The Truth about the "WINDOWS 666" shot in the Dark

The Windows 666 Vaccines is NOT a Vaccine at all But rather a Experimental Gene Manipulation Therapy - Bio-Weapon which Hijacks and changes or hybridizes your body's GOD given DNA & RNA. They do this by fusing our DNA with among other things TARDIGRADE DNA. I had never heard of the TARDIGRADE until just before all this #Fraudulent MedicalTyranny started on the new Star Trek series "Discovery" which introduces us to the TARDIGRADE which is then Genetically Engineered and fused to a crew members DNA so he can activates their new kind of faster than light speed called "Activated Spore Hub Drive"... Why are their TARDIGRADE genes in this Death Shot What is so special about this microscopic animal the TARDIGRADE. The most remarkable feature of the tardigrades is their ability to withstand extremely low temperatures and desiccation (extreme drying). Under unfavorable conditions, they go into a state of suspended animation called the “tun” state—in which the body dries out and appears as a lifeless ball (or tun). In this state their metabolism may decline to as little as 0.01 percent of its normal rate. Tardigrades can survive as tuns for years, or even decades, to wait out dry conditions.   



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