Huge-Huge! 4-Page House Intelligence Memo Being Released! This Week to be Most Historic in Modern History, Starting Now! It is Hitting the Fan

Huge-Huge! 4-Page House Intelligence Memo Being Released! This Week to be Most Historic in Modern History, Starting Now! It is Hitting the Fan (Videos) Hagmann

Monday, January 29, 2018 15:46

News that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who has been at the epicenter of the #DeepState attacks and coordination of opposition politics against President Donald Trump, has stepped down as the 4-page House Intelligence Committee memo is about to be released.


#McCabe’s departure is just the first of many changes we will see in the coming days. The now infamous memo is expected to be a game changer, laying bare the political hit job by the Obama-Clinton weaponized intelligence agencies.


What will be revealed will be far worse than the Church Committee of 43 years ago.

All Hell is About to Break Loose this Week – Starting Now #DHRS

Source Hagmann Report

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Steps Down, Forced To Retire Early

Source Jim Yackel
According to Fox News and CBS News’s Pat Milton just answered the question of why McCabe stepped down Monday when he would become eligible for his full pension benefits n March: McCabe was reportedly forced to step down. According to Fox News, McCabe was “removed” from his post as deputy director, “leaving the bureau after months of conflict-of-interest complaints from Republicans including President Trump.”

FBI Deputy Director McCabe Steps Down, Forced To Retire Early

Update:  According to Fox News and CBS News’s Pat Milton just answered the question of why McCabe stepped down Monday when he would become eligible for his full pension benefits n March: McCabe was reportedly forced to step down.According to Fox News, McCabe was “removed” from his post as deputy director, “leaving the bureau after months of conflict-of-interest complaints from Republicans including President Trump.”
In both cases, his early departure suggests that he was forced out.
Several media outlets reported that McCabe is using his remaining vacation days to go on “terminal leave” and that his official retirement from the agency won’t happen until March, allowing him to collect the full pension.
As we noted last week, FBI Director Wray threatened to resign after being pressured by AG Jeff Sessions.
* * *
In a move that was widely expected (although not for another month or so), Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down effective Monday, NBC reported.
McCabe, who briefly served as acting director last year after Trump fired Comey, first let it slip to the Washington Post late last year that he would be retiring in the coming months as Congressional Republicans targeted him for criticism surrounding his pro-Clinton bias (McCabe’s wife even secured campaign funding from Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe, something he initially failed to disclose).
Around the time of the reports of his impending retirement, McCabe had spent several marathon sessions answering questions from Congressional committees behind closed doors.
It was expected that McCabe would hang on until early March, when he would become eligible for his full pension. It’s unclear why he’s choosing to step down early.
McCabe’s accelerated resignation may a sign that Trump appointee Christopher Wray – who succeeded James Comey as FBI Director - is finally cleaning house. 
According to Axios, McCabe may be leaving in anticipation of the release of an inspector general’s report on how the FBI handled the Clinton email investigation.
* * *
On Monday, President Trump refused to acknowledge reporters asking questions about McCabe’s decision during a White House press conference. Back in December, Trump tweeted that McCabe was “racing the clock to retire with full benefits.”
According to the Gateway Pundit, McCabe is suspected of leaking details between himself and former Trump Chief of Staff Reince Preibus. The sequence of events, as recounted by the Gateway Pundit, suggests that Preibus might’ve been “set up” by McCabe. Recall that McCabe set up the meeting to tell Preibus that a New York Times report suggesting widespread collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians was “bullshit.” When Preibus asked McCabe if the FBI could release a statement publicly confirming this, McCabe said he’d need to think about it.
The story leaked to the Times shortly after…
The Times piece – which suggested that several Trump campaign officials were in direct contact with Russian government agents – was debunked by Comey during Senate Intelligence Committee.
With this in mind, we’re definitely curious to see that inspector general report.
SOURCE ZeroHedge

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The Bible tells us that every human has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God which is  is a heart-penetrating truth. He has provided a way to cleanse us of our sins since we can never be “good enough” to cleanse ourselves. That avenue to God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness (the cleansing of our sins) is through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth Who is equally God.
 Not one of us are guaranteed a “tomorrow”. Has your time run out? Will you continue to ignore the promptings of God the Holy Spirit or have you awakened to the essential need for God, risking eternal damnation?
​​God the Holy Father, God the Holy Son and God the Holy Spirit are One God, the true, living, uncreated God Who is ever-present, all knowing, all powerful and all loving. He desires that every single person be forgiven, saved and to live eternally with Him. He is our only real protection and His love for you is unchanging. Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, the true Messiah, today.
 You can’t take your salvation for a test drive. You’re all-in or not. 
 Admit to Him that you are a sinner in need of forgiveness, that you are truly sorry for your sins.  Acknowledge that He died for your sins, rose from the dead and lives forevermore. Invite Him into your life and to help you to turn from sin. Rejoice! You just became a Christian! Now trust in Him and get to know Him through the Bible which tells us everything we need to know and through prayer/talking to Him. He eagerly desires relationship with you.


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