Finally The TRUTH comes out about ISIS / ISIL from the mouth of OBAMA himself

OBAMA speak the TRUTH
Obama finally let the cat out of the bag and without hesitation or correction but very straightforwardly he did not slip He said exactly what he meant. That the United States/CIA are Training and Equipping ISIS/ISIL Terrorist to then do there will as the New Global Enemy. Watch now as we will have a huge rise in Terrorist FALSE FLAG attacks Globally guaranteed. It was all a long plan to expand the likes of Al-Quaida into a large global force with the capabilities to strike anywhere globally.


The roots of ISIS/ISIL began in Iraq after the Fall of Saddam his Military was disbanded and they were all sent home with there weapons never taken away from them and banned from working in the New Iraq Forces.So you had all these ex Fedayeen ex soldiers with no job and no future job in Iraq new military.So they obviously turned on there Liberators at that time and became the early Iraq insurgency. Saddam’s Fedayeen were well known for there extreme violence and sadistic acts just as we are seeing from ISI/ISIL now with the mass Murder beheadings of Christian and non Muslim alike…


Long Story short these are the primary fighting force of  ISIS/ISIL in Northern Iraq and Syria basically now the entire Middle East.The force that Obama is talking about here are more than likely new Terrorist being trained for the Global part of ISIS/ISIL agenda which of course really is the Agenda of Israel /USA/Saudi Arabia/Britain/G20/G8/CIA/MOSSAD who are being used by a gang of Elite Arch Criminals the 1% who rule the 1% who rule the rest of us or better known as the Khazarian Rothschilds Ashkenazi Zionist False JEWS of the HOLY ROYAL ROMAN EMPIRE  or the NEW WORLD ORDER…

The Star Of David al-Roy Was First Used In Khazaria And Is Now Used On Rothschild's Israeli Flag.

We were given Eye to See and Ears to Hear and we were also given Common Sense and Intuition or a Gut Feeling use all these when watching the video and decide for yourself If Obama said exactly what he intended to say or did he slip up as many have stated. our personal opinion is he spoke the TRUTH but meant to lie and didn’t even realize what he had said until who knows told him he fucked up plus so far theres been no retraction video or statement that we’ve seen


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