Its a Satanically Sick World We Live In
Bioterrorism Phrophecy Vets Bill Gates Propaganda as Doomsday Clock Nears Midnight
Sunday, March 5, 2017 3:04
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
Honolulu, HI, February 17, 2017–Twenty years ago, before I knew anything about “fake news” producers, New Age industry infiltrators, “Patriot Community” propagandists, and “mix-it-all-up” Hegelian dialectic agents for Big Banking, I received an invitation. This was before I met journalist Sherri Kane who taught me a lot about Big Pharma’s counter-intelligence corps directing ”Internet Trolls” as “protection racketeers.” This was even before I brought OxySilver to the market to compete against deadly antibiotics and poisonous vaccinations. I was invited by CONTACT – The Phoenix Project to write a series of articles summarizing my research into the menacing threat of biowarfare, the origin of AIDS, and how Ebola really “emerged.” The editors sought to warn Americans about “the coming plagues.” So I summarized my first edition of Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident of Intentional? (Tetrahedron Press, 1996), before the book became a national bestseller.
In my three landmark articles published January thru February, 1997 (downloaded for free by clicking the above cover pages), I accurately foretold of the risks novel bioweapons produced for “end game” depopulation.
Nearly all bioterrorism, my evidence clearly-and-convincingly proved, was politically and commercially imposed: (1) by the world’s leading petrochemical-pharmaceutical industrialists working for the U.S. and Russian militaries, especially Litton Bionetics in the U.S. (with labs and monkey colonies in Africa), that mass produced; (2) an assortment of “man-made” plagues (i.e., genetically-engineered) immune-system ravaging viruses and mutant bacteria. These included the never-before-seen leukemia, lymphoma, sarcoma cancer complex viruses we now call HIV/AIDS, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and liver cancer viruses causing widespread illness today; and (3) vaccinations said to control these new diseases produced and loosed by the villains heavily invested in, and profiting from, “healthcare.”
In other words, we fools in bio-science trained under and worked for psychopaths that ordered “emerging viruses” and todays population destroyers, including novel flus, fungal mutants, and more. My colleagues in military medicine, genetic science, and “public health” manufactured and stockpiled these critters like officials did with nuclear weapons and wastes like fluoride and uranium. Bioweapons like anthrax mailed in 2001, or the swine flu loosed in 2009, were stockpiled and shipped worldwide by the American Type Culture Collection to Big Pharma’s vaccine labs for profit and depopulation under the guise of “medical research.” War and drug industrialists hoodwinked everyone using massive amounts of propaganda in the media and academia; and grants bribing the brightest minds in science, biophysics, chemistry, and genetic engineering.
World Beyond War v. The “Doomsday Clock”
The 20th Anniversary of my CONTACT prophecies was brought to my attention by Dr. Melissa Yee, Director of the non-profit organization, Seeds of Truth, just prior to our filming a three-part series with journalist Sherri Kane contemplating a “World Beyond War: Spirituality, Science and Progress” for Olelo Community Television in Honolulu.
During the show, Sherri referenced recent news reports about the “2017 Doomsday Clock” being re-set by the “Security Board.” Officials published an article in their Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists titled, “It is two and a half minutes to midnight.” The fright was heralded by a well-greased “Protection Racket” we call “The Mad-stream Media.” The news was financed mainly by drug and vaccine companies.
The Doomsday entrepreneurs are not immune to frightening people about this year’s addition of “bioterrorism” and cyber-terrorism, joining nuclear weapons likely to explode in a city near you. This noise sells billions of dollars in “biopreparedness” supplies. Everything from body bags to band-aides are commercially exploited by PhRMA’s film-flam men and women we call “PharmaWhores.” The CDC verifies and FDA “fast tracks” everything they sell, and condemns everything they are paid to smear, like OxySilver.
It just so happened that the evening before the filming, Sherri and I met a friend for dinner. The high level researcher with the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) was naturally concerned about the “Doomsday Clock,” especially since his agency was overtaken by the Department of Homeland Security following the 911 “demolition job” blamed on Muslim invaders. And we naturally transitioned to Trump’s “Great Wall Project” and anti-Muslim immigration politics.
Our friend, who asked to remain anonymous, expressed most serious concerns about what the media had completely neglected about Trump’s Wall–the risk of bioterrorists coming across the Mexican border.
I was the first researcher in the world to herald the shocking truth about the man-made “Mexican Swine Flu” false-flag fright of 2009. That plague was falsely reported to have come across the Mexican border to S. California before it became a pandemic.
Sherri and I had a lively conversation with our friend. He was very supportive to Trump’s plan to build The Wall. But his eyes were open to the larger picture of global genocide masquerading as “population management.”
“Over population,” we agreed, is mainly heralded by the world’s wealthiest industrialists who fear for their lives, families, and companies. Revolutions have replaced murderous rulers and shadow governors within weeks. Today, “private equity bankers” are similarly at risk of removal by vigilante groups. People marching against Wall Street are generally opposed to ”crisis capitalists” gone mad, destroying nearly everything; but claiming they value people and the environment.
The world’s mega-wealthy especially seek a cure for “over-population.” A new vaccine or wonder drug might do the trick. But with so much distrust of Big Government and Big Pharma, public compliance is a Big Problem.
The way to “saturate the market”–to kill 6 billion–would be to loose a biological weapon that would kill 30 million, frightening the remaining 5,970,000,000 into taking the lethal jab or “wonder drug.”
Kane considered that Trump’s Wall could be promoted in this context, thus more broadly accepted even by Mexicans and Muslims. The media could promote how The Wall might protect Mexican and Spanish-Americans (and Muslim citizens too) from bioterrorist trying to cross the border.
But we all agreed that Trump had missed this spin tactic. And the new President appeared clueless and largely ill-prepared to contend with potential enemies in his own administration, besides the media.
Who says the world has too many people?
Most people don’t know that their view of “over-population” doesn’t come from traffic jams or long waits at restaurants. Nor does it come from worsening environmental pollution or news about more and more species extinctions. “Consumers” beliefs and attitudes about population problems comes mainly from the media’s repeated message, “We have too many people on the planet.”(1)
“People don’t think beyond birth control and the estrogenocide turning male baby makers gay,” our INS friend accurately diagnosed. “Depopulation is heralded by the same corporate industrialists involved in organized crime, drug running, arms sales, and human sex trafficking,” he said.
“Add organ harvesting that is big money now, especially in China,” Kane added.
We closed discussing Bill Gates’s promotions for vaccinecide targeting the world’s 7 billion people. Gates recommended reducing 15% of civilization with injected vaccines. Gates’s cronies seek more than that. “The Rockefellers want about 85% of us gone,” I said. “That simply means that 6-out-of-7 of us are ‘enemies of state’ subject to early demise. The Georgia Guidestones prescribe even fewer survivors. “Maintain[ing] humanity under 500 [million] in perpetual balance with nature.” I like the idea of sustaining natural harmony in 528 frequency, but the imposed CULTure demands toxic unsustainable consumption and degeneration. In the old days you didn’t need to buy insurance at that point of purchase for a lawnmower or TV made to breakdown in short order. “Consumers don’t impose that. Manufacturers do.”
“And nature doesn’t kill for sport or profit like arrogant, self-loathing, inferiority-complex-driven, greedy, insensitive madmen and women,” Kane interjected. “The pattern of generational child abuse makes humans less “conscious” than animals. I just posted a video on Conscious Species Channel showing a cat saving a puppies life. Another shows a dolphin saving a dog from a shark. In contrast the networks model killing and even crime.”
Diminished souls include dimwit scientists and Rockefeller family-controlled atomic energy commissioners living in denial or clueless about their own paid abuse by the Bill Gates’s of the world–the globalists controlling the multi-national corporations, the communications industry, and the media, like Gates controls Microsoft–the “MS” in MSNBC.
Consumers, laborers and even their own companies are abused as instruments for securing more power, and that means population control every way possible, especially profitable depopulation through their death industries.
This entire “worldview” is mad–criminally insane–we all agreed while departing the restaurant.
Curiously, as I was writing this article, and thinking about Gates’s advocacy for pan-genocide, I received an e-mail from Kane with this link heralding: “Bill Gates warns the world to prep for bio-terrorism.” This was published by CNN–the “news network” banished from Trump’s White House press conferences as punishment for their “FAKE NEWS.”(2)
“It’s time to redirect some of the money the world spends on weapons to prepare for a looming threat: terrorists with pathogens.” CNN quoted Gates as saying in a speech from post Nazi Germany where Microsoft’s predecessor-in-interest, IBM, administered the Holocaust victims’ numbering using tattoo needles and transit-tracking from trains to labor camps and gas chambers for the “Final Solution”–depopulation claimed beneficial for “public health” and even “disinfection.”
Gates warned that “the threat of bio-terrorism is ‘right up there with nuclear war and climate change,’” CNN accurately reported.
(1) The media also neglects suppressed solutions for helping burgeoning populations to better cope. Tesla technology for free, clean, renewable energy, for example. There is an article in Masters of Health online (free) magazine about Nicola Tesla that I wrote that may be of interest to you HERE.
(2) The issue of “FAKE NEWS” and especially “PizzaGate” seems to have struck a very serious chord with (Read especially THIS ARTICLE.) They have mounted an extensive propaganda campaign designed to allegedly “teach” the public, especially susceptible school children, how to discern “fake news” from real news. Good luck!
(3) And speaking about ”FAKE NEWS” and “Bioterrorism Preparedness,” the FDA and Public Health Service defrauded everyone in the natural foods and herbal medicine industries during the 2009 “H1N1 Swine Flu Scam” by issuing warning letters such as this (FDA Scam Letter 2009). The laws cited in these notices fraudulently induced supplement makers and sellers to stop commerce in violation of Sherman Anti-trust laws as well as laws outlawing fraudulent inducements, in this case deceptively imposing, under “color of law” with threats of fines and arrests, compliance. The laws cited by the FDA’s Notices did not preclude the sale of herbal supplements as implied. But these notices fraudulently claimed the natural products were classified as “drugs” whenever claimed to help boost natural immunity against the “bio-emergency.” For this reason, this author encourages President Trump to “drain the swamp” at the FDA, CDC, and National Public Health Service. These Big Pharma “captured” agencies operate criminally and deceptively to the detriment of pubic health, citizens’ safety, and the integrity in government. A video vetting Dr. Sarah Parks, chief epidemiologist in the State of Hawaii Department of Health, at the time America’s “Bioterrorism Preparedness” chairwoman, is seen HERE debating this author and Dr. Janet Edghill pursuant to mandatory vaccinations for school children.
(4) In support of American freedom from the Big Pharma’s fraud and “FAKE NEWS” used to sell vaccines and drugs as heralded by CNN and Bill Gates in this story, (that sells the author’s line of health products) is offering substantial discounts on the recommended brand of silver hydrosol–OxySilver. This is the only vaccine and anti-biotic alternative that resonates in the frequency of 528Hz/nm. The company’s promotion is called “The Bill Gates ‘Doomsday’ Biopreparedness Package Special.” CLICK HERE to enjoy the offer.
About the Author
This award-winning scholar, filmmaker, and music industry revolutionary is a natural medicine expert, pharmaceutical industry whistleblower, and intelligence industry analyst. He has published nineteen books, six documentary films, and dozens of peer-reviewed scientific articles. His film production UN-VAXXED–A Docu-commentary for Robert De Niro, received five awards in international competitions, including “Best Film – 2016″ in London and Geneva festivals.
After receiving his Doctor of Medical Dentistry degree from Tufts University, and a Master of Public Health degree from Harvard University, Dr. Horowitz went on to publish the first of three American bestsellers, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional?. This book is largely credited by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) officials for prompting the global vaccination risk awareness movement. Dr. Horowitz’s monumental text caused several governments to reconsider their “immunization” policies, and it became the center of political debate in 2008 when Barack Obama’s minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, credited Horowitz and this book for evidencing HIV/AIDS as a genocidal weapon for mass depopulation targeting Africans and African Americans, courtesy of covert U.S. military contractors named in the book.
Dr. Horowitz’s second bestseller, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, prompted a revolution in the music and natural healing industries.
The retired dentist and naturopathic physician’s consumer health guidebook, Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and Modern Science, pioneered the protocol adopted by thousands of natural healers and doctors worldwide.
Dr. Horowitz’s 2007 decryption of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous drawing revealed the mathematics of LOVE: The Real da Vinci CODE; and his follow-up text, the most monumental of his 30-year career, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, reveals “God’s creative technology,” available for revolutionizing music, recording artistry, healthcare, environmental resource protection and restoration, along with civilization’s transformation as an “enlightened species” choosing peaceful sustainable collaboration versus murderous degenerative competition and lethal consumption.
From Dr. Horowitz’s books, video productions, and documentary films, Hollywood filmmakers have drawn many ideas, including those expressed in the movies INCEPTION, I Am Legend, the X-File Movie, and several others.
International acclaim and widespread acceptance of the doctor’s works revealing Solfeggio frequency physics and metaphysics has prompted the “528LOVERevolution,” which Dr. Horowitz and his partner, journalist and activist, Sherri Kane, has commercialized in the rapidly growing and through his private television channel,, formed following Google/YouTube’s censorship of more than 150 of the doctor’s video productions. also hosts many of the doctor’s productions as do independent supporters worldwide on YouTube.
Dr. Horowitz’s and Sherri Kane’s (often hacked and suffering outages courtesy of Big Pharma’s “protection racketeers”) broadcasts “medicinal music” transposed into the “LOVE frequency” of 528Hz. This resonates the sound of buzzing bees. 528nm of greenish-yellow light is also at the heart of rainbows, precisely why grass is green and fills the air with electron-energized oxygen vibrating in the energy of LOVE/528. This frequency, Dr. Horowitz evidences, administers the electro-chemistry fundamental to natural medicine and miraculous healing.
Dr. Horowitz’s film presentation, the 528KEY movie, provides an explanation of the great opportunity provided by the 528 frequency for advancing unprecedented benefits to civilization.
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