George Soros Exposed Paying up to $15K Per Month to Leftist Activists

George Soros Exposed Paying up to $15K Per Month to Leftist Activists (Video)

Billionaire globalist George Soros, in his arrogance, has never been one to shy away from the spotlight. It is a well-known fact that he, through his myriad organizations, is actively engaged in influencing social, political, and media movements in other countries to further the globalist agenda. America is no exception, and Soros’ organization, Fight For The Future has been absolutely blatant in its anti-Trump efforts. And now, it’s gotten to the point of what can only be called direct bribery.
In the following video, Right Wing News looks at Fight For The Future’s open admission that it will begin funding ‘A-Teams’ throughout the country specifically to oppose Trump. Here’s a direct quote “Terrified about Trump? Quit your job, start an A-Team. We’ll fund it. Read this,” The funding of course, will come via another Soros organization. This news will no doubt fly under the radar of the dishonest media; when will Americans finally see the machinations going on behind the scenes right under their very noses?
George Soros funded group Fight For The Future is offering anti-Trump activists up to $15,000 per month to quit their jobs and “Do activism full-time using every connection, skill, tool, and trick at your disposal—until you win.”
Terrified about Trump? Quit your job, start an A-Team. We’ll fund it. Read this,” the Fight For The Future website reads.
Wondering how Fight For The Future can afford to splash the big bucks on “activists”?  They get their funding from Media Democracy Fund – a George Soros Group.
“We’re currently taking applications for an initial launch of the project, and will be providing a few select teams with funding, guidance, and support,” said Evan Greer, campaign director for Fight for the Future.
“Our goal is to spawn a movement of small, dedicated, groups of people using the tactics that we’ve used effectively to defend Internet freedom to win major victories in other issue areas affecting our basic rights and freedoms, such as immigration, freedom of press, police brutality, drug reform, and government corruption,” she added.
It is just the latest effort by activists to fund the anti-Trump movement.
Greer compared the groups to tactical special operations forces. He said the A-Teams, presumably styled like the famed TV team, are “an attempt to help incubate other ‘special ops activist teams to tackle major issues, against the backdrop of unprecedented threats in the Trump era.”
The online application and sales job includes a photo from the classic anti-Barry Goldwater ad from 1964 in which the world is nuked if he’s elected.
It urges potential activists to quit and get working against Trump. A few of the initial A-Teams will receive a $15,000 check for their first month.
“We’re still working out the details, but if you’ve got a strong 2-3 person A-Team and a target we’d give you $15,000 right now for the first month, just to see what you can do,” said the promo. “If you make a big splash or measurable impact on your target in that time, we’re pretty sure we can find you more,” it added.


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