Canada’s descent into tyranny is almost complete


Canada’s descent into tyranny is almost complete

Handing judges the ability to put people under house arrest because they might commit a hate crime isn’t progressive, it’s North Korea
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is threatening his most tyrannical attack on freedom yet through his government’s proposed Online Harms Act (currently Bill C-63). Brought to you by the same farcically-named “Liberal” party who froze the bank accounts of the truckers who protested vaccine-mandates, the OHA is the government’s overzealous attempt to promote online safety.

The proposed legislation supposedly achieves this by requiring operators of social media services to adequately mitigate the risk that their users will be exposed to harmful content through measures such as publishing standards of online conduct, providing blocking tools and ways to flag and label harmful content. The OHA would create a Digital Safety Commission to administer and enforce its rules along with a Digital Safety Office to support social media users and advocate for online safety. These agencies can investigate complaints, summon people to testify in hearings and to produce records. Costs of all this will be paid by unspecified charges on social media platforms, presumably contemplating Canada’s planned Digital Services Tax on big tech platforms.

Most controversially, the OHA’s provisions on posting hateful content would require amendments to Canada’s Criminal Code as well as its Human Rights Act. While the victims of online “hate” may be comforted by tough new penalties, the changes are radical, particularly a new hate crime offence which can lead to life imprisonment. Worryingly, the criminal provisions of the OHA would give judges the ability to put people under house arrest because they might commit a hate crime in the future. The potential criminal could also be made to wear an electronic tag if the Attorney General requests it. Trudeau’s OHA will drive the internet to another extreme, a tightly-monitored police state more suited to North Korea.

To All Good Honest Patriotic Sovereign Canadian Citizen We must Remove Turdeau from power or we are all doomed to Lives of Government Terror and Tyranny which is already becoming very evident Turdeau is a TYRANT and a cowardly weasel that can't even face the Canadian Public without an entire battalion of paid Turdeau's private police goon protecting his scrawny treasonous ass. The word on the street in Canada is that Turdeau is hated across the board by almost 100% of Canadians now Its very hard to find a Canadian who does not feel betrayed by Turdeau and his criminal gang of Fkn Losers... His Stepfather Pierre Elliot Turdeau was a known Gay Pedophile Pervert and Pierre Laporte had the goods on him and Turdeau had him murdered then to make it look like a political hit to fit his FLQ conspiracy, he had James Cross RIP a British diplomat Killed to make the FLQ lie fit there murder conspiracy...The entire FLQ call in the Army "War Measures Act" affair was a massive false flag lie to hide his perverted gay pedophile stepfathers tendencies from it getting out into the public light by Murdered Pierre Laporte RIP... Like Stepfather Like Stepson both are Gay liar Pedophile Both Called in the Military for a lie protect their own asses This corruption must stop WE THE PEOPLE must stop it our Police have shown they won't arrest the real criminals. The RCMP have taken to protecting these elite criminals against upholding the LAW and our military has been decimated by Turdeau WEF Cabal's agenda of the total destruction of Canada. What use to be the "True North Strong and Free" is not Strong or Free anymore It's weak and controlled
famous quote:
"The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the Blood of Tyrants and Patriots"


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