Israel and the Khazarian Mafia now secretly condemned and plotted against by World’s Top Military and Intel

Israel and the Khazarian Mafia now secretly condemned and plotted against by World’s Top Military and Intel (Updated)

Posted by Preston James, Ph.D on April 19, 2015

Much of the World is now secretly turning against the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters and their main action agent Israel which has infiltrated and hijacked America.


by Preston James

In almost every major nation of the World during the last three months including America, a series of secret high level advisory meetings have been held between certain select top active and retired Military and Intel officials to discuss certain hard realities about infiltration and espionage by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and its main action-agent Israel.

This endemic infiltration and espionage against most nations of the World has now become an issue after the historic disclosure by Gordon Duff and the Veterans Today top Directors at the Damascus Conference in December 2014.

This Israeli espionage on behalf of  the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters has been known for years by most top Military and Intel, but was not considered a key issue because many at that level were either bribed and bought-off, owned, blackmailed or actually part of the Israeli covert espionage front system.

A new focus has arisen toward the covert espionage fronts of Israel in America, especially among some certain top active and former US military and Intel who are dedicated and hardcore America-firsters who learned that Israel nuked America on 9-11-01.

These folks now realize that the US Money manufacturing and Distribution been infiltrated and hijacked Unconstitutionally by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters and is destroying the American economy at many levels. They also now realize that the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and the Israelis have been using Samson Option Nuclear Blackmail, trafficking in nukes stolen from America, and destabilizing the World with staged Gladio-style False-flag terror.

They realize that the Federal Reserve System must be abolished after declaring it an Organized Crime RICO Crime Syndicate. It must be 100% audited and all its buildings and assets seized, and every single dollar of pernicious usury “clawed-back”. And a real US Central Bank owned by We The People which issues real money based on Gold, Silver and Commodities and charges us no interest for using our own money must be immediately instituted.

They also realize that Israel attacked America on 9-11-01 using nukes and this has led many to believe that unless Israel is stopped in its nuclear terror and trafficking of nuclear Pits from America all around the World, there will be a future WW3 set off by the Israelis which will involve nukes being detonated all over the World, destroying all societies and most of mankind which seems to now be realized to be the central part of Israel’s strange anti-society and anti-human agenda.

They also realize that the whole US Congress has also been infiltrated and hijacked by Israeli espionage fronts like AIPAC, JINSA, the ADL and the like as well as most of the USG, the Alphabets and American Law Enforcement including most local Police Departments which have been trained to treat Americans as evil domestic terrorists by the ADL.

These folks also now realize that this Israeli infiltration and hijacking of America has produced an American Police that no longer “Protect and Serve” their communities, but “Occupy and Oppress” and “tyrannize and  murder” on behalf of the ADL and Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens which have infiltrated so many positions in the USG and Congress.

Because so many American institutions of government have been so deeply infiltrated by Israeli espionage groups and because the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters have also so deeply infiltrated American Financial Institutions and set up their own News Cartel which is run by six Cutouts, it is now realized that any successful efforts to expose and drive out these KM and Israeli enemies within our gates must be accomplished by very sophisticated covert means and the ganging up of most nations of the World against Israel. Of course this has become the normative motivation in the highest councils of many nations since Israel has been exposed for its nuclear terror on 9-11-01 and in other nations, as well as its nuclear proliferation and sale of nukes all over the World.

And some of these sophisticated covert operations have actually  been already deployed, with many more now on the way all over the World.

It is now recognized that America has been infiltrated and hijacked to the degree that it is functioning as a Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Vassal State and Israeli Occupied Territory.

Here is some hard evidence supporting this quite serious claim that America is functioning as a KM Vassal State and Israeli occupied territory.

The FBI is your classic example of how the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters have infiltrated and control most of American Law Enforcement. Might as well change the name of the FBI to Khazarian Mafia Bureau of Investigation, that is how bad the infiltration and hijacking of the FBI has become.

The FBI works very hard to provoke unstable, mentally ill or mentally deficient folks in order to set them up and entrap them to appear as “domestic terrorists” or “islamic terrorists”, ruining as many lives as possible instead of helping and serving Americans as they are mandated to do.

Instead of working to make American society stronger and prosecuting real criminals including the biggest ones who run the USG and Congress, the FBI spends its time protecting Banksters and Crime Lords while working very hard to mind-kontrol, provoke and entrap mentally ill or mentally deficient folks into so-called crimes of “domestic terrorism” that were concocted by the FBI in the first place.

Obviously it is the twisted, evil FBI agents involved that should be prosecuted, convicted and jailed for life for staging these concocted acts of terror. At a minimum they are accessories before, during and after these concocted crimes. And they are no doubt the lowest of the low in our society, actually functioning as subhumans, and are worse than common career criminals because they are two-faced liars and entrappers who work hard to create as much evil in our communities as possible. The FBI has always be the main center of provocation of such crimes in America, crimes they can appear to easily solve, but this is always because they set them up and ran them in the first place.

According to the Library of Congress, the FBI has no actual charter on file and has stated so officially in writing in the past in response to letters of inquiry. Thus the FBI has no legal right to exist just like the RICO criminal and completely Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System which the FBI secretly really works for.

The FBI mind-kontrols, sets up and entraps six mentally marginal Somalis in Minnesota.

Take the recent case of six Somalis arrested in Minneapolis for attempting to go to the Mideast for training to become Jihadists. These mental deficients were mind-kontrolled and entrapped by their friend who was an FBI informant the whole time. Mind-kontrol, provocations and entrapments like this should be considered RICO crime because the FBI does them so much, and actually inducing Terrorism is a major Felony punishable by up to life imprisonment. Why are the FBI agents who do these crimes arrested and prosecuted for terrorism, corruption and RICO?

Or take the first Twin Trade Center bombing by the “Blind Sheik.”

The FBI insisted the Blind Shiek’s boys used real explosives and refused to allow fake ones to be used under any circumstances, yet those FBI who participated were never charged with Terrorism as they should have been.

There is no statute of limitations on murder so they can still be brought to justice once the files are ripped open.

Why weren’t the FBI agents who set up the whole entrapment and insisted on the use of real explosives arrested and tried for murder like they should have been? It’s never too late, hopefully they will be brought to justice someday and convicted for murder and terrorism.

The FBI Crime Lab has been faking and biasing evidence for many years to wrongly convict innocent defendants and this is beyond disgusting it is blatantly criminal.

It has now  been reported that the FBI crime lab has been releasing false reports on hair analysis for at least 20 years which has sent hundreds of innocent men and women to jail that were innocent. Those involved should do the same time additively that they caused by their false reports which seemed to always side with the prosecution.

Back in the mid 990’s one of the greatest American Heroes we have ever had, Dr. Frederick Whitehurst came forth and reported massive corruption in the FBI crime lab. He would have been murdered by Division 5 hitmen if he had not taken extraordinary measures to protect himself. Dr. Whitehurst sued the FBI and won an award of 1.16 Million USD.

FBI murders of dissidents, protestors, important witnesses to KM organized financial crimes and whistle-blowers are legendary.

Over the years the FBI has murdered many whistle-blowers and dissidents, the murder of Franklin Investigator Gary Caradori and his young son are a good example. You don’t believe that the FBI like every alphabet has had its own hit squads and still do? There is the very well documented case of Michael Milan who worked for “J. Edgar Mary” and was part of his personal hit-team which Hoover called “the squad.” Michael Milan wrote an important book about this entitled “the Squad.” despite what critics and sock-puppets have claimed, every word of the book is true.

There have been many leaks from insiders over the years how these FBI hit squads murder dissidents and whistle-blowers. One method, plan a hidden bomb in their car or home and detonate it killing them claiming they were building a bomb. Or re-torque a small aircraft prop to less than the required torque so that it separates while airborne and shreds the wing, or as with the murder of John John Kennedy, place a remote control device in the luggage compartment which can be activated by a chase plan trailing it, a remote ground transmitted signal or even satellite. Many murders that the FBI did to cover up the JFK Assassination were done to appear as accidents or suicide as in the case of Dorothy Kilgallen and her neighbor over her interview notes with Jack Ruby in Dallas when he “came clean” and disclosed enough to blow the whole case wide open.

Many whistle-blowers and dissidents are now controlled by more sophisticated means such as using internet sock-puppets and shills to discredit them while subjecting them to high powered pulsed beam microwaves designed to disorient, disrupt sleep and make them physically ill, use of gang-stalking, and also “visits” to their employer claiming they are suspected terrorists.”

Instead of prosecuting Israeli espionage fronts, the FBI harasses Whistle-blowers who report their crimes.

This is what the FBI has apparently been doing to another great American Hero Mark Novitsky, a man who refused to break the law, especially national security laws. Novitsky was fired for not “going along to get along” and became a national, federal whistle-blower that reported what he claims is major Israeli-linked espionage and crime by Teletech Holdings. Novitsky believes that the FBI has placed him on a “No Work” list, apparently visited his new employer some years back and ask them to separate him, and makes sure he cannot even get a job at McDonalds or anywhere else no matter how menial. And he believes that they are doing this on behalf of his former employer a Teletech Holdings company which openly threatened him for being honest and incorruptible. Novitsky went to the FBI recently once again, hoping they would finally investigate the national security crimes of Teletech Holdings which are according to him probably the most unpublicized national security crimes in history. The FBI agreed to let him in to their offices and he was interviewed by two individuals that would not even give him their names.

Normally listening to such complaints made in person to any FBI Agents (they almost always work in teams of two) ruins the careers of these FBI agents who take the complaint in detail and they fill out their report. In this case it’s a good bet that they were CIA or private Intel contractors that met with Novitsky at the FBI office, probably to see just how much information he had. No real FBI man with any integrity at all would be a coward and be unwilling to identify himself or herself. But for that matter, few good FBI remain and finish out their careers because they cannot stand the corruption they begin to see as they have been at the FBI for a while.

For those doubt Novitsky’s claims about extreme psychotronic harassment, well, I swept his home with equipment used in Germany to assess the strength and effects on health of cell phone tower and Wi-Fi emissions. Everything he claimed that I had the means to check out with my equipment and sources was as he claimed to me. The EMF emissions maxed out my equipment and gave me a headache. We found some sources inside that could be disabled, but there was one strong external source that could not.

It has been known for years that cell phone tower emissions can be triangulated against targeted homes using sophisticated algorithms if “they” desire to target any person or family. It is now believed by experts who have studied this that thousands have been targets with psychotronic harassment accompanied by various forms of gang related harassment in the community, some by FBI stooge groups and some by associated Satanic cults. Now for those who want to learn more about who perhaps might be “involved”, check out Aoti. Or if you want the best primer on Mind-kontrol examine this actual training document from 1992 and then imagine how much further things have progressed since.

There is a pretty good probability that Novitsky is the most important national security Federal Whistle-blower that ever came forth because of the scope of what he has reported to those in authority and to the CMMM that don’t care or are too scared, which is what some have told him. Sixty minutes had taken Novitsky’s story was was working on it when it was suddenly scrapped. Novitsky was told the reason was that it was too complicated and could not be covered in the allowable time. No the Editors scrubbed the story because the owners of the network are involved at a higher level.

If you doubt Novitsky’s claims because they seem so extreme, then carefully check out the former FBI Agent, another great American Hero that could not be corrupted and has been paying a stiff price ever since, Geral Sosbee. Sadly there are too many cases like this and it has been estimated they number in the thousands. Both the FBI and the CIA are known to run gang-stalking operations and have both been involved with known Satanic and Pedophile Networks and run cover for them. Doubt this? Then check out “the Finders” documents. They have been published on the Internet.

Many now realize that Snowden has been handled, perhaps not to the extreme as Assange, but nonetheless has been somewhat very subtley and craftily used and manipulated by a KM Intel Agency as the top Editor of VT has reported. But Novitsky cannot be handled and everyone is afraid of his story because it goes right to the top and involves the biggest espionage front in America besides AIPAC and the Federal Reserve System.

The FBI Special Agent Donald Rochon case.

Another quite disgusting case was the Donald Rochon matter which involves another great American Hero. Rochon was a well respected Black FBI Agent with known high integrity who was stationed in Omaha during the Franklin matter which the FBI worked hard to cover up. At that time the Omaha FBI was threatening and falsely imprisoning child pedophile victims and witnesses, and murdering some of them too on behalf of the BCC and the KM International Pedophile and Child-Sacrifice Network. The actual Omaha Field Office situation was so perverted that continual but unsuccessful attempts were made to manipulate Agent Rochon into remarkably deviant sexual acts which had become part of the office routine for the other agents. What finally did it for him was another Agent tried to urinate in his mouth. He sued the FBI and won 1.75 million USD in a case which was quickly and completely covered up.

The Omaha FBI Field Office was a sewer of the worst corruption imaginable and protector of a high level international Satanic Pedophile Child Sacrifice Network, and murdered Child Pedophilia to coverup the human sacrifice murders and pedophilia of the local powerful financial magnates whose names are mainstream, and to protect the leaders of the BCC.

When another top Agent was sent to clean up the mess in Omaha, a man with strong character and deep proven integrity who could not be corrupted, he gave up after a while and quit the Bureau and refused to talk about any of it. I had discussed the issues with him when he went in and I thought that he would be able to clean it up, but there was far too much corruption and big muscle behind the whole Omaha Field Office going directly to the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC) and a worldwide international Pedophile Child Sacrifice Network based in England and these folks murdered hundreds to cover up their crimes including numerous child witnesses and pedophile victims.

After too much heat was brought to the Omaha Field Office and the local pedophile Police Chief Wadman who was buddies with the SAC, that filthy, corrupt, despicable Omaha SAC was transferred to the Minneapolis Field Office to cover up the Jordan Sex scandal which was a part of the Franklin Pedophile Network. Two great American Heroes, Detective James Rothstein (NYCPD, NY Crime Commission, retired) and Attorney Phyllis Cox (daughter of Archibald Cox, a former US Solicitor General who was an important figure in breaking the Watergate Coverup) went to Janet Reno the US Attorney General at the time. After their conference this criminal SAC from Omaha was fired which was long overdue. But it was impossible to get him prosecuted at the time. Hopefully someday, since murder has no statute of limitations. Sadly he went to work as a local Deputy Sheriff and has appeared on a local CIA owned TV and Radio station frequently as a top LE expert. He should have been in jail for life for everything he did as an FBI SAC at Omaha. He also worked part-time as a trainer at a self-defense shooting school in Minneapolis run by an apparently honest former navy seal who had no idea of this man’s true history.

To this very day the FBI top officials in DC at the Washington Filed Office continue to look the other way and allow hundreds of sick, twisted men who were former FBI live out their lives unaccountable for all the serious crimes they perpetrated on an unsuspecting, naive public, while he good true FBI with integrity and character have been driven out of the FBI, shamed and in too many cases jailed, harassed and even murdered. This lack of action of the FBI to police their own and the history of WFO Officials being the lowest of the low, begs for direct action by another part of the USG, but so far all are corrupted by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and its Bush/Scherf Crime cabal group and there seems to be no one that is concerned about bringing these RICO criminals to justice.

It is this kind of endemic corruption in American LE institutions like the FBI and most big city Police Departments, especially the US Department of Justice that begs for strong correction and is finally raising the ire of some senior former and current top American Military and Intel. But to drive out this endemic LE corruption, it must be eliminated at its source, the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters and their twisted hold on America, and the infiltration of Israeli through its espionage fronts alike AIPAC must be stopped cold asap. The KM’s unlimited money spigot of counterfeit Fiat “money” is eliminated at its source the KM mercenaries, paid shills, goons and murderers will walk away quickly. These scum will never work for nothing.

What is the reason the FBI has been functioning as a criminal RICO and must be fully prosecuted as such?

The FBI was set up to be run by a completely perverted, violent and completely human compromised man who was himself blackmailed from the very start. From early on J. Edgar Hoover was blackmailed by his handlers and it was normal for him to use his investigators to use their Federal credentials to gather secrets about elected Politicians, USG Officials and community leaders and blackmail them to conform to his agenda which was set by his handlers in high positions in the Rothschild Khazarian mafia.

Early on J. Edgar was arrested in New Orleans for a pedophile related crime. This of course was used against him to keep him in line. The Cosa Nostra and the CIA both had clandestine photos of Clyde Tolson doing Oral sex to J. Edgar and presented him these photos as blackmail. J. Edgar attended the party circuit with NY KM Kingpin Rosenstiel and soon was given the name “J.Edgar Mary” because he dressed up like a woman and demanded to be called that by his party friends who were mostly associated with the KM. J. Edgar became notorious in these circles for pedophiling little boys who were provided to him by infamous attorney Roy Kohn who himself was associated with the KM and Studio 54 and also ran Senator McCarthy’s Defense but also set him up.

J. Edgar Mary the Pedophile cross- dresser.

Many of the little boys he abuse sexually were murdered by the KM afterwards so they couldn’t talk and buried on Roy Cohn’s farm. J. Edgar and Clyde Tolson were inseparable and took their vacations as Clint Murchison’s Del Mar Horse Racing Track in California where the races were fixed using horse doubles with the fast one substituted so that J. Edgar always won because he was given a hot tip in advance.

Finally when J. Edgar became under extreme pressure to resign and yet refused, after controlling US Politicians, USG Officials and Congress for over 50 years, James Angelton of the CIA, himself a KM mole who serviced Israel’s needs, sent two operatives, one of them was alleged to be E. Howard Hunt to place shell fish toxin from the CIA’s Technical Services Division into J. Edgar’s toothpaste.By the way it was Angelton who packed J. Edgar Mary’s private files he kept at home the day after he died into his white stationwagen and took custody of them to use and to share with the Mossad, which received all of them and uses them somewhat even to this very day.

J. Edgar told anyone who would listen the Bolshevik Communism was the World greatest enemy and focused much of his work to counter it where he thought it was occurring. What he never understood was that Bolshevism was started and run by the same folks that started Fascism, the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia. Veterans Today has been the first to make this previously well hidden information that has been purged from the history books and the libraries available to the whole World.

The Federal Blackmail Institute.

For many years a certain notorious division of the FBI has sent key agents out to US Congressmen’s homes at about 1 AM on what are referred to as “not to worry visits.” A phone call is made to the targeted individual stating that an FBI team will be knocking at their door within 5 minutes regarding a serious national security issue. The typical example is this. When the sleepy confused Congressman or woman appears at the door they are told that a known pedophile ring has been arrested and certain tapes with their name appeared in the seized evidence. Then they say “Senator so and so has taken charge of all this and we can assure you that none of this will ever see the light of day. We believe it is morphed anyhow but if you work with Senator so and so and help him you will be protected from any of this ever seeing the light of day.”

Of course the videos are real, and based on previous “initiation parties” where the Member of Congress was given a hypnotic drug like scopolomine or rohypnal and placed in a compromising sexual situation. This is how Members of Congress are often induced to radically change positions at the last minute and vote for legislation they previously opposed.

When J. Edgar died he was buried in the Freemason’s temple in DC because he was a 33rd degree Mason (some say even higher ranked). He was honored more than any other member besides the infamous Albert Pike who has a large Bronze statute in DC despite being an enemy of the United States of America and a member of an organization that secretly worships Lucifer as their god at the upper level, 33 degree or above.

Some years back Iowa’s Senator Grassley and some others were completely informed of J. Edgar’s crimes and tried to have his name removed from the FBI Building. They were completely blocked by KM Chieftains who really run the Secret Shadow Government and the visible one too which is there only to fool us. What they never learned was that J. Edgar himself was handled by KM Chieftains. For many years the nick name “Federal Blackmail Institute” has been used by Intel insiders to describe the FBI.

The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia must be completely decapitated from its elastic, unending supply of Counterfeit Fiat “money” in order to defeat them and their main action-agent Israeli and Bibi Netanyahu and his criminal Likudists.

Until the criminal Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and Israeli money supply is cut off from their “owned” elected officials, there is no way that the US Congress can be cleaned up and as long as Congress ifs fully corrupt, the American judiciary and LE systems will remain corrupt too. All of this endemic LE and Justice Department corruption is due to the influence of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters and the infiltration of the Israelis.

Breaking News: Another nail in the coffin of the Khazarian Mafia’s FBI which is being exposed more and more all the time as a RICO criminal operation for the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters. Richard Lambert the former lead FBI Agent investigator of the Anthrax Terror Investigation has just sued the FBI claiming it buried evidence that completely exonerated Dr. Bruce Ivens, who supposedly committed suicide, but was likely offed by FBI Division 5.

There is enough evidence to convict the perp who is a Babylonian Talmudic operative for Israel, except that it was all buried by FBI senior management who answer to Israel and Bibi Netanyahu. Like Novitsky, Richard Lambert lost the good job he obtained after he left the FBI because the FBI went to his employer and required them to separate him. Because a “National Security” lettter was presented to be read but not kept, Lambert was separated from his job and the employer could not reveal why. Since that time Lambert has been placed on an FBI National Security No Work List like Novitsky and has aplied for over 70 jobs with no response. Like Novitsky Lambert has a spotless work history and was placed on the “No Work list” only because he is a standup man with the highest character and could not be corrupted.

These scum that have been placing American Heroes and whistle-blowers on such No Work Lists and  Harassment Lists should be immediately arrested themselves for RICO, domestic terrorism, stalking, obstruction of justice, bribery under Title 18, Section 201, misprision of felonies, abuse of process and approximately 150 different felony crimes. And the FBI men  that murdered Dr. Ivens should be brought to justice and shown the same amount of mercy they grated Dr. Ivens, NONE! Upon conviction for murder they must be publicly executed.

Besides all these grim aspects of the FBI, it is important to note that there are many very good and dedicated FBI bAgents who want to do the right thing. They are kept from any in depth investigations by the Washington Field Office which immediately takes charge of any serious investigation, thereby running interference for the KM and the Israel. Any FBI Agent that tries to seriously investigate the KM’s International Satanic pedophile Network or Occult networks is typically immediately sent to Butte Montana to chase stolen cars or is immediately fired. Can you imagine what these honest agents could do with honest leadership if they were unleashed and allowed to do their jobs and supported by an honest US Department of Justice instead of one run by the KM and Israel?

Israeli Nuclear Blackmail was used to produce Homeland Security, Israel’s own Secret Police Occupation army inside America.

It is also now realized that Israel used Nuclear Blackmail to set up Homeland Security as their own personal Secret Police internal Occupation Army inside America, designed to be used to tyrannize and oppress Americans and transform America into GAZA II, the World’s largest open air prison camp and make Americans the New Palestinians to be herded like cattle and then progressively mas-murdered.


These secret discussions in many nations of the World are not the first that have occurred in regard to the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters.

These are not the first secret high level Policy discussions that have been occurring in many nations around the World that have been concerned with the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Moneychangers.

We know now for certain that serious secret discussions about how to break free from the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters’ money-monopoly have occurred since the 2007 American based recession which has dragged down most of the World with it.

These secret discussion have been concerned with how these nations can extricate themselves from the evil web of financial fraud and ruin of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia World Counterfeiting System which charges pernicious usury for using what should be everyone’s own money, not theirs.

Most of the Nations of the World have decided to slowly and methodically extricate themselves from the control of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters and the US Petro Dollar as the World Reserve Currency.

That is why they have set up the BRICS New Development Bank and made Vladymir Putin its first Director.

These nations all now realize that Israel is a Nuclear Terror State with a large arsenal of nukes, many already pre-planted in Israeli embassies and Synagogues around the World, ready to deploy and detonate. They know that Israel has often used its Samson Option as a threat to blackmail nations leaders to get what it wants. they also realize that Israel has been willing to sell nukes to any nation that supports them, and some have secretly obtained them from Israel.

These advisory groups involving most large nations of the World now view terrorism in general not as an Islamic problem but as the covert crimes of the World largest Organized Crime Syndicate, the Khazarian Mafia and Israel.

Some of these secret high level  discussions have involved more than one inter-nation advisory group which was previously set up to deal with Alien ETs and UFOs and also discusses major security issues affecting the whole World.

The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) is now secretly considered by most nations of the World to be the World’s Number One biggest Security Problem and the reason so many nations have been exposed to covert attempts to destabilize them with terrorism, staged coup d ‘etats, and color revolutions. The whole World is now turning against Israel and considers it a criminal Nuclear Terror State, a major mass-murderer, the originator of almost every war, and an Apartheid State against Palestinians as well.

For first time it is now becoming generally recognized and understood that the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia has a long term anti-human agenda to use war to mass-murder (human sacrifice) millions of humans, destroy every nation of the World, and capture the whole World for itself and that it is attempting to destroy all societies and nations.

And that it intends to mass-murder about 90% of all humans after asset stripping them by using Israel and “owned and controlled” Top Policy-makers, Cutouts and Assets all over the World which are embedded in most nations .

Netanyahu and some other Likudists know of these discussion and have become very angry and agitated that the many World Leaders are catching on and want out of their control matrix.

But Netanyahu, the Operative Head of the Khazarian Mafia and his close Likudists and Dual Citizen Assets in America, believe that their control over the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) and top American policy-makers as well as the US Congress and so many other elected officials around the World is so strong that any efforts to remove extricate their tentacles of power will fail.

Have these Perps been mind-kontrolled and if so did they drink demonic Babylonian Talmudic Kool-aide? And could they prove that they were actually human in any honest court of law?

It has now also come to be generally recognized by most top Intel and Military in many nations that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) has infiltrated and hijacked much of the American Military, Intel and Defense establishment in order to deploy it for Israel’s wars and keep perpetual wars going that can no longer be afforded, with no benefits going to American citizens or anyone except Israel and the Rothschild KM.

Sadly too many US Soldiers do not yet recognize that they are being used as mere cannon-fodder for Israel in its numerous Mideast and African wars of aggression and acquisition. they have no idea that Depleted Uranium was deployed not just to kill Israel’s enemies but also to disable them and ruin their genetic ability to have normal children.

Sadly, all these wars including Korea, Vietnam and all Mideast wars were concocted and directed by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters to increase their profits and the profits of their associated Defense Contractors.

But that is not all, in many of these discussions attention has been directed to the specific problem of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters, the World’s “Money-changers.”

Many in high positions of government, military and Intel in numerous nations realize that the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia is now running over 90% of the World monetary production and distribution using their own “money” which is actually Counterfeit and printed as notes with pernicious interest which must be paid by those users who should actually be they owners of the money they use.

These discussions have acknowledged that most nations of the World have become involved in a very difficult predicament related to the Rothschild KM Banksters. That is the obvious situation they are now in where they are caught up in a massive KM financial trap which is rather difficult to extricate themselves from without a catastrophic collapse of existing society and its institutions.

Many nations are now coming up with secret plans to extricate themselves from the Khazarian Mafia’s infiltration.

It’s a fact that this new recognition that Israel attacked America on 9-11-01, used nukes and also has been trafficking nukes on behalf of the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate, the Khazarian Mafia (KM) has certainly sent shock-waves around the World and elicited numerous actions by many nations to extricate themselves from infiltration and control by the Khazarian Mafia (KM).

Because of the complexity of the KM and Israeli infiltration, they know that this will take time and must be done in baby steps to avoid complete societal collapse. Of course if Israel sets off any more nukes, it is a good bet their military installation including the new underground BCC related based called 911, will be instantly counterattacked by at least two nuclear powers as part of a new secret defense agreement recently made between America and Russia.

The Israeli 9-11-01 operation was so well designed with so much pre-arranged cover and deception that most nations’ administrations, military and Intel had no idea and just believed the big lies, false narratives and propaganda dispensed by the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM). Many drank the Israel Kool-aide that Israel has been America’s best friend and ally. This of course is now known for certain to be a big lie because best friends don’t nuke their best friends.

Most have had no idea how deeply infiltrated they have been by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia and their main action agents Israeli Intel and the Bush/Scherf Crime Cabal (BCC) also known as the operative, drug and weapon trafficking side of the CIA that employs and deploys their own mercenaries on behalf of Israel (ISL/ISIS/Daish, etc.).

dd395-House (site)

The 9-11-01 Perps have underestimated the power of the Internet and the Human Spirit.

But this is where Netanyahu and his Likudist cronies and PNACers failed. They underestimated the new power of the Worldwide Internet which has become the World’s new Gutenberg Press. And they also underestimated the power of the human spirit. They believed that they could maintain complete control because they had bought, human compromised and gained control of the the US Administration (Bush2), the the top Military and Intel.

Here is one American Hero who could not be bought, human compromised or controlled. Alan Sabrosky, Ph.D. has gone public with the truth about who did 9-11-01. At that time only those involved in the US Military and Intel knew it was done by Israel, that’s how good the multi-layered deception and cover operations were. But since Dr. Sabrosky connected the dots, this knowledge has been spreading like wildfire by word of mouth and the worldwide Internet.

And they thought they could buy or compromise any top official that started investigating so much. But this too has now been shown to have been a false assumption because there are numerous standup real Americans in the USG, top Military and Intel which just cannot be bought, controlled or transformed into American traitors for the Khazarian Mafia and Israel specialize in doing.

The KM’s Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) has been so effective in blocking truth that it has taken 14 years for the truth that Israel attacked America on 9-11-01 to begin to diffuse to mainstream America.

Of course the fact that the Khazarian Mafia has worked hard to tax and asset strip Americans of the fruits of their labor that in most families both parents have to work full-time. And this has essentially destroyed many American families and created a hectic lifestyle treadmill that keeps most from having the time to think.

But the fact that so many Americans spend any free time they have watching Television and allowing themselves to be mind-kontrolled by it which is like drinking more Israeli/Khazarian Mafia Kool-aide, certainly helps keep them from wanting to question the USG which most view as a benevolent parent figure.

It doesn’t help when the US Congress is a captive vassal body of Israel and the Khazarian Mafia (KM) and operates like a mini-Knesset. It’s a sad fact that the US Congress is 100% controlled by Israel political contributions provided by Israeli espionage fronts like AIPAC and the like and Israeli assets like Sheldon Adelson, noted Khazarian Mafia Crime Lord.

We also now know for certain that the leaders of the US Congress took massive payoffs reported to total between 12 and 20 Million US Dollars each in foreign offshore numbered bank accounts as “set-aside allocations” to keep the truth about 9-11-01 covered up forever and deflect any serious investigations demanded by We The People.

Obviously these Members of Congress doing espionage against America and Americans on behalf of Israel and the Khazarian Mafia should be immediately impeached and arrested and prosecuted for Treason.


Most of the nations of the World are now secretly committed to extricating themselves from infiltration and control of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) without setting off a catastrophic societal collapse in their own nations. They also understand the sad fact so many of their elected officials and career politicians have enjoyed the lucrative payoff provided by Israeli espionage groups that weaning themselves from the Israeli and Khazarian Mafia Banksters “Big Tit” is going to be a difficult prospect.

Some nations have done business with the Israelis just to get nukes and other favors but now want to distance themselves and form secret alliances to keep Israel from asserting covert control over their politicians, officials and economy.

In spite of all the deep KM/Israeli infiltration, various large nations all around the World have now deployed numerous deep cover covert operations to neutralize the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia’s money-power and derail Israel espionage fronts. Some of these operations involve high level covert Psyops which are staggering in their sophistication and some involve various types of deep cover direct actions.

Right now Israel and the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia are getting some of their own medicine directed back at them and they deserve every bit too. The real sleepers in all this so far have been the Chinese who the KM believed it had successfully hijacked and now owns. The KM and the Israelis are going to be quite surprised when they find out that China is running major covert operations to dethrone them at many levels.

Obviously the BRICS Nations Development Bank, the Chinese AIIB and numerous negotiated private trade agreements which exclude the US Petro Dollar, are signaling that 179 nations of the World no longer want to be defrauded by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Moneychangers. These nations are setting up their own currency systems backed by Gold, Silver and real commodities as a firewall against the massive KM money-fraud which has historically empowered Israel and allowed its criminal existence and numerous staged wars and crimes against humanity all over the World.

The World is now awakening to Israeli Nuclear Terror and is slowly and methodically instituting changes which will gradually force the economic collapse of Israel. Various new and quite interesting plans are now being instituted to form a international nuclear retaliation deterrent against Israel which should be strong enough to prevent Israel from setting off any more nukes or following through on any more of its Samson Option nuclear threats without its defense bases turned to glass and soot.

Israel has dug its own hole and doomed itself for attacking America with nukes on 9-11-01 and for its Apartheid against Palestinian which includes genocide and massive land theft.

Even the infamous Henry Kissinger remarked recently that Israel will not exist within 10 years. It’s time for the whole World to work together to eradicate the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM) and Israeli espionage fronts and bring all of the KM Chieftains, Kingpins, Cutouts and Assets to serious judgment in an appropriate courts of law.

These incredibly evil Satanic Babylonian Talmudic driven inhuman criminally insane madmen must be somehow stopped cold if humanity is going to survive and be able to reconstruct itself and thrive.


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