God Has Sent His People A Leader – His Name Is Donald John Trump

God Has Sent His People A Leader – His Name Is Donald John Trump

Tyg Lucas – 06/21/2016
Arguably no one can deny that our nation is under attack. Homosexuality, terrorism, corporate greed and millions of people turning away from God has become so common place that the majority of the American public simply accepts it as signs of the times we live in.
America is the last stronghold in the world for Christians to remain free to worship the Almighty God. However, even in America Christians are now being persecuted.
In a last ditch effort, Satan using his demonic forces, has mobilized millions of Satan’s army to immigrate to the United States for a final war with true Christian’s who choose to serve and love God.
For the past several years our churches have encouraged Christian believers to pray for the healing of our land—nation. Although the churches have failed to mobilize Christian forces, our heavenly father has heard the cries and prayers of his people.
Throughout history the Almighty God has chosen the most unlikely people to lead his spiritual armies. Moses, King David and Nebuchadnezzar were all chosen by God to defeat demonic forces in biblical times.
There is no doubt that the terrorist group ISIS is an army under the leadership and control of Satan. No one is for sure exactly how many ISIS members currently reside in the USA, however FBI Director James Comey recently told ABC News that there are literally thousands of ISIS members in all 50 states of our nation.
Over the past 12 months our nation has experienced numerous instances of demonic activity at a rate that has never been experienced in the history of mankind.
Shootings in San Bernardino California, Orlando Florida and Roseburg Oregon are among the reported incidents of demonic activity that have left over a hundred people dead or injured.
Since biblical times demons have used people to commit violent acts upon the populace. However Jesus and others that God chose two wield his spiritual sword brought God’s judgment upon these demons and put an end to their demonic activities.
Repeatedly over the past 12 months we have witnessed numerous instances of God’s judgment metered out to those who would stand in his way to heal our nation.
The wielder of God’s mighty sword has repeatedly been attacked by agents of Satan. These agents have cleverly hid for many decades under the disguise of wealthy businessmen, politicians, journalists and misguided youth.
In biblical times with far less people living on the earth God’s sword wielding agents were most likely easy to identify. In today’s society with billions of people living on the face of the planet God’s sword wielding agents most likely go about God’s work virtually undetected.
There is no doubt that Satan plays a large part in hiding God’s warriors activities from the public; depriving people from seeing the glory of God and his metering out justice to those who wish to harm his people.
Over the past year the world has had a front stage pass to witness one of God’s most powerful soldiers exposing corruption and paving the way to mobilize God’s Christian forces for a final fight with Satan’s armies.
Those who have stood in the way of this soldier have received swift judgment and punishment from our Almighty God.
17 politicians have been swept by the wayside, many whose political careers have suffered irreparable harm.
Many very famous and wealthy journalists who have promulgated prevarication’s levied at God’s soldier have been exposed for their treacherous behavior rendering them untrustworthy to the millions of people who once idolized them.
Arguably many Christians today are praying day and night for our Almighty God to send us one of his mighty warriors. Yet the most powerful soldier our Almighty God has ever commissioned to lead his Christian people in a fight again Satan’s army has been right under all of our noses for the past year.
Who is this soldier?   Donald John Trump.   Do you doubt that? Consider the fates of all those who have opposed or stood in the way of him.   Furthermore consider the miraculous obstacles he has mightily overcome.
No reasonable person could ever deny that anyone else who was not ordained by God could have accomplished all that Donald Trump has accomplished under the   extremely powerful resistance that has opposed Mr. Trump.
I encourage all Christians to thank our Almighty God for sending us a very powerful soldier and to pray vigilantly for the continued success of God’s chosen leader.
Our salvation and continuing fight with Satan’s army depends on the success of the soldier our Almighty God has sent us. May his sword continue to be mighty and his judgment be swift.
Rejoice all Christians for a powerful soldier wielding God’s sword of justice has come to our rescue. May God bless us all – May God continue to bless Donald John Trump as his feet continue to trample on the heads of Satan’s demonic forces.


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