Proof Americans Being Fried While Alive... Fake Eclipse Path Pulsed With Microwaves While They Sleep In Synchronized Bursts And It Started With The Fake Eclipse??!! And What The Hell Is That...


Proof Americans Being Fried While Alive... Fake Eclipse Path Pulsed With Microwaves While They Sleep In Synchronized Bursts And It Started With The Fake Eclipse??!!  And What The Hell Is That...

Proof Americans Being Fried While Alive… Fake Eclipse Path Pulsed With Microwaves While They Sleep In Synchronized Bursts And It Started With The Fake Eclipse??!!  And What The Hell Is That Coming Out Of Nevada??!!

NancyDrewberry And what the hell is that coming out of Nevada?  

Guys… what this looks like is that the path if the fake eclipse is being hit with microwaved pulses along with California area… FRYING PEOPLE ALIVE! The man who watches this stuff for years, has never seen pulsing like this!!! Now listen up… we KNOW that along the fake eclipse path, that people were being sprayed with a white powder. What if something in that white powder reacts with the microwave pulses??!!! At the very least… this could potentially BREAK THE DNA bonds!!!


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