EXCLUSIVE: Contact tracing whistleblower warns of door-to-door forced vaccinations and FEMA kidnapping campaigns

EXCLUSIVE: Contact tracing whistleblower warns of door-to-door forced vaccinations and FEMA kidnapping campaigns

Tuesday, June 23, 2020 by: 

(Natural News) In a Natural News exclusive, a California-based whistleblower is stepping forward and sounding the alarm on door-to-door “contact tracing” campaigns which are under way right now, justified by the coronavirus pandemic government response. These campaigns will be escalated to forced vaccinations and FEMA kidnappings of “dissenters” who refuse vaccines, we’ve learned.

This video features a whistleblower we’re referring to as “contact traced,” who is filmed in goggles and a hoodie, hiding in a dark closet to conceal their identity. This person believes they have already been added to a “dissenter” red list in California, flagged for possible FEMA kidnapping and forced relocation to a FEMA camp where those who resist vaccines will be processed and then exterminated. This person’s voice has been dramatically altered to protect their identity.

California government hiring people to go door-to-door, building “red flag” lists of dissenters

Right now, California is hiring people to go door-to-door, creating “red flag” lists of vaccine dissenters, flagging them to be forced vaccinated, medically kidnapped or executed by California government authorities in the near future.

Yesterday we interviewed former FEMA administrator Celeste Solum, who confirmed that FEMA is gearing up to medically kidnap and forcefully place American citizens into FEMA camps where so-called “anti-vaxxers” will be exterminated (that’s not a metaphor, they will be murdered by the state). We’ve also confirmed from another source that FEMA’s leadership has been completely overrun with communist operators who are planning on exploiting FEMA authority to flag and exterminate pro-America, pro-Trump dissidents who tend to be vaccine skeptics as well. We have also received documentation of the exact inventory of FEMA’s killing machines which have been distributed to FEMA centers across the nation and will be used to murder large numbers of dissenters who are flagged by FEMA.

Make no mistake: FEMA will be the vehicle of genocide in America as the civil war ramps up and the murderous Left attempts to round up their political enemies and exterminate them in death camps. They will use vaccine compliance as one of the vehicles through which dissenters can be easily identified and later removed by force.

In other words, being flagged as a “vaccine resister” is now the equivalent of being placed on a government death list, and door-to-door contact tracing campaigns are the mechanism by which Big Government is building these lists in preparation for their “purge.”

Watch this video and share with all your followers on alternative social sites like Parler.com, Gab.com, etc. (All the communist-run mainstream tech platforms have blacklisted every video from Brighteon, so you cannot share Brighteon videos there. Move to alternative platforms and take your followers with you.)




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