Is Donald really the TRUMP card American’s need right now or is he a JOKER Khazarian Puppet in Disguise

Zionists Use Donald Trump to Fix Another Election

July 15, 2015


l.Donald Trump makes the Masonic

descendent triangle sign in this early photo.

Donald Trump is an Illuminati

agent tasked with getting

Hillary Clinton elected.


by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Like a turd that won't flush, Donald Trump is back again to serve his Illuminati Jewish masters. This time around, his role is to win the GOP nomination and throw the election to Hillary Clinton, the Illuminati bankers' preferred candidate.

If this seems farfetched, consider that Trump is allegedly  leading the other GOP candidates by a large margin. He catapulted into the lead by pretending to champion ordinary Americans who are fed up with illegal immigration. Calling Mexicans "rapists" is a little extreme but he needed to get attention fast. 

The Illuminati Jewish bankers have a long history of manipulating US Presidential elections. An obvious example is when they dusted off Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 to split the Republican vote, defeat Taft and elect their pawn Woodrow Wilson. 

In 1940, they got a Democrat, Wendell Wilkie, to run for the Republicans, and ensured FDR's reelection, and US entry into World War Two.

In 1992 election, they elected Bill Clinton by running Ross Perot in order to split the Republican vote. If Perot hadn't run, Bush Sr. would have been re-elected. (Apparently, he had angered the Zionists by referring to their control of Capitol Hill.)  Perot got 20 million votes. Clinton got 45 million and Bush got 39 million.
Trump was drafted to run in 2012 but they decided he wasn't needed. Then as now, Trump  tailored his position to co-opt the opposition. He is "Christian, pro-life,  anti gay marriage and so for the death penalty especially for terrorists."
"I'm a Protestant, I'm a Presbyterian," he told the Christian Post. "And you know I've had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion."

He attends church "as much as I can. Always on Christmas. Always on Easter. And when there's a major occasion. And during the Sundays. I'm a Sunday church person. I'll go when I can." Now, there's conviction.

His real  loyalty is to Mother Israel. Recently he said, "there has never been a greater enemy to Israel than Barack Obama. It's incredible the way he treats them, the way he's speaking to them. I think he treats our known enemies much better." 

Other stories linked there provide the flavour of Trump's relation to Israel: 

Trump's daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism in 2008 before marrying Jewish real estate developer Jared Kushner. Last year, Kushner was part of a group that bought Israeli insurer Phoenix for $500 million.

We can thank Brother Nathaniel in 2011 for alerting us to the hokey nature of the
Trump campaign and the fact that his David Axelrod (aka "handler") is another Illuminati Jew by the name of Michael Cohen. He is a Trump advisor again in 2015 saying Trump speaks for the "silent majority."

Cohen supported Obama in 2008, but has "grown disappointed with the president, so much so that he now describes himself as 'offended' by the administration's agenda. America, Cohen said, has become a "third-world nation," echoing words that have become a familiar refrain of Trump's.

Michael joined The Trump Organization in 2006 following a career as a private attorney and "personal advisor to some of the world's wealthiest individuals."

Last summer, Cohen rented a Hampton's mansion for one month for $150,000 without even looking at it. He sued the owner for $500,000 because it was in disrepair.

Another Trump backer is Stewart Rahr, an Illuminati Jewish billionaire, who made his fortune as a pharmaceutical distributor. He is the 183rd richest man in America (139 of the top 400 are Jewish) and one of the 400 richest men in the world.  (Trump isn't in the top 400.)

If Americans think Trump and his backers are going to change anything, I have some real estate in Florida .... His role is to take a fall.
Politics is a charade put on by the Illuminati. Their mass media puts lipstick on this pig.
We don't realize how we are totally manipulated. Our political, economic and cultural lives are psy ops.
Related-  Election 2016- The Illusion of Choice (youtube)

-----------Another poll puts Trump in the lead

----------- Donald Trump's Jewish Wingman

Yes, it's former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani in drag having his "breasts" shamelessly violated by "Apprentice" tycoon Donald Trump (from 2006)
First Comment by Glen:

Those of us who were "all in" for Ross Perot see this for what it is. Another split the ticket ploy to get Hitlery elected. Truth be known I doubt they even have to go through with this dog and pony show. With control of Diebold and electronic voting, any election can now be stolen with little or no problem. Personally I think the "powers that shouldn't be" pull this crap for their own entertainment. I'll bet you could find them rolling on the floor in laughter at the gullibility of the American people. I find this quote to say it all.

"You know, comrades," says Stalin, "that I think in regard to this: I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this -- who will count the votes, and how." 

The way I see it, it matters not who wins the next election, because whoever it is you can bet they will serve Israel and the globalist agenda long before they serve America. As George Carlin notes they will have been bought and payed for long ago. The only option for any change is for no one to show up for their sham election or add the "none of the above" box to the ballot.

No matter who wins this next election, they will not serve you or work in the best interest of America. They will serve the global Zionist just as they have always done.

- See more at:

Donald Trump Will Be Assassinated If He Does Not Withdraw From the Presidential Race

Thursday, July 23, 2015 7:10

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At times, I find myself trying to evaluate the seriousness of Donald Trump’s announced intention to secure the Republican nomination for President. In a recent poll, Trump had the support of 24% of the polled would-be voters. As a result, Trump had an 11% lead on the rest of the Republican field.

Forbidden Topics

In the short time he has been running for President, Trump is talking about forbidden topics such as national sovereignty and the unwise free trade agreements which have cost millions of Americans their jobs. He is talking about the value of protecting the honor and integrity of an American citizenship. There is not one other candidate who is openly discussing these values. We live in an open border society where the middle class has become an endangered species. Trump makes one want to fly the American flag outside one’s home.

At times, I find myself laughing hysterically as the other presidential candidates, the minions for the bankers that have hijacked our country, and how they are trying to align in order to counter this new 800 pound guerrilla in the room. If it were not for Trump, everyone of these bought and paid for politicians look, sound and smell alike. Trump has added passion to the early days of the Presidential race. He has people genuinely excited about politics. Trump has put these politicians and the corporate controlled media in a state of panic and this has become the most entertaining comedy act that I have seen in a long time.

Is Trump for Real?

Donald Trump is on the verge of building a cult like following. Most, not all, of his statements are a breath of fresh air as he has called out the special interests. Can he win? Is is too early to tell. I cannot promise you that Trump will not withdraw in order to save his life or the lives of his family members. I cannot promise that he will not be assassinated if he fails to acquiesce to the establishment.

The Ross Perot Parallel

perot campaign stickerThe last time the American people had a candidate that appeared to represent middle class interests, was nearly 24 years ago, that would be 6 elections ago.

Americans loved Ross Perot because he was all ears.

Americans loved Ross Perot because he was all ears.

Every major candidate since that time has had the CFR, Trilateral and Bilderberger’s controlling their every statement. The last time America had a true “independent” candidate would have been a man named Ross Perot.

To effectively evaluate Trump’s candidacy from an historical perspective, one has to be old enough to remember Ross Perot. I remember the 1992 campaign clearly. The nation was locked in a three way battle for the Presidency. Pappy Bush was running for re-election, Bill Clinton was still lifting up skirts as had secured the Democratic nomination. And then there was Ross Perot, a man who looked more like a caricature, or some cartoon character, rather than a legitimate Presidential candidate. Yet, five months before the election, Ross Perot had a seemingly insurmountable lead in the Presidential race.

NAFTA and the Giant Sucking Sound

Perot convinced American voters that he would save millions of American jobs by stopping NAFTA.

Perot convinced American voters that he would save millions of American jobs from being sucked south of the border by the treasonous and unconstitutional free trade agreement, NAFTA.

NAFTA was the first step towards a one-world economic system and fulfilling the globalist goal of destroying the United States. Perot was at the point in opposing NAFTA. This would prove to be his undoing.

The message was clear to the American voters, if you wanted to save your job, you voted for Ross Perot. Perot’s campaign received a push because the Bush campaign was all too happy to have Perot involved in the national debate because he was drawing votes away from Bill Clinton and it gave Bush a small bump in the polls. And Bush needed all the help he could get after his 1988 campaign promise of “no new taxes” only to raise taxes immediately after his election. Bush, in relation to the first Iraq War, had uttered the words “building a New World Order”. The former CIA director was not a popular or likable candidate.

By opposing NAFTA, Perot was playing with his life.

Disaster Strikes the Ross Perot Campaign

While on his way to the White House, political disaster struck for Ross Perot. On May 17, 1992, national polls showed independent candidate Ross Perot leading President George H. W. Bush and Governor Bill Clinton. If Perot could only hang on for six more months, America would have a real man in the White House as opposed to a bought and paid for puppet.

Perot allegedly withdrew from the race because of some very vague threats that had been made with regard to his daughter’s upcoming wedding in June of 1992. The story never made sense. The reason given for Perot’s withdrawal did not warrant derailing a successful Presidential campaign.

Perot was an intelligent man. He knew the fate of men who has seriously challenged the globalists. At the end of the day, there are three reasons why reformer, Ross Perot, withdrew from the 1992 election and those three reasons were JFK, RFK and MLK. Somebody got to Ross Perot.

Men With Diaries Await Modern Day Reformers

jfk banker plot

In 1963, President John F. Kennedy was attempting to dismantle the Federal Reserve’s stranglehold over the nation’s economy through the introduction an alternative interest free “C-notes” as they were called. JFK was determined to prevent the next cash cow for the military industrial complex, the Vietnam War. Kennedy was cutting the unwarranted tax break to the oil companies called the oil depletion allowance. He was having back channel talks with Russia about banning above ground nuclear testing by secretly using Norman Cousins as an emissary. Kennedy slapped the CIA and the mafia in the face by not allowing air cover in the infamous Bay of Pig invasion which could have risked World War III with the Soviets. JFK was a three-year, one man wrecking crew who was becoming an obstacle for the New World Order. On November 22, 1963, JFK was murdered in order to erase any possibility of reelection. According to the Warren Report, JFK was murdered by a man with a diary who said what he was going to do in that diary. If you doubt the veracity of these statements, Google “JFK’s Secret Societies Speech” and follow that up with his “American University speech” in May of 1963.

In 1968, and against all odds, Robert, former Attorney General, “Bobby” Kennedy, was compiling upset victory after upset victory on his was to the 1968  Democratic nomination for the Presidential race. RFK was murdered by a man with a diary, who stated what he was going to do. And the man with the diary made good on that promise just following Bobby’s win in the California Democratic Primary. Why did Bobby have to murdered by a man with a diary? Because he was vehemently opposed to the Vietnam War and would have ended it. He was opposed to the unlimited spending of the military industrial complex that Eisenhower had warned the American people about in his 196o Farewell Address. RFK had to murdered by a man with a diary because the 1960’s version of the globalists could not tolerate another Kennedy in the White House who was opposed to their policies.

Also in 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, who was very much against the Vietnam War, was making serious headway with much of the American public. The globalists could not tolerate a serious change in the landscape of American politics. Through King’s efforts, a new voting block was being created made up of previously disenfranchised black people. This was a threat to a political system which was already locked up by the globalists. King was murdered, one day after having his FBI protection removed by J. Edgar Hoover. And he was murdered by a man with a diary stating what he was going to do.

My Fear For Donald Trump

Trump may become nothing more than a fad. However, the early returns do not indicate that. And the establishment is allocating huge resources to derail his campaign. Trump is being taken seriously by the globalists. If Trump gains steam, he may be faced with a choice. Go the way of Ross Perot and buckle to the will of the globalists or risk assassination by the same mentality that has previously killed three prominent politicians. In modern America, reformers have a very short shelf-life. Donald Trump should fear men with diaries.


Initial List of 33rd Degree Masonssquare & compass

Albert Pike addressing the 23 Supreme Councils of the world on July 14, 1889:- "To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: 'the Masonic Religion should be,  by all of us initiates of the high degrees,  maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. .

It is said that only two U.S. Presidents: Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy, were not either Masons or elite members of affiliated bodies

Other well known Mason

John Adams
(King) Umberto Agnelli
Buzz Aldrin
Yasser Arafat
(Patriarch) Athenagoras I
Gene Autry
Tobias Axelrod
Rabbi Leo Baeck
Foster Bailey
Admiral G.W. Baird
Achille Ballori
M.H. Barroso
Bernard Mannes Baruch
Harry L. Baum
Daniel Carter Beard (Boy Scouts)
Justice Hugo Black
Jonathan Blanchard
Tony Blair
Rabbi Dr. Leo Baeck
Alain Bernheim
Rev. William Booth (Salvation Army)
John Wilkes Booth
Hayden C. Boyce
Werner von Braun
John C. Breckinridge
Sir Richard Burton
Senator Byrd
Plutarco Elias Calles
James Cameron
Jimmy Carter
Hugo Chavez
Richard Cheney
Sir Winston Churchill
Henry Clausen
William J. Clinton
Howell Cobb
James B. Conant
Kenneth Copeland
John H. Cowles
Adolphe Cremieux
Francesco Crispi
Delmar Darrah
Morris B. de Pass
Richard DeVos (Amway)
Walt. Disney
Sen. Bob Dole
General James Doolittle
John Drick
Allen Dulles
John Foster Dulles
Gerard (Papus) Encausse
Frederick Engels
Senator Sam J. Ervin
Walter M. Fleming
Gerald Rudolf Ford
Henry Ford
(King) Frederick II
Gaylord Freeman
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Newt. Gingrich
John Glenn
Barry Goldwater
Mikhail Gorbachev
Al Gore
J.J.J. Gourgas
Billy Graham
James Graham
Col. James "Bo" Gritz
Rev. Kenneth Hagin
Manly P. Hall
Mark Hatfield
Jesse Helms
Christian A. Herter
Richard Holbrooke
J. Edgar Hoover
Col. Edward Mandell House
King Hussein
Saddam Hussein
Burl Icle Ives
Jessie James
Rev. Jesse Jackson
Andrew Johnson
Lyndon Baines Johnson
Dr. Bob Jones Sr.

Jack Kemp
Duke Michael of Kent
Alexander Kerensky
Henry Kissinger
C. Fred Kleinknecht
Kenneth S. Kleinknecht
Helmut Kohl
Ted Kollek
Arnoldo Krumm-Heller
Curtis Lemay
Adriano Lemmi
Lyman Lemnitzer
Vladimir Lenin
McIlyar H. Lichliter
Albert Lontaine
Gen. Douglas MacArthur
Sir Henry MacMahon
Robert McNamara
Vasili Maklakov
Domenico Margiotta
Thurgood Marshall
James G. Martin
Karl Marx
(Baron) Yves Marsaudon
Joseph Mazzini
Lord Alfred Milner
Francoir Mitterand
Henry Morgenthau
Benjamin Netanyahu
G. Bromley Oxnam
Olof Palme
Henry Palmerston
Shimon Peres
Albert Pike
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
Prince Phillip
Roscoe Pound
(Gen.) Colin L. Powell
Major General John Quitman
Yitzak Rabin
Ronald Reagan
Joseph Rettinger
Harman Gansvort Reynolds
Marshall S. Reynolds
Michel Reyt
Cecil Rhodes
Oral Roberts
Franklin D.Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt
Paul Rosen
James Rothschild
Charles Taze Russell
Bishop Carl J. Sanders
Jacob Schiff
Gerhard Schroeder
Rev. Robert Schuller
Rev. Al Sharpton
Senator Simpson
Joseph Stalin
Rudolph Steiner
R.W. Thompson
Storm Thurmond
Leon Trotsky
Harry S. Truman
Pierre G. Vassal
Felix Warburg
Paul Moritz Warburg
Earl Warren
George Warvelle
Chaim Weizmann
H.G. Wells
William Wynn Westcott
Earl Wheeler
Leo Wheeler
John Yarker
Leon Zeldis



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