Enki and Enlil


According to the Sumerians, this race of extraterrestrials were the Anunnaki (The Sky What are On Earth) , who were later called Elohim (Lords of Heaven) . Giants coming from the planet humanoid Nibiru and that due to problems in its ecosystem, they decided to start a process of colonization of our planet, about 450,000 years ago. The Anunnaki first expedition, led by mega-scientist ENKI (Lord of the Earth) , landed in the Persian Gulf region, where he established the first base of operations: ERIDU (Home Built Far) . The original plan was to extract gold from the sea, which in fact was done, but as this process became unfeasible, the only alternative was to extract the ore from Southeast Africa, which had already been exploited by ENKI . At once he left p / Africa, c / a team and lifted the complex ABZU . The gold obtained in the mines of the region would be transported in ships to Mesopotamia, to melting and refining. Then the ingots were sent through a cargo ship to another ship that was orbiting the Earth, awaiting the periodic arrival of a mother ship carrying the precious metal for Nibiru , to be used as suspended particles in the atmosphere, in order to contain the spread of a phenomenon similar to the greenhouse effect.

And he would have sent a man to the tree so that it reached knowledge. It is the reason why Ea is presented as the culprit said that the first man tried to show the path of spiritual freedom. And it would have revolted not against God (it is written in the Bible), but against the cruel acts of the said gods. Despite their clearly laudable intentions, Ea, the legendary, and the "Brotherhood of the Snake" in its infancy failed to liberate humans. It is said in ancient Mesopotamian texts, Egyptian and Bible that the serpent (the Brotherhood of the Snake) have been unsuccessful logo by other groups of reigning aliens. And was banished from the land and maligned by his opponents, who wanted to ensure he would not find any more adept among humans. The "Prince of the Earth" he went on "Prince of Darkness", and was also covered in horrible nicknames such as Prince of Hell, Evil Incarnation, Devil ... They presented it as the worst enemy of higher being and as guardian of the hell. They taught the human being that all evil on earth was his fault and he wanted humans to become slaves. They urged humans to unmask him every time he is reincarnated and annihilate him with his creatures, they met them.

In the medical unit ABZU , ENKI and Ninti recognized that they could extract the egg of a primate female, fertilize it, in vitru with the sperm of a male Anunnaki and deploy it in the womb of a female Anunnaki . After much trial and error, it was created the perfect model of homo-sapiens . The process was repeated several times to form the first generation of hybrid human-aliens, Earth, which however were sterile. And as the LULU (Early Workers) were developed and supervisors in the mining work in Africa, the Anunnaki who worked in Mesopotamia began to envy their colleagues and to call for the presence of humans in the region. Despite the objections of ENKI, Enlil seized a group of earthlings and took them to the main base of the Persian Gulf, ERIDU.

"Yahweh (Enlil) took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and keep it." Genesis

The longevity characteristic of the biological clock of the Anunnaki , where one year corresponds to 3600 years Earthlings, was not initially introduced into the genetic material of the first generation of humans, he aged rapidly and had short life, which led ENKI to improve the genetic manipulation of hybrid, using his own sperm. He and Ninti developed another "perfect model" Terran, a male who was the first representative of the Adamic race. The ADAMU or Adapa (He was born on Earth)

The great Anu, plenipotentiary sent to Earth a great team, also made ​​up his two sons Enki and Enlil, for the search for mineral elements nobres.Segundo customs, for reasons of biological order, the royal succession on the planet of "Gods" give If would only with the fruit of the union between a couple of half-brothers (it would be necessary or Enki Enlil to join the half-sister (same father daughter with different mothers) .Identificados by the ancient Sumerians as the "Gods" Anunnaki (the Nephilim mentioned in the Holy Bible), these "gentlemen" divided the Earth in 4 regions of Africa intended to Enki, the current Middle East Enlil, the Arabian Peninsula to the "Goddess" Ninharzag and Southeast Asia to Inanna-Ishtar . Naming South Africa as Abzu, Enki over there installed their genetic experimentation laboratories. At the time modern humans did not exist and then anthropoids lived with no notion of society. They were flocks without any organization subsisting in search of food. So Earth had not yet owner! the "Gods" -Irmãos Enki and Enlil entered disagreements increasingly disastrous for everyone, and the conquest of struggle continues to this day! On the one hand the descendants of ENKI Clan: The Jews, on the other hand the descendants of the followers of his brother Enlil: The Arabs! According to the Sumerian ancient texts, the Sumerian god, Anu, the "supreme Lord of Heaven", the currently reigning titular head of the Sumerian Family Tree, had two sons. Akkadian-Babylonian poem of creation. Tablet No. 1: "When at the top heaven not named yet and below the land had received name was Apsu, the beginner, which generated the causal Tiamat that all gave birth; as its waters were confused, no divine abode was built, no sugarcane was still missing. When none of the gods had begun to exist, and nothing had received name, no destination was determined in her breast were then created. " *** This report can be dated by some of the century. XIV BC. Tablet No. IV: "He turned back toward Tiamat he had captured. The Lord destroyed Tiamat and, with its inexorable mass, shattered his skull; severed the arteries of her blood and let the north wind took him to unknown places. Seeing such a gesture, his parents rejoiced rejoiced; and he offered gifts and presents. Having calmed down, the Lord looked over his corpse; want to split the monster, form something ingenious; he cut her off in the middle, as in two cut a fish drying, arranged one half as sky-shaped dome; stretched skin, installed guards, entrusted them with the mission of not letting leave its waters. " Acadian Text Atra-hasis on the formation of man (p 32ss.): Tablet No. I: "When the gods had the role of man, They are carrying the basket; the basket of the gods was great and the task heavy. Large Anunnaku, the group of seven, wanted to entrust the task Igigu. Anu, his father, the king, his advisor, the fearless Enlil, his Nimurta Herald, his Ennugi commissioner held the glass, cast lots, divided the gods. Anu ascended into heaven; ... took the land (the barriers), sea depths were delivered to the Enki, the prince. [After Anu] ascended into heaven, [and the gods, those] of Apsu down; [The anunnaku], the sky, imposed the [task] to Igigu. [The gods] they began to dig [waterways], [opened channels], vital step for the region; [The Igigu] they began to dig [waterways], [opened channels], vital step for the region. [The gods dug] the Tigris River [and the Euphrates] then .... [They numbered the years] of servitude; [...] The great savannah rushes. They counted the years of servitude; [The Igigu for 25] 00 years, supported, night and day excessive and [Heavy] work. They complain and accuse, murmur against the excavation, 'Let's find our [vigilante ()] the Herald, he download in our heavy task; [The Lord], the counselor of the gods, the fearless come, retiremo him from his throne; ! [Enlil], the counselor of the gods, the fearless come, retiremo him from his throne '....... Now, call for battle, the battle; let us join ourselves to the crowd. The gods heard his words; They threw fire their tools, set fire to their hoes and burned their baskets. They joined to each other, and went to the door of the sanctuary fearless Enlil. Had fallen the night, it was the middle of the vigil; the house is surrounded, God ignores him; had fallen the night, it was the middle of waking, Ekur is surrounded Enlil not know ....- continuously. " And [opened] the mouth and addressed the gods [his brothers] "'De that we acusaríamos? Heavy is your job, [great your torment]. Each day the earth [...] the alarm signal [...] 'It is there, Belet-ili, the array; the mother will give birth, she model and that man carry the basket of God! ' They called the goddess, questioned the midwife of the gods, the wise Mami: 'Will you be forming the matrix of humanity; form the Lullu that he bear the yoke; he bear the yoke that is the work of Enlil; that man carry the basket of God! ' Nintu opened his mouth and addressed the great gods: "It's not only me that it is operating; Enki is how the work is to be done; it is he who purifies all; give me the clay he and I, I operarei '. Enki opened his mouth and addressed the great gods: 'On the first day of the month, the seven and fifteen, I want to organize a cleansing, a bath. What to weigh a certain god and the gods are cleansed by immersion. To his flesh and his blood Nintu mix and clay, that part of God and of man are mixed together in clay! Come, we hear the drum forever! God meat there is a spirit; to give a sign to you to live and to prevent forgetfulness, there is a spirit! ' Yes, replied the assembly big Anunnaku that incumbent destinations. On the first day of the month, the seven and fifteen he organized a purification, a bath. They slaughtered in their assembly. We, a god who possessed the right; Á his flesh and his blood Nintu mixed clay; [...] Forever! Of God's flesh there was a spirit; He signaled him to live and to prevent oblivion, there was a spirit; after mixing this clay, she called the Anunna, the great gods. The Igigu, the great gods, spat on clay. Mami opened his mouth and addressed the great gods: "You commanded me a piece and I stick; you abatestes a god with his reason; I removed your heavy work, I imposed to man your basket. Presenteastes with cries of humanity; I opened the iron ring (?), established freedom! ' When they heard what she told them, they ran and kissed his feet: 'Before, we called you Mami; Now, be thy name:. Lady of the gods "(pp.35-7) They entered the fate of the house, Prince Ea, the wise Mama. Matrices, once assembled, trample the clay before her. She continuously utters the incantation that Ea, sitting in front of her, makes her repeat. When she finished her incantation, he spat in his clay, detached fourteen lumps; put seven lumps right, put seven bricks between them. He took her to the swamp knife that cuts the umbilical cord; He called prudent, wise, sevens arrays. Seven made ​​with art, men, seven made ​​with art, women. They made ​​new mattocks and new hoes, made ​​major landfills channels to (meet) the hunger of the people and food of the gods. POEM CREATION BABYLONIAN (41) Marduk, to hear what they were saying the gods feel like form something ingenious. And he speaks in these terms and gives you, as a board, which meditated in his heart, "I want clot blood and bone make a being; I want to erect the Lullu and that his name is Man; I want to form the man Lullu; they are in charge of the tasks of the gods and they rest. I want to change the organization of the gods and makes it ingenious; to be honored together, but are divided into two. " Answer them, And speak to him in these terms while the rest of the gods modifies his plans: "Whatever I delivered one of his brothers; it is destroyed and people to be molded; that here meet the great gods that the culprit be released and that they be confirmed. " Marduk having gathered the great gods, orders with kindness and giving instructions; the gods are attentive, listening to what comes out of his mouth. The king speaks to Anunnaku these terms: "May your proclamation is true! Tell me true words, who was the one who caused the fight, which made ​​Tiamat rebel and prepare for battle? To be delivered me who provoked the fight; I will make you carragar his punishment; I remain resting. " The Igigu, the great gods said to him, him Lugaldimmerankia, the counselor of the gods, his master, "It was Kingu who caused the fight, which revolted Tiamat and organizes the battle" Having the captured, brought him to the presence of Ea ; They imposed his punishment, and cut off his blood; his blood, he formed mankind, he (it) has imposed the task of the gods and the gods released. After Ea, the wise have formed mankind, it (him) imposed the task of the gods - this work is not to be understood; it was thanks to the ingenuity of Marduk that Mudimmud formed! - Marduk the king of the gods, divided the Anunnaku, all of them, at the top and bottom. TEXT ASSUR bilingual (43) After fused together, the sky turned away from the earth, and mothers goddesses came into existence after the land be placed after the land has been made, after they set the rules of heaven and earth, after, to regulate streams and ditches, have fixed the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates, An, Enlil, Utu, Enki, the great gods, the Anunna, the great gods, took place in the majestic podium that commands respect and discussed between them. Once they have them set the rules of heaven and earth, after, to regulate streams and ditches, they have fixed the banks of the Tigris and the Euphrates (Enlil said :) "What you going to do, what ye make? ? Anunna, great God, what ye do what ye form "The great gods who were there, the Anunna that determine the targets, the two (groups), responded to Enlil: The Uzumua the Duranki; Allah destroy the gods; his blood produces humanity; the hard work of the gods to become their hard work! "For perpetually secure the border, lay your hands on the spade and basket, O house of the great gods made ​​for a majestic podium, to delimit field to field, for, perpetually, secure the border, regulate the streams, secure the border, ... grow plants, ... the rains, secure the border, build seed lots (...) the Anunna fruitful fields, increase the abundance in the country, make perfect the feasts of the gods, pour fresh water libation, O immense abode of the gods, made ​​for a majestic podium ... so that it forms as well as the grain itself off the ground, expert after expert, peasant after peasant, what is thing as immutable as a stable star in the heavens, to make perfect the feasts of the gods, day and night, Anu, Enlil, Enki, Ninmah, the great gods, prescribed themselves great standards. " Bibliography . 1) - Ackroyd, Peter, "The Ancient Traditions of Israel," in The People of the Old Testament, London, Christophers, 1959, pp. 165-177. 2) - Weathcote, AW, "In Earliest Times" in Israel to the Time of Solomon, London, James Clark & Co. Limited, pp. 45-54. The Assyrian-Babylonian Mythology I. Overview (including regional history) II. So these are just like the right Sumerian deities? III. Who were the gods and heroes of the Babylonians? A. The older gods B. The young Anunnaki and Igigi C. The chthonic gods D. Heroes and monsters IV. And the Underworld and Heaven and all that? V. Hey! I read that Cthulhu is really a Sumerian or Babylonian god, how come he's not there under Kutu? VI. So in AD & D, Tiamat is that the dragon head barely five years, but I have Enuma Elish the right? What about your counterpart, Bahamut? VII. I heard that there are parallels in the biblical literature of Babylon. What are they anyway? VIII. Where did you get this information and where can I find more? I. Overview (including regional history) First, some definitions: Mesopotamia, in general, refers to the area of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Assyria was the northern portion of Mesopotamia, which was the capital Assur (until 883 BC, when he was transferred to Calah / Nimrud) and whose range included the great city of Nineveh (Ninua). Sumer refers to the South Delta region, whose main cities included Ur, Uruk and Eridu. Akkad was a region north of Sumer, which included the area around modern Baghdad, as well as the archaeological sites of Babylon, Kish, and Nippur. The political organization of the country was basically a set of city-states. Sargon of Agade (2371-16 BC), united the regions of Sumer and Akkad. Their descendants eventually lost control of the empire, due to pressure from Hurrians, Hittites and other invaders, not to mention internal pressures. In the southern Sumer again gained ascendancy, dominated by the State Ur-city. Sumer, then collapsed to the Amorites around 2000 BC. They have created many sub-kingdoms including Assyria and Babylon. Assyria reached a brief period of dominance under Shamshi-Adad (1813-1781 BC), but was soon replaced by Babylon under Hammurabi (Hammurabi) (1792-1750 BC) that established that once were thought to be the first written code of laws (latest discoveries include law codes of a couple centuries before Hammurabi). The first Babylonian dynasty had begun in 1894 BC, coinciding with the period of the Old Babyonian literature. He collapsed in 1595 BC when the Hittites sacked its capital of the same name. Assyria had been taken by Mitanni (one Hurrian kingdom talking), but established its independence in the mid-14th century BC. Under Tukulti-Ninurta I Assyria dominated the entire Fertile Crescent in the late 13th century at the time of Tiglathpileser I had about one more century later directed the attention is turned to the west of Levante, in the West and lost control Babylon and south. Slowly, Assyria began to expand again, reaching its peak between 750 and 650 BC under the Tiglathpileser III rulers, Sargon II, Sennacherib and Ashuribanipal (668-627 BC). The empire collapsed from invaders with the fall of Nineveh Nabopalasar of Babylon in 612 BC and dying empire in 605 BC. Meanwhile, Babylon had been reassert itself. Nabopalasar had started the Chaldean dynasty during his rule from 625 BC. This period is also known as the Neo-Babylonian period, although that term also describes the language of the time. Under the Nabopalasar son Nebuchadnezzar II, Babylon expanded westward, with Jerusalem in 586 BC. Babylon fell in the mid 540 to Cyrus the Persian, whose empire lasted until late 300 BC, when Alexander of Macedon established his empire and renamed the "Mesopotamia" area. (See also Shawn Bayern History of Babylon) II. So these guys were just like the Sumerian Deities right? Well, some of them were mostly, as the Sumerian deities, but as you might expect, they have their own twists and differences. In general, relations apply:         name Sumerian Babylonian name         A Anu         Ki / Ninhursag Aruru, Mammi         Ellil Enlil         Enki Ea         Nanna Sin         Inanna Ishtar         Utu Shamash         Ninlil Mullitu, Mylitta This is not a dry relation court. and Babylon Babylon Sumerians names appear in the same document, sometimes referring to the same entity. In addition, there are numerous local variations of these names deities in the next section as "optional" names appear in parentheses after the most prevalent name. III. Who were the gods and heroes of the Babylonians, then? A. Older (genealogically) Gods: Apsu "The Epic of Creation (Enuma Elish): Tablet I" He is the underground ocean, the parent of heaven (Anshar) and earth (Kishar) and father of Lahmu and Lahamu. He could not stifle the noise of themselves or their children, then he colluded with his vizier Mummu to silence the gods and allow your mate Tiamat to rest, after Tiamat rejected the idea. And found out about his plans, cast a sleeping spell on him and killed him. (Pp 232-235 Dalley, 318.) Tiamat "The Epic of Creation (Enuma Elish): Tablets I-III" She is primitive chaos, bearer of heaven (Anshar) and earth (Kishar) and mother of Lahmu and Lahamu. Traditionally conceived as a serpent or dragon of some sort, this idea has no basis in the Enuma Elish you. Within this work contains a physical description, a tail, thigh, "lower parts" (which shake together), a belly, one udder, ribs, neck, a head, a skull, eyes, nostrils, mouth, lips and. She has guts, heart, arteries and blood. The clamor of the younger gods disturbed, but she continued to give them. When your mate Apsu and his vizier Mummu suggested that they kill the younger gods, she was furious, then calmed down and rejected the plan. Her restless subservient gods goaded her into action after Apsu is killed. They prepared for war against the other gods. As Mother Hubur, (the underground river, that all things fashion), she bore giant snakes with venom for blood, and cloaked dragons with a divine radiance yet with a terrible visage, for the war. She met a snake with horns, one mushussu-dragon, a Lahmu-hero, a ugallu demon, a rabid dog, a man-scorpion, umu-demons, a fish-man, a bull-man, and eleven other under his champion and new lover, Qingu. She Qingu the Tablet of Destinies to facilitate his command and attack. (Pp 231-249 Dalley.) "The Epic of Creation (Enuma Elish): Tablets IV-V" Marduk came with his army to attack her. The Qingu strategy initially confused, and Tiamat tried to enchant him, throwing jokes with him. She was refused and urged the single combat with Marduk. She continued to cast her spell and Marduk netted her, and threw a wind at her. She tried to swallow it and was undone - shot, stretched, cut in two and cut the heart. Her crushed skull heralded her death, and half of her body was used for the roof to the sky. His eyes became the sources of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. (Pp. 249-257 Dalley) Lahmu and Lahamu 'Hairy a' or 'muddy' they have three pairs of curls, and are naked, except for a triple band. Dalley (324 p.) "The Epic of Creation (Enuma Elish)>): Tables I-III" They were the first children of Tiamat and Apsu. Kappa was sent to fetch them by Anshar, to help expel Marduk in his fight with Tiamat and met at his side. They complied and helped find a princely shrine for Marduk. (Dalley pp 232, 244-249.) Anshar - 'All Heaven "El .. and is the father of Anu and the child of Tiamat and Apsu He is often paired with Kishara, and his qualities were assimilated with Ashur When Ea learned of planned Tiamat war, Anshar tried to stir him in his first attack but was refused. He turned to Anu and sent him on a peace mission to Tiamat, but returned Anu won. A meeting was convened and Marduk came out in Ea's urging, promising to deliver defeated Tiamat's body to his feet Anshar. assembly of demanded a promise that would be given the leadership of the pantheon after he is victorious. He had Kappa gather Lahmu, Lahamu, and the other gods together to send Marduk in his struggle and rally- them to his side when they arrive, help find a princely shrine for Marduk.. Kishar - "whole earth" She is the mother of Anu and the child of Tiamat and Apsu. Anu - to "heaven", a sky god father and king of the gods. Sumerians He is the son of Anshar and Kishar sky. He lives in third. The Eanna in Uruk was dedicated both to him and consort. His first consort was Antu. They produced the Anunnaki - the gods of the underworld, and utukki - the seven demons. His second consort Innina (Ishtar). He is a god of monarchs and it is not easy for ordinary people. He is a "King of the Igigi". He is assigned the sky as his domain in 'Atrahasis'. His "kishru's (shooting stars) have awesome strength. He has the ability that anything he puts into words, becomes reality. He is Niudimmud's (Ea) of the father. When Anzu stole the Board of Ellil Destinations, he called to one of the gods to kill Anzu and thereby greatly enhance his reputation. He gave Marduk the four winds to play. He made ​​a whirlwind and a wave of crowded and busy Tiamat on purpose. When Tiamat retaliation for Apsu is the death "was discovered, Anshar sent him on a peace mission to her, but he returned without success. It helps form a princely shrine for Marduk prior to his battle with Tiamat, and gives him the Anu-power to prescribe the destinations, so that his word is law. He called Dumuzi and Gizzida speak for Adapa. He and Earth father Sebitti. He gives them terrible fate and the powers and puts them at Erra's command 'to assist in killing noisy, people with more populous and animals. He agrees to send the Bull of Heaven after Gilgamesh on behalf of Ishtar, she sure that the people of Uruk are properly provisioned for seven years. He decrees that either Gilgamesh or Enkidu must die for the murder of Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven. It sends Kakka Kurnugi to tell Ereshkigal to send a messenger to receive a gift from him. (See also A Sumerian and Hittite Anus) Symbol: sacred shine surmounted by the divine horned cap. Sacred number: 60 Astrological region: heavenly equator Sacred animals: the celestial Bull Antu (m) - Sumerian for "the earth," she is a colorless being who was the first consort of Anu. They produced the Anunnaki - the gods of the underworld, and utukki - the seven demons. She was replaced by Ishtar (Inanna) who is sometimes her daughter. Aruru (Ninmah, Nintu, Ninhursaga, Belet ili, Mami) -She is the mother goddess and was responsible for the creation of man with the help of Enlil and Enki . It is also called the womb goddess, and midwife of the gods. Acting in Ea s advice and guidance, she mud mixed with blood Geshtu and God, in order to shape and birth seven men and seven women. These people would bear the workload of the Igigi. She also added that the creation of Gilgamesh, and at the command Anu s', made ​​Enkidu in Anu its image by pinching a piece of clay, throwing him into the wilderness, and birth there. And he called to offer her beloved Ninurta as the one who should hunt Anzu. She does it. (See also the Hittite Hannahannas) Mammetum - The manufacturer or mother of fate. Nammu - one of "pure goddesses", and the mother, in association with fresh water. B. The Anunnaki, Igigi, and the younger gods Ellil (Enlil) - Sumerian for "wind / storm-god." Initially, the leader of the pantheon, he has since relinquished his spot to Anu. Possible Enmesharra slayer and the avenger of his father Anu. His role in this was upplanted by Marduk by the Babylonians. It is a short-tempered god who was responsible for the great flood. He is the creator of mankind. He is thought to encourage and help those in need. He guards the "destination pills" that let you determine the fate of all things animate or inanimate. They've stolen from him by Zu, a storm of birds (a bird with some human qualities). They were recovered and Zu faced trial for Ellil. His consort is Ninlil, his chief minister is Nusku. He was also the god of the earth and the earth. He is a "King of the Anunnaki." He was the counselor warrior. He and his people receive the earth in 'Atrahasis'. His temple is Duranki. When the Igigi rebelled against him, and surrounded his house and asked to Anu. After man was created in response to the Igigi complaints he got tired of their noise and released several disasters upon them, after each man recovered and then he launched a new one. The disasters included disease, floods, droughts, and major flooding. He appointed Humbaba to guard the cedar forest and terrify mankind. He decreed that Enkidu must die for killing the Bull of Heaven and Humbaba. He does not answer Gilgamesh's plea "to restore Enkidu to life. He found a throne for Etana to rule from Kish. He appointed Anzu as the guardian of his bath chamber, but while bathing, Anzu stole the Board of . destinations, and power-Ellil Ninurta, with Ea's advise and Belet ili-'s insistence slew Anzu and recovered the Tablet of Destinies (See also the Hittite Ellil). Symbol: Seven small circles representing the Pleiades. Sacred number: 50 Astrological region: north of "the path of Anu" that is 12 degrees north of the equator.. Ea (Enki, Nudimmud) - god of the waters He is in charge of the bolt that prevents the sea He knows all He is... the "Lord of Wisdom" and "Lord of Incantations." When he speaks, what, it will be done. He is the son of Anu, but sometimes he is the son of Anshar. Dumkina is his consort. He created Zaltu as a complement to Ishtar. He found the plot of Apsu and Mummu, put Apsu under a sleeping spell, and killed him and put Mummu in a daze, tied him up and killed him. He then named his quarters Apsu, the underworld ocean that supports the world. He produced and Damkina Bel and Marduk. (Bel is likely to be another name for Marduk.) He learned that Tiamat was planning a war of revenge against the gods. His father Anshar tries to spur him to make the first attack against Tiamat, but Ea rebate it. When peace mission Anu failure, he insists Marduk into action. It suggests the method of creating man, in response to the workload of the Igigi. As a sponsor of humanity, it is the instructor of all the arts, writing, construction, agriculture, and magic. He advises mankind when other gods to do them harm. He granted Adapa understanding, to teach mankind. When Adapa used this knowledge to break the South Wind wing, he cursed and told him to complain of Dumuzi and Gizzida s absence "of Anu. Anu While in court, he advises Adapa not to eat the bread of eternal life (for he did not lose his life on earth). He refuses to flood mankind for Ellil. Eventually, it sticks, but only after advising Atrahasis to build a boat in which the flood time. He tells Nergal to allow Enkidu is spirit "to visit with Gilgamesh. When Ea is informed of Ishtar prison is the Underworld, he creates 'His appearance is bright' to stay in Ereshkigal's gate and mellow her mood and have him take an oath by the great gods. He instructs Nergal on how to build gift throne for Ereshkigal, and hides him with spring water to hide it from Namtar after he returned from the underworld. When Anu and the gods could not find a volunteer to kill Anzu, he told Igiggi he would choose a . He instructs Belet-ili / Mami to send Ninurta to slay Anzu and, through Sharur advises Ninurta on how to defeat the creature (See also Heyan Canaanites aka Kothar-u-Khasis and Ayas Hittites). Symbol: head Carneiro, fish -cabra (a goat's head on the body of a fish) Sacred number: 40 Astrological region: 12 degrees south in the sky (includes Pisces and Aquarius) Mummu . - God craftsman It is inherent in Ea and Apsu's vizier He likes. much of Apsu and colludes with him to disperse the younger gods when they disturb Tiamat, even after Tiamat rejects the plan. And found out about his plan, he enspelled and tied. Qingu (over spelling - Kingu) -.. Tiamat's battle leader "and second husband / lover after Apsu It is promoted and valued for a position of leadership among the ranks Tiamat places the Tablet of Destinies in his possession, giving you the Anu-power, so that his word is law and affects reality. He gives his army fire-quenching breath and paralyzing venom. His battle strategy initially confuses Marduk . He is defeated by Marduk and counted among the dead gods For his part in the war, it was done by Marduk to provide blood to the creation of man. - taking the role that electronic Geshtu takes into other versions of the creation of man's history . Sin (Nanna r) -. God Moon, son of Enlil It has a lapis lazuli beard and rides a winged bull His consort is Ningal He is the father of Shamash He does not answer Gilgamesh's plea "to restore... . Enkidu to life Symbol: Crescent Sacred number: 30 Sphere of Influence: a, calendars, vegetation, cattle fertility moon Ningal - Consort of Sin,
She is Anu's second consort, daughter of Anu and Antum, (sometimes daughter of Sin), and sometimes the sister of Ereshkigal. She is the goddess of love, procreation and war. She is armed with a quiver and bow. Her temples have special prostitutes of both sexes. It is often accompanied by a lion, and sometimes rides it. The Eanna in Uruk is dedicated both to her and Anu. As Irnini, she has a parakku (throne-base) mountain cedar. It was an enormous tree at the cedar forest and was guarded by Humbaba. There is a stairway up to heaven from the underworld.
As for the underworld Kurnugi (Sumerian for 'land of no return'). It is presided over by Ereshkigal and Nergal. Within the house of Irkalla (Nergal), the house of darkness, the house of Ashes, no one ever exits. "They live on dust, their food is mud; Their clothes are like birds' clothes, the garment of wings, And They see the light, living in blackness." It is full of dust and mighty kings serve others food. In Ereshkigal's court, heroes and priests reside, as well as Sumuqan and Belit-tseri. The scorpion-people guard the gates in the mountain to the underworld Which Shamash uses to enter and exit. There are seven gates, through Which one must pass. At each gate, an adornment or article of clothing must be removed. The gates (gatekeepers?) Are named: Nedu (En) Kishar, Endashurimma, (E) nuralla, Endukuga / Nerubanda, Endushuba / Eundukuga, and Ennugigi. Beyond the gates are twelve double doors, wherein it is dark. Siduri waits there by the waters of death, beyond Which, is the Land of the Living, where Utnapishtim and his wife dwell. Shamash and Utnapishtim's boatman, Urshanbi, can cross the waters. Egalginga, the everlasting palace, is a place where Ishtar was held.
V. Hey! I read que Cthulhu is really some Babylonian or Sumerian god, how come he's not there under Kutu?
I have yet to find any secondary (or for that matter primary) source Which lists Kutu as a deity Mesopotamian, or for that matter lists any name resembling Cthulhu at all. However, having Been Given a pointer by DanNorder@aol.com, I have confirmed que Kutha or Cutch was the cult city of Nergal, the Akkadian god of plagues and the underworld (see above) and that 'lu' is the Sumerian word for man. So, Kuthalu would mean Kutha-man Which Could conceivably refer to Nergal. As far as I can tell It Could mean Joe the Butcher or any of his neighbors who happen to live in Kutha just as easily. Nergal, of course bears little resemblance to Lovecraft's Cthulhu beyond collegues BOTH Can Be Considered underworld powers. Those interested in further discussion about this might wish to contact Dan at the above address And They may wish to read alt.horror.cthulhu as well.
VI. So, in AD & D, Tiamat is this five-headed evil dragon, but They got her from the Enuma Elish, right? What about her counterpart, Bahamut?
Bahamut, According to Edgerton Sykes' Who's Who of Non-Classical Mythology, is "The enormous fish on Which Kujara stands, the bull giant, Whose back supports the rock of ruby, on the top of Which stands an angel on Whose shoulders rests the earth, According to Islamic myth. Our word Behemoth is of the same origin. " (Sykes, p. 28)
[Note: Sykes's use of the phrase "Islamic myth" is misleading the this bit of cosmology is not Considered Islamic doctrine. Bahamut is pre-Islamic, Most Likely Arabic. I do not have a second source for Kujara.]
Then Behemoth, is Usually the male counterpart to Leviathan, and is a great beast roams que on land. He is sometimes equated with a hippopotamus, and is alternately listed in the Old Testament as a creature on the side of God and the one over Whom God has or will triumph over.
VII. I've heard there are Biblical parallels in Babylonian literature. What are they anyway?
Genesis: Creation of the universe
Ps: 74: 12-17 - YHWH vs. Leviathan; Marduk vs. Tiamat. Enuma Elish In the, tablet IV, Marduk defeats the ocean goddess, Tiamat who is Often depicted as a multi-headed dragon. He splits her apart, the YHWH splits apart in the sea Ps 74:13. He crushes her skull the YHWH crushes the skulls of the monster Leviathan in Ps 74: 13-14. In tablet V, Marduk causes the crescent moon to Appear, Creates the seasons, the night and day, and Creates springs from Tiamat's eyes, to form the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the YHWH does in Ps 74: 15-17 (Hooke p. 106, pp.253-257 Dalley)
Creation of humans.
Fall of man.
Adapa was the first "Apkallu" (sage / priest), not the first man or first patriarch. He was given Beheerder wisdom (knowledge of good and evil?) But not immortality. When in heaven (sent there for having broken the South Wind's wing), he is offered bread and water of eternal life. He refuses it, However Been having tricked by Ea (in serpent role?) Que stating he would be offered the bread and water of death instead. (Dalley pp 182-188.) In other references to the Apkallu seven, he is the counselor paired with the first anteluvian king on the Sumerian king lists (Dalley 328 p.), Alulim - not Alulim himself, who was Adam's analog in patriarchal order.
Tower of Babel
's with the Sumerians, the most striking parallel Biblical Within Akkadian myth is in the story of the flood. For the Babylonian account, see the entries on Atrahasis and Utnapishtim above.
Exodus - According to legend, Sargon was left in a basket in the Euphrates an infant and the 'rose' from an ark of bulrushes "(Oppenheim, Ancient Mesopotamia p. 101). His adoptive father was a "laborer in a palm garden who spotted the basket containing the remarkable child" (Crawford p. 42) Sargon originally was the cupbearer to the king (Ur-Zababa) before Achieving leadership on his own. (Crawford p. 25)
Weeping for Tammuz and the month of Tammuz.
See also Biblical Parallels in Sumerian Mythology


Rodrigo Garcia is Veronezi Blogger is 41 years old was born in Porto Alegre on 16 August 1973 and studies on Mythology, Religion, History, Archaeology, Occult Sciences, Secret Societies, The Mystery Schools, Military Secrets, Geo Politics, parapsychology, UFOlogy .

Rodrigo Garcia Veronezi
"I made myself, do become your enemy, telling the truth? Galatians 4:16. " . "The tireless worker today has no time during the working day to reflect - and at night he's too tired for it and in the end, he thinks this is luck.." - GB Shaw. "Let me issue and control the money of a nation and will not care who writes the laws." - Mayer Amschel (Bauer) Rothschild. "There are two types of world history: one is official, liar, suitable for classrooms; the other is the secret history, which hides the real cause of events." - Honore de Balzac.


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