Responding to An Open Secret/Gabe Hoffman False Allegations and the Suicide-MURDER of Isaac Kappy


Responding to An Open Secret/Gabe Hoffman False Allegations


I made a video going through this post. Start at 4:44

As anyone following my Isaac Kappy Investigation (Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6) knows, Isaac repeatedly said he was NOT suicidal – both on video and in phone calls and messages to his friends. However he was quite clear about his dislike and distrust of An Open Secret producer Gabe Hoffman.

Hoffman was recently the subject of a 3-part Total Disclosure podcast series by filmmaker LouderThanLove1. In his objection to this coverage, Hoffman for some reason singles me out and calls me a liar – just because I asked for a citation behind the claims he was making. To defend my reputation, I am now forced to respond to these accusations and present supporting evidence.

A Series of Deceitful Tweets

Mr Hoffman’s rant began with this Periscope, saying that accusing people without evidence is “evil”:

This was then followed up by more than a dozen tweets/retweets calling for #GayOps from his followers to crowdstrike Louder Than Love’s page. Every tweet appears to be identical, but each actually links to a different Facebook post:

Source: Twitter

I followed the link posted in that tweet looking for the accusations of heinous child sex crimes. An Open Secret are clearly lying in their tweet because this Facebook post doesn’t accuse any private individuals of any sex crimes:

Source: Facebook

An Open Secret then tweeted a similar thing with a different link:

Source: Twitter

Another lie, the Facebook post it brings up accuses NO individuals of any horrible sex crimes against children:

Source: Facebook

Next was an almost identical Tweet, again with a different link – this time to a post saying that ONE person, Sacha Stone, is being accused by others (not “accusing many” himself). The accusations it refers to were made by an eyewitness to the alleged crimes in a Nov 11 podcast and whistleblower interview).

Source: Twitter
Source: Facebook

Although Hoffman’s post claims “with NO EVIDENCE”, Louder Than Love did post some of his evidence on Facebook supporting his claims. Eyewitness testimony is considered as an important form of evidence in court, so it’s unclear why Mr Hoffman thinks it should be dismissed here. Does he have some personal knowledge of the case? He has commented on the ITNJ before.

Next in the timeline was the same tweet again, repeating the lies about the content of yet another linked post:

Source: Twitter
Source: Facebook

I see “hurt feelings” and “nuisance”, but not “horrible sex crimes against children”.

Same Tweet, different link once more:

Source: Twitter
Source: Facebook

Still nothing to do with former employees and mothers.

An Open Secret also retweeted a post from Gabe Hoffman:

Source: Twitter

This brings up the Facebook page for the Total Disclosure podcast. A browser search of the linked page for “child” brings up several Jeffrey Epstein stories, but nothing about a mother of 3 and former employee.

Enter the Former Employee

Finally, a 6th Tweet from An Open Secret, again with very similar wording to the others:

Source: Twitter

This one brings up what I guess could be called the “offending” post:

Source: Facebook

I read this as he is asking if she may have been involved in disseminating porn, rather than directly accusing her of “heinous child sex crimes”. Once again, the text of An Open Secret’s tweet does not match the link it goes to. Disseminating pornography is not a crime.

Attached to this post is a screenshot which does raise the question about possible transmission of pornographic files through Anonymous servers (FTP=File Transfer Protocol):

…and another screenshot, which certainly supports Louder Than Love’s characterization “some odd titles”:

I have redacted some information in the above image because I don’t want to be accused of doxxing Mr Hoffman’s former employee. The link to this information comes from a background report on her, and it appears to be her phone number that is in this list next to “Damnation”.

How does this connect to Gabe Hoffman’s former employee?

The link to this apparent hacker site comes up under “Possible Social Media Profiles” on a background search for the employee’s maiden name. You will have to take my word for it that the unredacted phone numbers match (or run your own background check). This could be coincidence – perhaps she took over the phone number from someone else who was a hacker. It seems unusual that a hedge fund analyst and mother of three would be linked to what appear to be voice BBS sites with file names about death, suicide, chaos, damnation and Hell. Then again, “greed is good” is the Wall Street credo.

Nicole is married to public figure Jeffrey Lemerond. Mr Lemerond was featured in a 2007 story about suing 20th Century Fox for depicting him in the movie Borat “fleeing in terror” from ADL Leader Sacha Baron Cohen. Mr Lemerond also worked for the Carlyle Group, and SAB Capital. Jeff’s resumé highlights his role in a $550 million acquisition for Gilead Sciences at a time when the company was chaired by Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense under Presidents Bush and Ford. SAB is the initials of Skull And Bones, which both Presidents Bush were members of. Is this where Louder Than Love got the Skull and Bones connection from? It could also be the initials of founder Scott Bommer, who recently wound the company up and sold his house for $110 million.

There is another coincidence here that makes this worthy of deeper consideration.

The last person known to have spoken to Isaac Kappy on the phone is a Baltimore chef with a lengthy criminal record named Geo[REDACTED], who goes by the aliases “Geo Harris” and “Mike Teets”. He is associated with “Clownsec”, a hacker collective. He set up Isaac Kappy’s Keybase chat room, but Kappy did not trust him or his assistant Brett Trimble with any files.

At the DEFCON 27 hacker conference in Las Vegas this year, a presentation was given on how to hack elevators. At the end of the presentation was a list of “Voice BBSes”. One of the numbers given was for Clownsec. Bulletin Board Systems are an old school (pre-Internet) way of communicating. Why use such systems today? One possible reason would be to disseminate prohibited content like child porn or hacking manuals.

So we have a former employee of Gabe Hoffman’s fund associated with the Carlyle Group AND Voice BBSes/hacker content. And we have the last person to speak to Isaac Kappy associated with Voice BBSes/hacker content.

Am I saying that Gabe’s ex-employee is a hacker? No, not at all. We can’t be sure of that. I’m just pointing out that this is a very strange link that comes up in her background report, and it definitely appears to be her landline phone number. It is the first background report I’ve ever seen that links to what looks like hacker BBS content.

Satanic Views

Whoever is writing at the blog listed in the ex-employee’s profile “”, they sound like they’re into the Dark Side – and the Seven Deadly Sins are more like their Ten Commandments:

Source: “The Dirt on Satanism”

This is not the only link to Satanism here. In attacking Becki Percy, a young Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor, An Open Secret tweeted out a link to the blog “Satanic Views”

Source: Satanic Views (via Internet Archive)

A practising Satanist telling us there’s no such thing as Satanic Ritual Abuse? #SoundsLegit.

I Showed Gabe’s Lies – Where Are Mine?

So 7 Tweets on @AnOpenSecret, all retweeted by @GabeHoff. 6 of them go to Facebook posts with nothing to do with accusing Hoffman’s former employees of child sex crimes. The other is worded identically to Hoffman’s own post that was retweeted, but goes to a different link – which still doesn’t accuse anyone of heinous child sex crimes. All it does is ask if the sexually-named content linked with her profile might be pornography. If sharing pornography was a crime, half the Internet would need to be shut down.

I made a more than reasonable effort to look through both the LouderThanLove and Total Disclosure Facebook pages for the post he was talking about, and couldn’t find it – probably because it was from November 5 and the Tweets were being posted on Nov 23. Louder Than Love released many podcast episodes and posts in between those dates. It’s certainly not in any of the 3 podcast episodes about Gabe Hoffman, which I listened to as they were released.

Louder Than Love revealed that Facebook was in fact hiding his posts:

When I could not locate the post that Mr Hoffman was talking about accusing a former employee of “heinous child sex crimes”, I asked on Twitter if anyone had the citation for Hoffman’s claim. The author himself seemed to have no idea what Mr Hoffman was going on about:

Is it really fair to say I “lied” that I didn’t find it, when even the author of the post couldn’t find what Mr Hoffman was referring to? Wouldn’t it be more accurate to say that the connection was buried amongst a bunch of near-identical tweets with false/misleading content?

Putting “researcher” in quotes is a subtle dig, suggesting I am not a “real” researcher. I point to the many detailed and documented posts on this blog as evidence that I research things as thoroughly and diligently as my spare time allows.

Private or Public?

Mr Hoffman seems awfully fond of straw man arguments – “claims…private citizen, mother of 3 still deserves to be dragged into conspiracy BS”. I never claimed anything like that. And what’s the BS? Either she worked for the Carlyle Group or she didn’t.

I stand by my statement that connections to the Carlyle Group seem significant. It wasn’t me saying that his former employee was associated with them. If it is so scandalous to say that, why did Mr Hoffman make this claim in a public SEC filing?


Like her husband, Nicole has appeared in the media before, such as the Nashville Post and the East Valley Tribune. She was also involved in a lawsuit with Gabe Hoffman over a failed proxy battle. TL;DR: they sued a company because they didn’t read the fine print…and lost.


Carlyle Connections

The Carlyle Group was the 9th largest defense contractor to the Pentagon between 1998 and 2003 – see Carlyle Group Profits From Government and Conflict. In 2015 it was the largest private equity group in the world, measured by capital raised over the previous 5 years. They are currently in a battle with Taylor Swift over her rights to perform her own songs.

Owners have included the Bush family, the Bin Laden family, and George Soros. Carlyle’s long time chairman Frank Carlucci was Donald Rumsfeld’s Princeton roommate. These people are Bohemian GroveBilderbergCFRTrilateral CommissionKnights of Malta, you name it.

In 2006 Accipiter Capital disclosed it had acquired more than 5% of the stock of American Home Patient Inc. Five days later Highland Capital also disclosed that it had become a significant shareholder, then launched a proxy battle for control of the Board. Was this just a coincidence, or were the two companies working in concert?

Dallas-based Highland Capital was a founding benefactor of the George W Bush Presidential Center, giving a $10 million endowment. Founder Jim Dondero is on the board of MGM Studios. In 2012 Highland Capital was involved in a €2.1 billion transaction with the Carlyle Group.

Highland Capital filed for bankruptcy last month.

Mr Hoffman’s late neighbor Chris Cline’s company Foresight Energy Limited Partners (FELP) is listed as a portfolio company of the Carlyle Group.

Foresight Energy filed for bankruptcy 3 weeks ago.

Its production partner and major shareholder Murray Energy also filed for bankruptcy last month .

Foresight was plagued with environmental and safety issues, including a number of worker deaths. Foresight/Cline/Murray’s Hillsboro mine was sealed after a fire that kept smoldering for more than a year, with a huge amount of capital equipment inside. At the time, they said the mine would never reopen; in January 2019 they resumed limited production. Foresight received more than $100 million in insurance payments from this incident.

Gabe Hoffman seems very fortunate to have sold all of his shares right before Chris Cline’s death and the subsequent collapse of both Cline’s company and its major partner.

The underlying coal and transportation infrastructure of the companies is still highly valuable (many billions), but requires a significant new injection of capital to develop. A perfect situation for the kind of big-dollar private equity restructuring that companies like the Carlyle Group specialize in.

In the failed Lifepoint proxy battle mentioned above, Accipiter wanted to appoint 30 year old ex-Carlyle Group analyst Nicole to the board of directors and also veteran turnaround specialist Mohsin Meghji. Mr Meghji has recently been involved in a $5.2 billion Chapter 11 bankruptcy refinancing for Sears.

Denying Satanic Scandals

George Bush Sr was linked to the Boystown scandal, also known as the Franklin Scandal. Gabe Hoffman falsely claims that this was a hoax:

It is true that someone went to jail for perjury, but it is also true that the main perpetrator Lawrence King went to prison for 13 years of a 15 year sentence. Recently he has re-surfaced as a salesperson for Honey Baked Hams of Reston, VA.

A Court found the sex trafficking component of the scandal to be real when they awarded victim Paul Bonacci $1 million in damages for being trafficked in a child prostitution ring and used to make pornography.

Paul Bonacci claimed to have been brought into the White House for midnight tours. Craig Spence, alleged to have arranged these “tours”, conveniently committed suicide.

White House logs were released by the Secret Service which showed James Guckert aka “Jeff Gannon” – a male escort turned conservative reporter – had ready access to President George H W Bush and visited the White House many times, several times not signing out:

Source: Raw Story

This scandal was the subject of the excellent documentary “Conspiracy of Silence”, which was cancelled at the last minute before airing in the UK:

If these scandals are merely hoaxes, why is there such a concerted effort to censor discussion of them? We don’t see that with Bigfoot or Flat Earth.

An accusation made about Gabe Hoffman by Isaac Kappy was that he is “a gatekeeper to control the narrative about pedophilia in Hollywood”. In investigating the merit or otherwise of this accusation, his denial of real scandals is significant.

An Open Secret also denied that there were tunnels under the McMartin Preschool, despite the FBI releasing evidence of this from their Vault in the context of the CIA-linked Finders child sex trafficking cult:

Source: Twitter
Source: FBI Vault

Archaeologist Dr Gary Strickel inspected the site and found evidence of tunnels and also bones of small animals that matched the stories told by the children of being forced to participate in ritual sacrifices. He wrote a 194 page report on the recommendation of Rainer Berger, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of the Interdisciplinary Program of the Archaeology Department at UCLA. The report contains scientific evidence based on archaeological research, in situ excavations, ground penetrating radar tests, and radiocarbon analysis of found artifacts.

Licensed private investigator Ed Opperman has done excellent and comprehensive work getting to the bottom of this story over the years.

Perhaps predictably, Ed Opperman came under attack by Gabe Hoffman:

Once again, Mr Hoffman is in lockstep with the Satanic Temple in denying Satanic Ritual Abuse:

Lucien Greaves aka Doug Mesner aka Douglas Misicko is the head of the Satanic Temple. The author of the Satanic Views blog that Mr Hoffman posted as “evidence” against an SRA Survivor boasts of his membership in their “Grey Faction”.

“Some Coal Stock I Used To Own A Long Time Ago”

Isaac Kappy’s final Instagram post was signed off with “4th of July. Return of the King”.

On the 4th of July, “King of Coal” Chris Cline died in a late-night helicopter accident. The pilot was not his regular pilot, but a former Royal Air Force pilot who was given special clearance to fly over Mar-a-Lago while President Trump was in residence with the Secret Service last year for an Easter Egg drop. In 2017 this pilot complained to the Florida Sun-Sentinel that flight restrictions from Trump’s frequent visits were devastating to his business: the flight training school at Lantana Airport. Lead 9/11 hijacker Mohammad Atta trained at Lantana Airport.

Chris Cline was the neighbor of Gabe Hoffman and dated his other neighbor Elin Nordegren (Tiger Woods’ ex). Mr Hoffman also has his office in the same building as Chris Cline’s headquarters. Mr Hoffman’s various US and offshore funds owned around 10% of Cline’s company Foresight Energy (FELP) for many years.

Mr Hoffman downplayed this connection in his Periscope: “I used to own a little bit of a coal stock that [Chris Cline] owned a lot of…I haven’t owned it in a long time”.

In fact, in an SEC filing dated February 14 2019 various funds under the control of Mr Hoffman owned 9.9% of the company. Cline’s estate owns 25.3% (Source: SEC). I think most people would consider that both of these amounts are “a lot” – the SEC sure does, since anyone acquiring more than 5% of a stock has to declare that to the market. YMMV on if “several months ago” is “a long time”.

The last public quarterly filing available for Accipiter Capital lists Foresight Energy as one of only two investments held by Hoffman’s funds (the other being his disastrous put option bet against Tesla).

Since then, the value of Mr Hoffman’s funds’ Assets Under Management appears to have dropped below $100 million so his companies are no longer filing quarterly holdings statements. Until some public information appears in the SEC’s EDGAR database, we have to take his word for it that he completely sold out of the company between the filing date of Feb 14 2019 and Cline’s death on July 4 2019. For the purposes of this discussion let’s take Mr Hoffman’s words on face value and give him the benefit of the doubt that he is up to date with all legally required filings.

Mr Hoffman was publicly promoting his association with “some coal stock” just last year:

Source: Twitter

Offshore Dark Money

In an SEC filing dated Feb 14 2018, 2/3rds of the investment in Foresight Energy was held by Accipiter Life Sciences Fund (Offshore), Ltd, a fund registered in the Cayman Islands and controlled by Gabe Hoffman. It’s not immediately obvious how fossil fuels connect to biology, but it is perhaps worth noting that Jeffrey Epstein was also very into life sciences.

It appears that between the Feb 2018 and Feb 2019 filing dates, ownership of the FELP stock was transferred from the Caymans back to the US – although I can find no public declaration of the sale price.

Isaac Kappy drew our attention to offshore dark money in the Cayman Islands:

Source: Twitter

Where did the hedge fund’s money come from before it went through “the most notorious tax haven on earth”?

This 2004 filing reveals that US$17.6 million of Accipiter’s funds under management came from Miralt Sicav, a Luxembourg company licensed in Switzerland as a “fund of funds” which invests in the Caymans Islands, Virgin Islands, Bahamas, and Bermuda. This is “dark money”, operating outside the clutches of the international tax system. Do the rest of the funds invested with Mr Hoffman also come from this shadow economy? It is impossible for an outsider to say due to the way these financial structures operate. I am presenting here only documented facts.

Source: Fundsquare

From the 13F Quarterly Filing at the end of 2004, Accipiter’s Assets Under Management was $152.4 million – meaning that Miralt Sicav’s share of the fund was 11.5%.


Directors of Miralt Sicav include members of the Mirabaud and Pereire families. Mirabaud et Cie is one of Switzerland’s oldest banks. The Pereire family from Paris were rivals of the Rothschilds in the 19th century. Carroll Quigley named the Mirabaud family as dominating finance from 1870-1900 along with the Rothschilds in his book Tragedy and Hope.

Source: Fundsquare

Pierre Mirabaud is a member of the ultra-elite 1001 Club, a Rothschild partner, and was President of the Swiss Bankers Association at the time of the above report.

Source: Fundsquare

Miralt Sicav also invested a large amount of money in the “Seminole Offshore Fund”. Perhaps it is just a coincidence that Gabe Hoffman and his neighbors Al Hoffman and Chris Cline live in Seminole Landing in Florida – none of them did in 2004.

More Scandal Denial

Gabe Hoffman’s next-door neighbor Al Hoffman, Jr is also connected to the Bush family. He was the co-chair of George W Bush’s 2000 Presidential campaign and also raised funds for John McCain (2008), Mitt Romney (2012), Marco Rubio (2010) and Jeb Bush (2016).

Source: Wikipedia

He was appointed by Bush as US Ambassador to Portugal from November 2005-November 2007. This coincided with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. In another curious coincidence, Carlyle Group chairman Frank Carlucci was also US Ambassador to Portugal, from Jan 1975-Feb 1978.

An Open Secret lied about Madeleine’s disappearance, saying that it happened in 2003 (the year she was born) and not 2007 while Hoffman was Ambassador there.

“Simple public research” should include typing her name into Google, which brings up all the details as the first result.

Mr Hoffman clearly doesn’t check basic facts, like dates; but is quick to attack others for his own shortcomings:

I’m not aware of LouderThanLove accusing anyone in Mr Hoffman’s neighborhood of child sex crimes. With regard to his former employee, the closest I’ve been able to find is his question “seems she was involved in disseminating porn?” As far as I know that is not even a crime in New York.

Big Dollar Donors

The two Hoffmans and Chris Cline are all big dollar donors to the Republican Party, especially Jeb Bush.

On May 17 2012 Mitt Romney held a fundraiser in Florida where he expressed disdain for the 47% of Americans who are dependent on Government. This was hosted by a “hedge fund manager who likes sex parties”. 150 donors paid $50,000 a plate to get in. Mother Jones speculated at who was in attendance and found 30 donors who gave $50,000 to the Romney Victory PAC between May 1 and May 17. Both Gabe Hoffman and Chris Cline made the list.

Gabe Hoffman seems to have become an active Republican donor only after he purchased his place in Palm Beach:

For the 2016 election his neighbor Al Hoffman Jr donated $1 million to Jeb Bush’s Presidential campaign SuperPAC Right to Rise. The top 300 donors to Jeb’s campaign got an invite to the Bush family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine. Was Gabe amongst them? For the 2016 election he gave $147,337 specifically to Jeb Bush’s Presidential campaign and another $35,000 to the Republican National Committee

Source: Washington Post, via Internet Archive

Browse the donations from for Chris ClineForesightGabe HoffmanAl Hoffman Jr.

Some 2014 donations were attributed to Gabe Hoffman of Hoffman Partners. This appears to be Gabe’s neighbor Al Hoffman, Jr’s company. In one of the 2014 donations Gabe is described as “Ambassador”. Did Hoffman and Hoffman attend Republican fundraising events together?

[Update 9/15/2020]

Thanks to researcher Big Fish who found another large donor to Jeb Bush’s Right To Rise PAC – Jeffrey Epstein’s MEGA group patron Les Wexner (and his wife Abigail Koppel Wexner, whose father opened the first El Al Israel airlines ticket office in New York).

Hedging to Zero?

Accipiter is run on the industry standard “2 and 20” – meaning that 2% of Assets Under Management go to the operating expenses of the business (Gabe’s paycheck), and they get rewarded with a 20% share of profitable trades. This may have been lucrative for Hoffman in the past, but lately his trades aren’t looking that good. His fund’s AUM seems to have shrunk below $100 million, meaning that his company no longer files quarterly reports with the SEC. We are forced to go on the last filings and his public tweets to get some kind of picture of their financial position. His biggest bet is a short against Tesla, who he insisted were “about to run out of cash” in 2018. Instead they have gone from strength to strength.

Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter

It’s hard to tell whether this was a deliberate lie to talk up his book, or just a terribly costly mistake. Tesla’s most recent quarterly filing shows them with $5.34 billion cash in the bank, up from $3.69 billion at the end of 2018.

Gabe recently added to his TSLA short position at $300.

Source: Twitter

The stock rapidly shot up to $350, though it stumbled with last week’s debut of bulletproof glass in their new truck. The glass withstood a blow from a sledgehammer but smashed when a steel ball was thrown at it from close range. The glass did not shatter within the vehicle, meaning it performed correctly; but the demo was presented by the media as a failure. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates both had many demo fails in their careers, it is par for the course in Silicon Valley; but perhaps not so widely understood in the automotive world.

Note the self-retweet

Despite the media smears after the “disastrous” demo, Tesla received more than 200,000 orders for the new truck in 3 days.

The Cybertruck is an instant “must-have” item for cashed up Burners.

Source: YourEDM
Source: Futurism

Tesla set a new record for deliveries in the last quarter, 97,000 vehicles.

Mr Hoffman also shorted NetFlix at $300. This stock has also increased since then, meaning Hoffman’s fund would show a loss on their investment bet.

Source: Twitter

Schoenberger Lawsuit

Mr Hoffman has recently entered the lawfare arena, making a big noise about filing defamation suits in Palm Beach County against Ali Alexander and Thomas Schoenberger.

My name was brought up in the latter suit.

If Mr Schoenberger would like me to provide sworn testimony as a witness in this case I would be more than happy to. He has never once encouraged me to defame and harass Mr Hoffman, or anyone else for that matter. I have nothing to do with any Internet site or alias My web site, which you are reading now, is My YouTube channel Crypto Beast is I think the first time I even mentioned Mr Hoffman or An Open Secret on my YouTube channel was this video from 2 weeks ago, after his lawsuit against Mr Schoenberger was filed:

Mr Hoffman has certainly defamed and harassed me, without provocation. It began with this in the immediate aftermath of Isaac Kappy’s death:

Source: Twitter

Accusing people of mental illness seems to be one of Mr Hoffman’s preferred attack vectors. As far as I am aware he has no professional training in psychiatry, and even if he did that would not permit him to diagnose via Twitter people he has never met or spoken with. For the record, I am perfectly sane and tweet under my own name, not anonymously.

Mr Schoenberger has not published anything on this site, though he (and anyone else) is welcome to write a guest post. I have interviewed him for a number of stories. The information about Isaac Kappy’s alleged Dead Mans’ Switch is in Part 5 of the Kappy investigation – published with disclaimers and redactions. The statement “HOFFMAN was unlocked from Kappy’s dead man’s switch” does not appear there or anywhere else on this site.

Secret? Or Open?

Mr Hoffman claims that he became a Hollywood producer for philanthropic reasons. In fact, he initially attempted to release his movie commercially and only made the decision to give his film away for free some time after it bombed in the box office upon its June 2015 theatrical release:

Amy Berg’s controversial documentary An Open Secret, which addresses allegations of teen sexual molestation in Hollywood, performed poorly in its initial runs in nine theaters this weekend in Denver and Seattle, distributor Rocky Mountain Pictures said today.

“In 26 years, it’s the lowest-grossing film we’ve ever had,” Rocky Mountain’s Ron Rodgers said by phone this morning. “We knew it would be challenging subject matter.” Rodgers said one of the film’s “best showings” was in Seattle, where it grossed about $200. Beyond that, Rodgers declined to provide specific figures for the movie, a version of which screened at last year’s DocNYC festival.

I don’t think we’ve had any interference from Hollywood and I don’t jump onto conspiracy theories,” said Rodgers. “We’ve faced controversy before” with Dinesh D’Souza’s 2016: Obama’s America. “Hollywood tried to ignore it, but then it did so much business, they had to eventually address it. But I don’t see any indication there was any interference now.”

Source: Deadline

Mr Hoffman then blamed the director Amy Berg for his flop. She previously covered child abuse in the Catholic Church in Academy Award-nominated Deliver Us From Evil (2006); and Satanist Damien Echols and his animal-sacrificing gang of Aleister Crowley disciples The West Memphis Three in her critically acclaimed Peter Jackson-produced movie West of Memphis (2012). She also looked into Mormon polygamist cult leader Warren Jeffs in Prophet’s Prey (2015).

Mr Hoffman initiated arbitration proceedings against Ms Berg for not participating in promotional activities for the film – even though she gave “tons of interviews” to many media outlets.

Here she is at the World Premiere of the movie at DocNYC in 2014:

Mr Hoffman also threatened to sue Evan Henzi, a victim of pedophiles who was featured in the film. In what seems to be a characteristic move he contacted the young man’s parents as well as attempting intimidation through legal channels.

The multi-millionaire hedge fund manager and producer of the Hollywood teen sex abuse documentary An Open Secret, Gabe Hoffman, who previously filed an arbitration against the film’s director, threatened last Tuesday to sue a sex abuse victim depicted in the film, Evan Henzi, after the 22-year old Henzi came forward to tell this reporter about alleged distortions in the film and goings-on behind the scenes.In addition, Hoffman called Henzi’s father and claimed to have heard a rumor that Henzi was doing drugs.

Mr Hoffman claims that because he never followed up his legal threats and phone calls with an actual lawsuit, it doesn’t count.

Source: Twitter

Henzi and another of the movie’s subjects Chris Turcotte called An Open Secret “unfair” and “dishonest”.

Mr Hoffman claims that he ended the career of director Bryan Singer.

Source: Twitter

The lies continue – the funding and producing of the documentary happened more than 5 years ago, given its debut in November 2014.

In fact, Singer was gainfully employed in many Hollywood productions after An Open Secret was released:

Source: IMDB

It was only an article in The Atlantic in January 2019 Nobody Is Going To Believe You that seemed to have ended his career (that is, if you choose to ignore all the 2019 Producer credits in IMDB). The article claimed that sexual misconduct allegations had trailed Bryan Singer for 20 years (I note in passing that Jason Goodman worked for Bryan Singer in Hollywood in 2014).

Singer was fired by 20th Century Fox in December 2017, with less than 3 weeks of filming left in Bohemian Rhapsody. The Atlantic said “Reports emerged of a production in chaos: Singer was feuding with his cast and crew, and had disappeared from the set for days at a time.

The Hollywood Reporter covered the firing at the time, saying that actor Remi Malek “complained to the studio, charging Singer with not being present on set, unreliability and unprofessionalism.”

Mr Singer says his absences from the set and subsequent termination was related to a gravely ill parent:

Bohemian Rhapsody is a passion project of mine. With fewer than three weeks to shoot remaining, I asked Fox for some time off so I could return to the U.S. to deal with pressing health matters concerning one of my parents. This was a very taxing experience, which ultimately took a serious toll on my own health.  Unfortunately, the studio was unwilling to accommodate me and terminated my services. This was not my decision and it was beyond my control…Rumors that my unexpected departure from the film was sparked by a dispute I had with Rami Malek are not true,” said the director. “While, at times, we did have creative differences on set, Rami and I successfully put those differences behind us and continued to work on the film together until just prior to Thanksgiving.”

There is no evidence that Mr Hoffman’s 2014 movie played any role, it is not mentioned in The Atlantic article or by anyone else in Hollywood except Mr Hoffman himself.

An Open Secret also “exposed” Digital Entertainment Network, founded by Marc Collins-Rector and Brock Pierce. This story was already well documented as a result of a lawsuit by one of the victims:

2014 Jezebel – Inside the Hollywood Sex Ring Mansion from the Bryan Singer Lawsuit

2014 BuzzFeed – Mystery Man at Center of Alleged Hollywood Sex Ring has Vanished

2014 Radar – Bryan Singer & Other Hollywood Sex Ring Defendants Exposed As Investors In Shady Company Run By Pedophile

READ: The Shocking SEC Filing Exposing The Alleged Sex Abusers’ Sordid Ties

Radar Online had actually been pursuing this story since 2007: FAST COMPANY – A High-flying Web Start-up, DEN imploded among allegations of drug use, guns, and pedophilia

This story was also featured on Boing Boing in 2007 Gold-Farming Empire Linked to Dot-com Child Abuse Scandal and parodied in a video by Fucked Company:

In a November 2018 interview on Sam Tripoli’s Tin Foil Hat podcast, Mr Hoffman’s movie partner (and NYU schoolmate) Matthew Valentinas revealed that Mr Hoffman had originally intended to create a boxing movie. Their research into pedophilia produced 2 full binders of evidence; yet for some reason they only “exposed” a small handful of pedophiles, whose cases were mostly known to the public already. In this interview Mr Valentinas said that they had filmed all the interviews for An Open Secret 2 as of December 2017, and the sequel was now in editing. Where is this movie? Hollywood pedophilia continues to run rampant, and children continue to be abused while Mr Hoffman spends his time on Twitter calling people liars without evidence.


In this post I have shown evidence for a number of Gabe Hoffman/An Open Secret’s lies:

  • multiple tweets asking people to report Facebook posts for accusing people of heinous sex crimes, that did not link to posts saying that
  • his statements that LouderThanLove made accusations against people with zero evidence
  • his claim that his former employee and his Ambassador neighbor are private individuals not public figures
  • his statement that I claimed a private citizen and mother of 3 deserves to be dragged into conspiracy BS
  • his statement that he owned a “little bit” of Chris Cline’s company “a long time ago”
  • his dismissal of the McMartin scandal as a hoax
  • his dismissal of the Franklin scandal as a hoax
  • his statement that Al Hoffman, Jr was not Ambassador to Portugal when Madeleine McCann disappeared
  • his claim in March 2018, repeated in June 2018, that Tesla was about to run out of cash and go bankrupt
  • his statement that Thomas Schoenberger encouraged me to defame and harass him
  • his claim that I am associated with web site “”
  • his claim that I am an “anon crazy person”
  • his statement that “Schoenberger published on []…HOFFMAN was unlocked from Kappy’s dead man’s switch”
  • his claim to have produced and funded his documentary in the last 2 years, when it was more than 5 years ago
  • his statement that he “never did anything of the sort” in relation to threatening sexual abuse victims with lawsuits
  • his claim that his movie got Bryan Singer fired

I have also demonstrated that I went to significant lengths to confirm his allegation that LouderThanLove1 accused his former employee of heinous child sex crimes, and when I couldn’t find the accusation of this I asked on social media if anyone else could find it. Even the author of the post didn’t know what he was talking about.

Who is the liar here? I back up everything I say with evidence.


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