Student's Love Trump's Second Term Agenda...When They Think It's Biden's

Sounds to me from these students that the Mainstream Media News is not doing their job of reporting fairly and is very one sided when it comes to TRUMP -BIDEN election coverage as most of what she told them Trump has done and accomplished already they had not heard about at all on the news and when told were surprised. This just shows how Fake News the Alphabet news networks are from CNN to FOX their all bias in one direction or the other. The only reliable News sources now are the alternative independent internet citizen news journalist who are not backed by any big corporation and have no other Agenda than getting the real TRUTH out to the public. Do your own Due Diligence and make up your own mind on your own research about who said and did what and who didn't. Its the only way to find the TRUTH because your not going to get it on the MSM news on TV Turn off the TV and turn on your Mind   


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