
Showing posts from July, 2015

Tennessee Mass Murder was caused by Psychotropic Chattanouga Coo Coo and NO link to ISIS at all

Drugs and Mental Illness Behind Chattanooga Shooting FBI: no link found to ISIS by Kurt Nimmo | | July 20, 2015 A representative for the family of Mohammod Abdulazeez says the 24-year old Chattanooga shooter had abused both prescription and non-prescription drugs, including sleeping pills, opioids, painkillers, marijuana and alcohol. Abdulazeez’s diary reveals he was suicidal and entertained thoughts of “becoming a martyr” after losing a job due to his drug and alcohol abuse. Moreover, Abdulazeez was thousands of dollars in debt and was considering bankruptcy before he attacked two military targets in Tennessee. His family attempted to get Abdulazeez help for mental illness and tried without success to keep him away from friends who drank and smoked marijuana. Prior to the emergence of the dairy the corporate media portrayed Abdulazeez, a naturalized American citizen, as a radicalized Muslim. The SITE Intelligence Group said Abdulazeez blogged that “life is short and...

“KHAZARIAN ASHKENAZI ZIONIST FALSE JEWS SYNAGOGUE of SATAN CRIMINAL CABAL of ISRAEL” Is Going To Bomb Iran back to the stone ages, its just a matter of when???????

Why Israel Is Going To Bomb Iran Thanks to Barack Obama, it is only a matter of time before Israel feels forced to conduct a massive military strike against Iran’s nuclear program by Michael Snyder | End Of The American Dream | July 20, 2015 When that happens, Iran will strike back, and hundreds if not thousands of missiles will rain down on Israel.  This exchange will likely spark a major regional war in the Middle East, and that could end up plunging the entire planet into chaos.  If Barack Obama was attempting to prevent such a scenario from playing out, he failed miserably.  Personally, I think that the deal that was just made with Iran is absolutely horrible.  Perhaps you disagree.  Perhaps you believe that it is the greatest piece of diplomacy of all time.  But it doesn’t really matter what any of us think.  If this deal was going to work, it had to be strong enough to convince Israel that Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons has been complet...

Is The Global Elite’s Ship Is About To Sink? We the 1% Hope Fkn So!!!

25 Signs That The Global Elite’s Ship Is About To Sink Sunday, July 19, 2015 10:18 (Before It's News) by Lance Schuttler, TheMindUnleashed Make no mistake about it. The tide has turned on the global elite and there will be no going back. A new day is rising for humanity as those who have planned for complete control are now being exposed, cornered and investigated from many different angles. There is no need to buy into the fear-based propaganda the major media and even several alternative media outlets dispense. Very good things are happening and even better things are coming. Let’s take a look at some of the major stories that have occurred in the last 8 weeks alone. Piecing the puzzle together, we see that the jig is up and the events surrounding it are growing in size and speed. 1. 57 Nations approved as founding members of the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Notable countries who signed on June 29th, 2015 include Russia, India, Iran, Switzerla...


  A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE GLOBAL COLLATERAL ACCOUNTS AND KEENAN’S EFFORTS TO FREE THEM About Neil’s Mission by Michael Henry Dunn June 8, 2013 The history behind the Global Collateral Accounts is vast and complex, and reaches back some 250 years. For the purposes of this brief overview, we will focus on two key elements which are now headlining stories around the world: debt, and gold. The Western banking oligarchy’s current global control can be traced back to the Rothschild family’s dominance of international banking in the early years of the 19th century. The long-term strategy of the elite banking and royal bloodline families was simple: gain control of the global gold supply in order to maintain power through the control of global currency and its underlying collateral.  Gold and Debt – that is the essence of this story. Where Did the Gold Come from and to Whom Does It Belong? For two thousand years, the gold of the world flowed east toward China, along the Silk Roa...

North American Wild Edibles That Can Save Your Life

Fifteen Wild Edibles That Can Save You in the Wild With Videos Saturday, July 18, 2015 12:07 (Before It's News) What are the best wild edibles that you can find and identify easily in an emergency that may be growing nearby and all around you? Some of these wild edibles can be found in several regions, are easy to prepare (we include instructions) and have a higher calorie count. 15 wild edibles you need to know how to find to survive an extended wilderness emergency or other disaster. Foraging in a meadow or forest for wild edibles comes with several critical challenges that can make or break survival. In the average wild field or forest you might be surrounded by a feast of edible plants , nuts, roots, and berries that can help keep you alive but there is just as much growing in the surrounding wilderness that can hurt or even kill you .While knowing how to tie knots, build shelter, and sanitize water are critical survival skills, far too little time is spent on foraging f...