius X) or the Institute of Christ the King into a deceptive allegiance to the counter-church of Rome. Please investigate! the complete and utter gutting and transformation from the largest Christian institution of the world into the Synagogue of Satan! It did not happened overnight or did it happen by chance or by coincidence

    • I give you a few of some valuable sources: Chiesa Viva, an erudite Italian revue; or again the ‘to-day’s Catholic World’ web site. And, if Nicole. you are genuinely interested, go back into the destructive evolution began since the conclave of 1958 when a fat slob Anti-pope John XXIII, minutes after his election as pontifex maximus declared “The Church has no enemies”, which was an anathema, since Our Lord had said the exact opposite: “the world has hated Me since the beginning, and will hate you all for My name’s sake”.
      After the heretical declaration of Anti-pope  John XXIIi, started the first measures against the hierarchy, such as the changing the ruling of the future conclaves which allowed a high priest of the Illuminati of Bavaria, Anti-pope Paul VI who permitted the enthronement of Lucifer at the Vatican on June 29, 1963, eight days after his fraudulent election. Then came two low level Freemasons successors in the persons of Anti-popes JP1 & John-Paul II, both perfect baby kissers for the occasion, then Anti-pope Benedict XVI an other high priest Satanist finally followed by the vulgar degenerate Jesuit curate Francis the First ... I openly criticise the insipidness of the blanket acceptance of a fake coup d’état against “Benedict” in favor of “Francis” whose  outright Blasphemy finally appears to show himself to the world for what he really is, that is a man of perdition an agent of Satan. The real coup d’état occur on October 26, 1958, and was repeated on June 21, 1963 when at both occasions Pope Gregory XVII (aka Cardinal Siri, patriarch of Genoa) was forcefully pushed aside in favor of Anti-popes John XXIII and Paul VI. Those were the real coup d’état against the Roman Catholic Church. It was done by the Judeo-Masonic sects which controlled the USA, the USSR and France as the most influential nations in favor of the devil. The Freemasonic lodges exercised a nuclear blackmail from both the USA & the USSR, while the French Grand Orient masonic lodge did the coup d’état within the walls of the Sistine Chapel in the secrecy of the conclave. This was the real coup d’état. Once in power, the servants of Satan did what Satan is only capable of doing, which is to act as the ape of God. The Judeo-Masonic sects, throughout the years have manufactured imitations of prophecies, such as the fake ‘assassination of John-Paul II’, which was a staged false flag with a patsy named Ali Agca, or the fake coup d’état against Benedict. Make no mistake, if the real coup d’état against the pope had occur over six decades ago, the real assassination against “a” pontiff, as told in the prophecy by little Jacinta will occur. The blessed child, seer of Fatima, saw “the pontiff been chased and killed by soldiers during an apparent incursion”. It has not happened yet.



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