Wuhan coronavirus pandemic STAGED to
cover-up the public health crisis caused by
the intensive 5G roll-out in Wuhan in 2019
State of the Nation
“China was long ago set to be the 5G showcase for the world.
Major metro areas and technology hubs like Wuhan were
selected to be official 5G demonstration zones. Only such a
high concentration of 5G radio-frequency transmitters and
microwave towers would permit a citywide build-out of the
Internet of Things. 2019 was the year Wuhan, the capital of
Hubei, was “expected to have 10,000 5G base stations by
the end of 2019, said Song Qizhu, head of Hubei Provincial
Communication Administration”.  Then the coronavirus hit,
so the whole world was told.  What really happened was that
a new variant of the coronavirus was released in Wuhan after
the 5G experimenters saw an epidemic of 5G Syndrome explode.
The 5G guinea pigs were literally dropping like flies as soon
as they flipped the 5G switch.  The ERs and urgent care clinics
were overwhelmed.  The 5G scientists watching the burgeoning
public heath crisis immediately activated Plan B—blame it
on the new coronavirus that had been readied for launch.”
— Intelligence Analyst and Former U.S. Army Officer
The New World Order globalist cabal will not allow anything to impede the military deployment of 5G worldwide.
That it’s!
~~~ END OF STORY ~~~

5G Syndrome Maps Perfectly with Coronavirus Outbreaks
Actually, there’s a LOT of hard evidence emerging the further away we get from the scene of the original crime…and as the coronavirus pops up around the world in 5G Hotspots.
As it turns out, those nations with the most advanced 5G roll-outs have the highest incidence of COVID-19 cases, both disease rates and death rates. Starting with Hubei province Wuhan City China
In those countries that have permitted IoT build-outs where the 5G power grids are the most developed, the coronavirus is taking off.

The Proof is in the Cruise Ships
The single best proof of the quite obvious 5G-Coronavirus linkage are the various cruise ships that have seen an inexplicable mushrooming of coronavirus cases, even after all the passengers were quarantined.
Many of the biggest cruise lines now advertise the fact that they have the latest and greatest 5G technologies in place.  The most advanced cruise ships actually possess the best examples of what the Internet of Things (IoT) will look like in the future … if the build-outs proceed unimpeded by the very serious health and safety issues.
KEY POINT: Cruise-goers, by and large, love to stay connected with the folks back home.  They especially enjoy texting their many photos-by-smartphone back to family and friends.  Businessmen have a need to stay in touch with the office as other passengers want to stay abreast of all the breaking news in 2020.  Hence, every cruise ship will soon become a 5G–IoT paradise if they’re not already.
What really happened there is that those folks on the cruise ships were likely quite vulnerable to the flu bug for a whole variety of reasons.  Then, when they entered the fully operational 5G space on the ships, their immunity was profoundly weakened so that they would be susceptible any influenza strain, not just the Wuhan coronavirus—COVID-19.

5G Nations
It has also been astutely observed that those nations with the most pervasive and powerful 5G networks fully functioning are those that have suffered the biggest outbreaks of the coronavirus to date.  Why should anyone be surprised at this wholly predictable outcome?
The following excerpt comes from: CORONAVIRUS BOMBSHELL: This proves it should be named “5G COVID-19”   http://stateofthenation.co/?p=8061  
The importance of viewing the coronavirus COVID-19 as a “Telephone Disease” is that by doing so it explains some perplexing mysteries about the spread of this disease—such as why this disease has struck the Gulf nations and monarchies in the Persian Gulf region, but becomes explainable when one notices their ongoing 5G revolution     https://www.mei.edu/publications/huawei-wars-and-5g-revolution-gulf  —most particularly in Iran, where this country is completely blanketed to its smallest village with 4G technology coverage—but who are now putting the finishing touches on rolling out 5G technology throughout their entire nation in the coming weeks   http://french.presstv.com/Detail/2020/02/13/618603/Iran-5G-internet-network-minister-announcement —finishing touches that included Iran activating their Chinese bought 5G technology for testing—that was immediately met by Iran having more coronavirus cases and deaths of any nation outside of China https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/02/iran-cannot-handle-coronavirus/607150/ —and whose Vice President is one of seven of their top government officials now infected.   https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/27/world/middleeast/coronavirus-iran-vice-president.html 

Coronavirus COVID-19 disease outbreak begins to spread in Persian Gulf nations and monarchies activating 5G technology.
Both 5G demonstration zones such as Wuhan, China and floating 5G cruise liners are correctly considered 5G Hotspots.  These 5G Hotspots, for the uninitiated, are really KILL ZONES because many folks will die early the longer they bask in those dangerously high levels of 5G radio-frequencies and microwave radiation.
The following excerpt from a (previous exposé http://themillenniumreport.com/2020/02/staged-coronavirus-pandemic-an-international-criminal-conspiracy-of-epic-proportions/  )     provides critical links for every individual who lives, works and/or plays in a 5G Super-Hotspots.
Which brings us to the single most perilous aspect of the military deployment of 5G—
All the scientific evidence available in the public domain now indicates that wherever 5G infrastructure is located in the greatest concentration generating the most powerful EMFs and microwaves, those 5G Super-Hotspots will effectively function as kill zones.  As follows:
5G Super-Hotspots: You better know where the “kill zones” are located!   http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=121694 
In order to fully grasp the highly destructive and deadly potential of these rapidly emerging 5G Super-Hotspots, the following video exposé presents a scenario where the most powerful “directed energy weapons” will be located within these 5G kill zones.
5G WEAPONRY: Microwave Radiation Technology Being Deployed as Depopulation Warfare, Full Spectrum Dominance & Total Human Control   http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=119957  
Which bring us to the primary purpose of this article—5G Syndrome.

5G Syndrome
5G Syndrome is a relatively new disease that has yet to go mainstream because of how its recognition would immediately terminate the ongoing 5G roll-out.
Exactly what are the symptoms of 5G Syndrome?
There are many, and they manifest differently in each victim of this insidious disease.
Of course, a good number of typical flu symptoms mimic 5G Syndrome.
But what’s most important is that these two separate illnesses will mutually sustain each other.  In that way it can be quite confusing to tease out which symptoms are associated with which disease.
In other words, if you have the flu, your exposure to 5G will make it much worse.  Likewise, if you have a case of full-blown 5G Syndrome, you will be much more susceptible to getting the flu, and if you do, it will be significantly worse.
Back to the primary symptoms.  The best medical reference that we have at this point, since 5G is still a relatively new phenomenon, is another disease known variously EMF Hypersensitivity Illness and Electro-Hypersensitivity (EHS).

What follows are just a few of the most common symptoms that are frequently experienced by people who know they have EHS. (Also, see the preceding diagram.)
Nausea,headaches and migraines
Ringing in the ears
Numbness in the face or other body parts
Dry eyes and sight problems
Inability to concentrate and unexplained fatigue
Depression  https://www.home-biology.com/electromagnetic-radiation/emf-radiation-health-effects/depression
Tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmia
Hyperactivity and insomnia https://www.home-biology.com/electromagnetic-radiation/emf-radiation-health-effects/insomnia
Redness and rashes
Dryness in the throat and mouth
Swollen sinuses and symptoms rhinitis
(Source: Electrohypersensitivity: What you need to know about the allergy of the 21st century  http://stateofthenation.co/?p=8104          )
There are several other symptoms that are also being recognized as the direct result of intensive EMF and microwave exposures.  As follows:
Headaches, migraines
Chronic exhaustion
Inner agitation
Sleeplessness, daytime sleepiness
Susceptibility to infection
Nervous and connective tissue pains, for which the usual causes do not explain even the most conspicuous symptoms.
(Source: Electrohypersensitivity: What you need to know about the allergy of the 21st century   http://stateofthenation.co/?p=8104    )

The Wuhan coronavirus pandemic has awakened many to the reality of 5G Syndrome.
Perhaps it took all of humanity to get freaked out by a scary frankenvirus to wake us all up to this extreme and growing danger in our midst—5G and the emerging IoT.
With this crucial understanding, at least now we know what we’re really dealing with.  So, the best thing informed souls can do is pass the word around: It’s 5G and your smartphone, not necessarily the coronavirus or even any other of the many flu bugs circulating around the planet for centuries.
Now many folks will also get a bad case of one of the many influenzas, or even the coronavirus itself, and they will need to take that illness/disease very seriously.  If they are elderly or infirm or suffer from other illnesses, they especially need to follow the best advice out there such as this: Here’s How Everyone Can Avoid Getting The Coronavirus.  http://stateofthenation.co/?p=6220
For other alternative treatments and holistic approaches, there is this excellent guidance: Natural Protection Strategy Against Viruses, Including the Coronavirus  http://thehealthcoach1.com/?p=7340
Lastly, it important to note that the 5G angle presented here is only one of several perspectives concerning what is really an ongoing series of bioterrorist attacks.  The perpetrators are continuing the bio-attacks wherever they must cover up 5G syndrome so that the worldwide roll-out is not jeopardized by legitimate health dangers and other safety hazards.
Do you see how they do it?!
The NWO globalists are very clever, aren’t they?
State of the Nation
March 1, 2020
[1] ‘Wuhan City, the capital of Hubei, is expected to have 10,000 5G base stations by the end of 2019’ — Head of Hubei Provincial Communication Administration.
Editor’s Note
It’s of paramount importance to understand that this the 5G-Coronavirus connection is just one piece of this global black operation and psyop on steroids.  The following exposés flesh out various parts of the skeleton which ought to be understood by every resident on planet Earth.
WUHAN CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC BIOENGINEERED: Who’s behind it, why now and why China?
Wuhan Coronavirus Bioterrorist Attack Is China’s 9/11, Same Perps
STAGED CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: An International Criminal Conspiracy of Epic Proportions
OPERATION CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: 16 Reasons for the Deployment of this Devastating Bioweapon in 2020
CORONA CRASH 2020: The Real Conspiracy Behind the Globalist Takeover Plot
Wuhan coronavirus outbreak was not triggered by just one bioterrorist attack…


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