
Showing posts from March, 2020

2020 03 27 - COVID-19 UPDATE - Will Mutations Make it More Difficult to...

Evolving danger? 40 mutations – 8 different strains of the coronavirus now racing around the world Sunday, March 29, 2020 13:06 SAN FRANCISCO — At least eight strains of the coronavirus are making their way around the globe, creating a trail of death and disease that scientists are tracking by their genetic footprints. While much is unknown, hidden in the virus’s unique microscopic fragments are clues to the origins of its original strain, how it behaves as it mutates and which strains are turning into conflagrations while others are dying out thanks to quarantine measures.  Huddled in once bustling and now almost empty labs, researchers who oversaw dozens of projects are instead focused on one goal: tracking the current strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that cause the illness COVID-19. Labs around the world are turning their sequencing machines, most about the size of a desktop printer, to the task of rapidly sequencing the genomes of virus samples taken from people sick with COVID-...

Pandemic Proof: Investing During The 2020 Recession

WELCOME TO LIFE” IN AMERIKA CIRCA 2020! NO WEDDINGS. NO FUNERALS. NO TRUMP RALLIES. NO EASTER SERVICES. NO CHURCHES. NO SPORTS. NO CONCERTS. NO NOTHING!  Close everything but the liquor and gun stores, then make everyone stay inside for two months. This is exactly what the globalists are hoping for. An excuse for martial law. This is manufactured panic. If the economy stays shut down then everyone is broke and the old rules are gone . So why would anyone continue to think that the law still exists. We do not have capitalism anymore. We have survival of the fittest for the lower 90% net worth individuals. While the top 10% net worth gulp down 4.5 trillion dollars of printed Fed cash. And the one congressperson that tried to point this out was pilloried by the mainstream media. The welfare recipients have come out on top and are a lot smarter than I ever gave them credit for. Hard-working folk who have lost their jobs and have no income to look forward to besides that $1200 magi...


“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.” –  Alan Moore – V for Vendetta “Authority, when first detecting chaos at its heels, will entertain the vilest schemes to save its orderly facade.” –   Alan Moore – V for Vendetta I wrote an article called  V for Vendetta – 2011  just over nine years ago on the day after the Tucson shooting where congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and eighteen others were shot by a psychologically disturbed lunatic, with six dying. At the time, I thought of the scene from the  V for Vendetta  movie where someone did something stupid and all hell broke loose. I expected a similar result from this act, but those in control of our society were successfully able to put a cork in the bottle, preserving their façade of order. We learned shortly thereafter, through the patriotic efforts of Edward Snowden and Julian Assange, how the government was using the vilest of schemes to s...

Corona Virus Is This the Ruling Elite’s Last Stand?

Corona Virus Is This the Ruling Elite’s Last Stand? Monday, March 30, 2020 6:22 By Ash Bunsee In their thousand years insidious raging battle with the children of the Great Creator (us). Has nature in a move of inconceivable genius caused for the ruling elites to do battle with themselves? Were they blinded to reason and believing all along that they were leading us on a road to our final demise when in fact they were leading themselves to destruction all along? Have they caused themselves great harm by being unwittingly drunk with conceit and arrogance to cause by their mistimed actions for their own Luciferic system to be made broken?  Have they now been forced by our Great Creator and our sole master tactician into an abyss?  Is this their last hurrah before their long demise? Is this corona virus smokescreen their final blunder elitist attempt to regain control in order to ensure the continuation of their Luciferic system and survival by undertaking a risk...