Rothschild and Soros Brexit Charade in Public

Tuesday, June 21, 2016 11:46
Jewish men, Jacob Rothschild and George Soros, publicly pronounce doom to UK’s economy if the people of the United Kingdom vote in favor of the referendum to secede from the European Union.
King of the UK shadow government, Jacob Rothschild (‘king Rothschild’), would not have permitted the referendum to come into existence if king Rothschild did not want the UK to secede from the EU.
On Monday two UK polls – one showed a slight majority in favor of Brexit, and the other showed a slight majority against Brexit.    King Rothschild has seen to it that factors exist within the UK that give credence to a Brexit win.  May 2016 election of London’s first Muslim mayor, threat of large scale Muslim immigration through policy set by the European Union.   The British tolerate a Muslim mayor over them, but they fear many Muslims immigrating with a mayor in power to see that Muslim dictates rule, such as the call by the Mayor for no more ‘sexy ads’.   Added incentive for a populace move for Brexit.   The guise is well set.  No one would suspect a Brexit win could be a rigged vote, and might not require rigging given what king Rothschild has thrown at the Brits.  A first time ever Muslim mayor, threat of mass Muslim immigration per EU dictate, and to avoid that migration, vote yes to Brexit.
King Rothschild and his fellow Jewish Satanist, George Soros, are covertly gloating in public over what they know shall occur by their own hand but erroneously blamed on a Brexit win.  Destruction of the European economy and UK economy under guise of Brexit having brought same about.   Soros has financially positioned himself to profit from a Brexit win.
Reason Why Brexit is Phoney, a Guise To Enable Immediate Economic Collapse of UK and EU
Local and state European governments need the employment for the masses, the tax money and all that pertains to the current trade that the UK and EU do with each other.     The UK and EU officials should have already established a contingency plan regarding trade between them in the even of a Brexit win.
The evil British PM Cameron speaks of economic doom if UK secedes from the EU.  What Cameron and other UK and EU officials should be doing, should have already done, is publicly agree that they shall continue to abide by the trade rules they already operate under in the event of a Brexit win.    There is nothing that any EU official or any UK official can present as a legitimate obstacle to them agreeing to abide by the established trade rules between in the event of a Brexit win.  
As a matter of civilized decency, the EU and UK officials should have already publicly announced that in interest of pursuit of continued trade between them, and in the interest of the welfare of the citizens of the UK and EU, that they shall continue to abide by EU trade policy already established between them.  End of story, no need for Brexit fear mongering that is all centered around economic collapse.
Avoidance of economic harm is the only justification against Brexit being put forth by Cameron.  As said, all economic harm can easily be avoided.   But the plan of king Rothschild is to bring about economic devastation and he needs a guise under which to do it.   Brexit is that guise.  US subprime mortgage failures were the guise under which the US ZIRP began, the dismantling of the US economy.  The Federal Reserve bankers, who have full power of the banks of the USA,  or the Congress could ruled as a matter of national security, that all US adjustable rate mortgages remain at the ‘teaser rate’, and then worked out the problem from there.  As a matter of civilized decency, the Federal Reserve could have said that they were wrong in asserting that Americans can come up with cash on the spot whenever their mortgage increases by a hundred or several hundred a month and in the interest of decent society, work out a revision of the adjustable rate mortgages.   The USA ‘subprime meltdown’ was orchestrated to enable what the US economy is today, ever collapsing.  Brexit is put forth by king Rothschild as a guise to enable his inside central bankers to take down the economy of UK and EU.

King Rothschild and his Vatican Jew Brethren Have a New World Order Vision
King Rothschild and his fellow Jew of Satan George Soros are publicly yet covertly gloating over the coming economic collapse they are engineering, but which shall be blamed on a Brexit win.  The people shall be told they brought the collapse on themselves by voting for Brexit. 
King Rothschild, the Jews of Satan Vatican owners, their elite Freemason Gentile prey, already established their course of chaos for the people of USA, UK and Europe, including economic chaos, as part of bringing into reality their NWO vision.    Striking their own base with chaos, they have Russia and China ready to bring destruction to Rothschild’s prey too, which threatens to derail Rothschild’s NWO vision.   
King Rothschild’s order out of chaos will go wrong this time because China and Russia shall overtake the military of Rothschild. 
Whipping their prey when two big dogs stand ready to kill the prey.   Need that prey now, Rothschild and Rockefeller?  Dumb them down, make them sick, take away their guns, but still not all of them, (working on the USA guns).  Poison them with GMO’s, pesticides, big pharma, keep them economically suppressed by their central banks and the people shall rally behind their public rulers to keep them in power?   King Rothschild loses, the Freemason elite in power in USA, UK and EU lose with him, the NWO vision crushed.  Jew Soros is most evil, so is Jew Rothschild.
King Rothschild Aims to Force China and Russia’s Submission
King Rothschild is not have an easy time so far in getting China and Russia to submit.  And he will be unable to do so.  
King Rothschild is striking China’s military by striking their economy, that is his plan.  The people of USA, UK and Europe can starve, will starve, in the economic collapse of USA, UK and EU, that does not diminish the power of Rothschild and he is using their miserable economic collapse to come to crush China’s export markets.   Economically crush USA, UK and Europe and who does China export to that replaces those markets?  There are no replacements.   Throw China into economic chaos to keep them busy while king Rothschild executes against Russia if necessary, should Russia continue to interfere with king Rothschild’s Middle East war.  NATO is there on Russia’s borders.  31,000 strong so far, and to build. 
King Rothschild, Jew Pharisees’ Vatican and the Evil Gentile Rulers Obeying Them Shall Lose
God’s holy prophet Daniel foretells their lose (Daniel 11:14).   The guns will be drawn and someone will shoot first, it is just a matter of time.  King Rothschild holds a gun to China and holds a gun to Russia, and Russia knows it and so does China and they may pull shoot a gun at king Rothschild before he shoots his gun.  King Rothschild’s satellites are all within reach of missiles owned by China, missiles owned by Russia and missiles owned by India.  Strike at the heart of king Rothschild’s battle field advantage by taking out their satellites.   King Rothschild is insane and so are his Jews of Satan brethren, and so are the evil Gentiles in league with them.
How Did Jew Rothschild Come to Possess His Great Power and Wealth?
Ever since the Jew Pharisees of Satan did as the Lord said they would, (seize on his inheritance with the Gentiles). the European Gentiles that the Vatican ruled over with absolute dominion for almost 1600 hundred years, were whipped up to war against each other, time and again, by the Vatican.    The Vatican wants her big rear, those queen Jews of Satan Pharisees, over the entire world, their NWO vision.  Turn over your wealth to the Vatican and kneel before their altars.     The Vatican is the driver of the cars that are USA, UK and Europe.   The Vatican wants her NWO in place, and China and Russia are standing in the way.
It is the Jews of Satan who founded Israel in 1948.  Not at all speaking against the Jews of God in speaking the truth as aforesaid:
Matthew 21:33-46   … this is the son.  Come let us kIll him and seize on his inheritance.  What will the Lord to do those wicked caretakers when he returns?  He shall miserably destroy them ….
The Lord Father speaking to the Lord Son:
Isaiah 42:6   I have called you in righteousness and will hold your hand and will keep you.  I have given you to the people for the covenant and for a light to the Gentiles
Only when the Lord Son rules on earth as in heaven is the Lord’s covenant to the Jewish people fulfilled (Rev. 11:15). The Jews of the Lord shall receive their joy as men divide the spoils of war only when the covenant is fulfilled that a descendant of David shall sit on his throne and rule forever in righteousness.  Peace forever.  The weakest among the Jewish men shall be as strong as king David when the Lord reigns on David’s throne.  No one can ever do them harm again, though Satan, being let loose for a while, does get accepted by Mr. Gog who, with the men he gathers to his side, tries to take a prey and a spoil of God’s Jewish people (Rev. 20:7-10, Ezekiel Ch. 38).   As to Gentiles, he is to be their Light.  Satan has Paul, the Jew Pharisee, as an alternative light for the Gentiles, just as he had his word as an alternative to God’s word in the ear of Eve in the garden of Eden.    The Son of God says, as quoted above, the Jews of Satan seize on his inheritance.   Jews of Satan have the inheritance of God with Gentiles, as thieves-in-possession.
The Jews of Satan sat in Moses’ seat (Matthew 23:2-3).  The Lord said to his people to obey all that the Jew Pharisees dictate to them from the law of Moses, but do not do their works.  The words of the Jews of Satan is to not follow God’s law.  The Lord says, do the opposite of the Jew Pharisees’ works, that means to do works that are in obedience to God’s law. 
The Jews Pharisees sent Jew Paul to the Gentiles to tell them do not be under the law, be under grace, a workers of lawlessness.  Paul’s doctrine is to be a worker of lawlessness.  Not under the law, under grace.  What are the works of grace?
Romans 7:19  I do not know how to do good.  I am a practitioner of evil
Jews of Satan are practitioners of evil because they refuse to follow God’s law.  The Lord said do not do the works of the Pharisees.  Pharisee Paul comes along and claims he got a new christ from heaven, forget that christ in the flesh, listen to Paul’s alleged christ.  And so many of Christendom have stopped up ears, they love their Paul.  Hand in hand with Paul they go into the eternal fire.   For whatever reason those of Christendom refuse to hear the Son of God, including the truth of God that their church altars are not of God.  The Christians say a person is of Satan if they come with Christ alone, not Paul.   Evil man of Satan, Richard Bennett of Berean Beacon, ex-Catholic priest, has a saying ‘in Christ alone’, but then he always brings Paul along, so he lies in saying ‘in Christ alone’ is his salvation.    Cannot turn a goat into a sheep, and many goat refuse to hear the Son but claim to be of him.  The men of Satan Pharisees did the same with respect to the Father God, claiming to be of him and yet seeking to kill his Son (John 8:37-44).   The many of Christendom claim to be of the Son and they believe in the word of the enemy of the Son.  Eve believed in the word of the enemy of God.
Only the good people hear the Son when he is made known to them, the rest of the people do not:
John 3:20  Evildoers hate the light
Romans 7:19  … I am a practitioner of evil
The evil snakes of Christendom slither up to people and tell them to believe in the word of an evildoer.  Many of Christendom would not suffer that their church altars be held as offensive things to God.  The Son of God says they are (John 4:20-24, Hebrews 13:10, Rev. 11:1-2).
Romans 3:7  If the truth of God is being spread by my lie, why am I judged a sinner
Revelation 22:15  For without are dogs … whosoever loves or makes a lie
King Rothschild wants a war.  He has many evil Jews and many evil Gentiles at his service to carry out his aim.  The Jew Pharisees own the Roman Catholic church, they own the Vatican***.   God’s holy prophet Daniel states that the robbers of the Jewish people have a vision.  They shall lurch forward to establish their NWO vision and do fall:
Daniel 11:14     At that time many shall come against the king of the south [USA].  Also, the robbers of your people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision but shall fall
The Jews of Satan and 1948 Founded Israel
The Jews of Satan murder God’s Jewish prophets, they murder other of God’s Jewish people too (Matthew 23:31-32).   The Jews of Satan are the robbers of God’s Jewish people spoken of in Daniel 11:14.  Their vision is the New World Order which is Jew Pharisees’ vision, they own the Vatican.  The Jews of Satan seize on the inheritance of the Lord with respect to Gentiles too.  It is not the Lord who founded Israel in 1948, it is the Jews of Satan.  The Jews of Satan rule of God’s inheritance until he returns to destroy them.  The Jews of Satan are the ones who seek control of the world as portrayed in the book, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.  But it is not to be.  The good Jews have yet to have their promised rest, righteousness and peace forever to be given to them by God.  No Jew of Satan gives such thing, only the Lord and the Lord has yet to return to kill the Jews of Satan, remove all evil people from the earth and establish his rule on earth as it is in heaven, thereby being the fulfillment of God’s covenant to his Jewish people that they shall have a king who sits forever on David’s throne and never allows harm to his people again (Matthew 21:40-41, 13:41, Rev. 11:15).  And fulfillment of God’s Light to the Gentiles.  When the Son of God reigns on earth, there shall be no Paul convert to slither around deceiving people, calling them to the word of man Paul and thereby urging them to abandon the word of the Son of God.  Yet those Christian snakes claim to be of Paul is to be of the Son of God.  They are dog liars and lovers of lies (Matthew 7:22-23, Isaiah 66:17, Romans 3:7, Rev. 22:15).
*** Paul the false light of the Gentiles, a Pharisee from Benjamin tribe (Acts 23:6, Philippians 3:5).  The Jew Pharisees did as the Lord aid they would, make a false light for the Gentiles.  Jew Pharisee Paul gives the Gentles their church altars (Hebrews 13:10).  He told them to give ’us’, ( the Jews Pharisee false apostles) money (Romans 15:27).  Jew Paul established an office to oversee the operation of the Gentile churches (Romans 11:13).  That office became the offices of popes of the Roman Catholic church.  Paul is the first pope of the Catholic church.   Peter, a Jewish man of God, an apostle of the Lord, had nothing to do with the churches the Jew Pharisees established for Gentiles.  1 Peter and 2 Peter are Pharisee forgeries.  The first bible came out of the Jew Pharisees’ 325 AD Council of Nicaea.   The men of Satan placed the lie of false light Pharisee Paul with the truth of the true Light Son of God under one book.   Jew Rothschild has his power by reason thereof.  The Jews of Satan Pharisees began their rule over the Gentiles when the Gentiles agreed to believe in Paul’s gospel and become paying members of the Pharisees’ church altars.   The power of the Jew Pharisees only grew from there, but their power is limited on earth (Rev. 6:8).   When the Jew Pharisees try to establish their NWO vision, they fail to do so (Daniel 11:14). 

Brexit = “Breaks It” — EU Is Dead! Gold Breakout! World Markets Plummet! US Dollar Gyrates! Cameron Quits!

Friday, June 24, 2016 5:06


No One Really Knows Where This Is All Going
Except To A Collapse of Civilization
As We Know It


Global Economic & Financial System
Faces Greatest Challenges Ever!

*   *   *
Trigger Point for the Super Shemitah

Something so HUGE just happened it even defied the bookmakers in London.
The bookies never get it wrong; their odds are virtually always spot on.
A victorious BREXIT just took the United Kingdom, the European Union and the rest of the world by storm … a Superstorm of truly biblical proportions.
For those who are not familiar with the phenomenon known as the Super Shemitah, you will be very soon.  It’s actually about many different things, but especially about the release of indebtedness.  The entire planetary civilization is about to experience an unprecedented and unparalleled liberation from debt slavery.

Trigger Point for the Super Shemitah 

Make no mistake about it, the defining moment of 2016, of the decade, and of the millennium has just occurred.  With the departure of Great Britain from the European Union (EU), the entire EU project will undoubtedly crash and burn. France has already called for their own referendum regarding continued EU membership.  The French are like the British, only on steroids where it concerns getting the eff out of the disastrous EU.  So are the Dutch.  Hence, it is easy to see where all of this is rapidly going.
Back to the Super Shemitah.  Now that the BREXIT genie is out of the bottle, there is no putting it back in.  The original financial architects and social engineers of the European Union probably did not know what they were doing when they foisted the Treaty of Rome on the unsuspecting back in the last century.  They certainly did not accurately foresee the utter catastrophe that the Maastricht Treaty, which came into force on 1 November 1993, would cause throughout Europe and around the world in 2016.  That year — 1993 — was effectively the beginning of the single most disastrous project in modern history.  For it served to set up the world for BREXIT, the trigger point for the collapse of the Global Economic & Financial System (GE&FS).
There is simply no stopping the cataclysmic events which are inevitable in the year of the Super Shemitah.  Many have scorned and snickered at the notion of such a worldwide apocalyptic event.  Now they will see firsthand what such an earth-shaking series of events can do to the entire planetary civilization.  The repercussions will be so far-reaching and ramifications so profound as to re-arrange nations and societies everywhere.  The following articles lay bare exactly what is coming around the corner.

Domino Effect

Perhaps the single greatest effect from today’s BREXIT victory will be the unstoppable domino effect which has already been triggered.  Virtually all of the citizenries of the EU nations have been denied referendums on the membership issue.  When they have taken place, they were clearly fixed by the NWO controllers.  For years there has been a pent-up frustration within the populace that has been waiting to explode.  Welcome to the Europe Summer!

Europe Summer

Everyone has heard about the fake Arab Spring by now.  Whereas that was a completely fabricated series of CIA-coordinated revolutions throughout the Middle East, the world is now about to witness the Europe Summer.  Regardless of the torrential rains that are falling all over the continent, it’s about to get hot … very hot.  The people of every country in Europe have the inviolable right to decide their respective destinies.  They have been consistently denied that right by a bunch of despotic Eurocrats in Brussels. That’s all about to change quite quickly.
The southern tier of Europe, especially Greece, has suffered terribly under the heel of the EU tyranny.  Italy, Spain and Portugal have been treated like the step-children of an overbearing EU dictatorship. The bullies in Brussels have bribed and blackmailed, bullied and browbeat those vulnerable countries into obsequious submission.  Time and again, the autocratic agents of the NWO have foisted economic regimens and financial regimes on nations which did not want them and could not afford them.  The realities of such disaster capitalism were always the same –– extreme financial hardship and economic contraction.
The Europe Summer is here and the people will be heard like never before.  Whereas Greece is the real Achilles’ heel, Italy has the size and heft to take down the whole European Union project, once and for all. The Italians, in particular, have the will to do just that.  Spain, too, has the wherewithal and motivation to support Italy in its quest to reclaim its national sovereignty.  Likewise, there are those Central and Eastern European countries that are also aching to take back their power, especially to maintain their territorial integrity which has been seriously compromised.

Today’s Headlines Tell The Real Story


Truly, this is the day that we have all been waiting for.  The beginning of the end is upon us. RIGHT NOW!
There was always a mathematical certainty built into the current structure of the Global Economic & Financial System.  The very architecture was hardwired, just like the Twin Towers were hardwired for demolition when they were built, for its own free-fall collapse. The current System could only go on for so long.  And that end date is NOW.
The Senior editor of SOTN was an investment broker and financial consultant back in the 1980s.  It was quite clear WAY BACK THEN then that this whole God-forsaken System was doomed.  The only surprise here is that it literally took 30 years to collapse.  Now that was an exercise in extreme competence with financial smoke and mirrors, fiscal sleight of hand, economic legerdemain and monetary manipulation.
“The global money matrix, worldwide financial architecture and planetary economic landscape most closely resemble the proverbial House of Cards in the form of a Pyramid-Ponzi scheme superstructure built on quicksand.  Therefore, any sober and sane inhabitant of Planet Earth would only want to be rid of it all.  And that’s exactly what the FOUR HORSEMEN of 2012 and beyond, aim to do.  Trample it all under, so that we may finally be rid of it all.”

There is one last thing to say about the awesome consequences which will surely manifest in the wake of the monumental BREXIT.

Reign Of The Almighty Dollar Is Over

Even the nightly news is now proclaiming it.
Breaking news tv background with man reporter

June 24, 2016

Author’s Note
Each and every year the feast of St. John the Baptist is celebrated the world over by Christians and believers of other faith traditions.  His was a profound and poignant story of speaking the truth, especially speaking truth to power.  Because Saint John so vociferously spoke the truth to the powers of his day (think Nigel Farage today!) his voice box was sliced and silenced.   What better day than his Feast Day for the great people of Great Britain to find their voice.  Were the truth to be known, this BREXIT vote was far more in favor of leaving than what the altered vote tallies indicate.
Truly, God does often write straight with crooked lines and often He writes with divine numbers. The following prophetic comment was left under the above article on another website.  If it doesn’t send shivers up your spine, nothing will.  Thank you, Pecorino42!
Screen Shot 2016-06-24 at 11.01.15 AM
Editor’s Note
The following screenshot was taken directly for the BBC’s website … …. …

just in case they try to say that BREXIT never won on this historic day.

Screen Shot 2016-06-24 at 8.44.54 AM


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