Demons in the Last Days.

Demons in the Last Days.

Demons in the Last Days,
Every day now somewhere around the world we are seeing a great increase in Demonic events, whether from drug-induced zombie-like behaviour or actual video of CCTV footage that shows these demonic forces of Satan at work.
We are seeing a huge increase in rage and evil doings to others. The Bible and the Koran and the Torah speak of these happening and the Prophets warned us of such.
Below are but a few examples of what will occur before the Final Judgement of the Lord.
He spoke that he would return as a two-edged sword to judge the nations. He also spoke in his address that he would remove All Evil from this World.

Flakka is the Demonic Drug.
This is becoming more widespread and causing people in effect to act as zombies and be demonically possessed.
Watch this video=
Luke 8- 29
The Demons and the Pigs
…28When he saw Yeshua, he cried out and fell down before Him, shouting in a loud voice, “What do You want with me, Yeshua, Son of the Most High God? I beg You not to torture me!” 29For Yeshua had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. Many times it had seized him, and though he was bound with chains and shackles, he had broken the chains and been driven by the demon into solitary places. 30“What is your name?” Yeshua asked. “Legion,” he answered, because many demons had gone into him.…

2 Timothy 3 -1
3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.

Many Demons are showing themselves, many people who have not even taken drugs have been suddenly going demonic.
watch this video=
More and more abnormal demonic happenings are on the rise. We know we are in the end of days yet many
still deny the truth that the Lord is here.
The Lord said in his address that there is a plague of Demons within your midst ie Babylon is the highest
concentration of activity.

Demons do not like preachers spreading the Word of God and will try anything to stop them.
see below =
And those who worship Satan instead of the Son of God will mock and scoff at those who carry the Light of Christ. This is exactly what Timothy spoke about that will happen before the Great Day of the Lord`s Judgement.
see below=
If you stay in the Lords light and walk his path with true repentance you will have the chance to be in the New Kingdom, but if you take Drugs then you are highly likely to leave yourself open to Demonic attack and possession. Satan has deliberately made Drugs easy to access including those that are prescribed. Yes, those drugs are too dumb you down and keep your soul weak. You will then be easily manipulated to his will over you.the enchantment of delusion from them` You will then be unaware instead of the wise watchmen of the End times.


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