The Fiery Messenger Earth Changes, part 9

The Fiery Messenger
Earth Changes, part 9

by Frank Hoogerbeets

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14 January 2014

From the previous parts we know that the largest earthquakes, those with magnitude 8.8 and higher are quite rare. Since 1700 only 10 of them occurred on various locations along the so-called ring of fire, which is around the Pacific Basin. While going over the charts of these earthquakes, I noticed that from 1700 to 1952 the largest of them, there are only three of them with magnitude 9, occurred with an 84-years interval:


Because of my thorough study of our solar system, I immediately recognized number 84 as the orbital period of Uranus and realized that this could not be a coincidence, because it means that during each of these earthquakes Uranus was at approximately the same position in the sky. Think about this: only three earthquakes with magnitude 9 in 252 years with Uranus each time in one specific area in the sky. It could be an indication that some object in that particular direction in space has sufficient mass to generate a strong gravitational force which, in alignment with Uranus caused large earthquakes on Earth, and perhaps on other planets in our solar system as well. The question is whether it is fixed, perhaps a known star, or moving. In order to answer that, we need to compare the alignments of Uranus and Earth for each earthquake. So let's see:

<image 1>
Image 1: Uranus and largest earthquakes

Image 1 shows us clearly that with each subsequent earthquake Uranus has progressed to the left, which suggests that we are dealing with a moving object. For the alignment of 1784 I could not find any records of a large earthquake, but I did find a record of an unusual series of earthquakes called the Calabrian tsunamis:

Abstract. Southern Italy is one of the most tsunamigenic areas in the Mediterranean basin, having experienced during centuries a large number of tsunamis, some of which very destructive. In particular, the most exposed zone here is the Messina Straits separating the coasts of Calabria and Sicily that was the theatre of the strongest Italian events. In 1783–1785 Calabria was shaken by the most violent and persistent seismic crisis occurred in the last 2000 years.

Citation: Graziani, L., Maramai, A., and Tinti, S.: A revision of the 1783–1784 Calabrian (southern Italy) tsunamis, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 6, 1053-1060, doi:10.5194/nhess-6-1053-2006, 2006.

The citation is clear and it very much fits the Uranus cycle connected to the largest earthquakes. So is there an object out there that caused this unusual seismic activity every 84 years? Let's see what history has to say.

Planet X

In 1781 the planet Uranus was discovered by English astronomer William Herschel. Its orbital elements were first calculated in 1783 by Pierre-Simon Laplace. However, with time, predicted positions of Uranus did not match the actual positions and in 1841 John Couch Adams suggested a gravitational influence of an unknown planet might be responsible for Uranus' erratic behaviour. These gravitational tugs or perturbations were then used to mathematically determine the position of the perturber, and in September 1846 Neptune was discovered close to the calculated position. Only two weeks later Neptune's moon Triton was discovered. This is significant as the existence of a moon allows for an accurate determination of a planet's mass.

However, Uranus still did not behave as expected, so the search continued for an unknown perturber, later termed Planet X by astronomer Percival Lowell, in the outermost regions of our solar system.

In 1930 Pluto was discovered and initially held to be Planet X. But after the discovery of Pluto's moon Charon in 1978 it turned out that Pluto's mass is far too small to be responsible for the perturbations of the gas giants Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

According to wikipedia, the problem of these perturbations were solved in 1989 after Voyager 2 passed Neptune, which allowed for a 'correction' of its mass. This does not sound very convincing however, because it would mean that many astronomers had been in error, particularly so since Neptune's mass had been accurately determined thanks to its moon Triton.

Some astronomers, such as Robert Harrington, were so convinced of the existence of a massive object that they continued their search and even built special observatories. Harrington did so in New Zealand in the early 90s, and much later, in 2006, The USA on the South Pole.

But even before then NASA had already launched the IRAS satellite in 1983 with only one goal in mind: to observe in the infra-red spectrum, because if a planet cannot be seen in the normal spectrum, then there must be something else still emitting enough heat to be detected in infra-red. In January 1983 the New York Times published an article called “Clues Get Warm in the Search for Planet X!”:

“Something out there beyond the farthest reaches of the known solar system seems to be tugging at Uranus and Neptune. Some gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object that may be the long-sought Planet X.

[..] More credence was given to the hypothesis that a “brown dwarf” star accounts for the mysterious force. This is the informal name astronomers give to celestial bodies that were not massive enough for their thermonuclear furnaces to ignite; perhaps like the huge planet Jupiter, they just missed being self-illuminating stars.

Most stars are paired, so it is not unreasonable to suggest that the Sun has a dim companion. Moreover, a brown dwarf in the neighborhood might not reflect enough light to be seen far away, said Dr. John Anderson of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA. Its gravitational forces, however, should produce energy detectable by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite.” – The New York Times, January 30, 1983

Then, by the end of 1983, astronomers apparently had found something with the IRAS:

“A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infra-red astronomical satellite. [..] The mystery body was seen twice by the infra-red satellite as it scanned the northern sky from last January to November, when the satellite ran out of the super-cold helium that allowed its telescope to see the coldest bodies in the heavens. The second observation took place six months after the first and suggested the mystery body had not moved from its spot in the sky near the western edge of the constellation Orion in that time.” – Washington Post, December 30, 1983

What makes this citation particularly interesting is the position of this object near the western edge of the constellation Orion. It is not a coincidence that after the discovery of this object, special observatories were built on the Southern Hemisphere, with the ability to observe in the infra-red spectrum, such as the SPT (South Pole Telescope). Keep in mind that in 1983 the IRAS was also sent into a polar orbit. Apparently they knew where they had to look!

Finally, in 1984 an article appeared in US News World Report called “Planet X – Is It Really Out There?”:

"Last year, the infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS), circling in a polar orbit 560 miles from the Earth, detected heat from an object about 50 billion miles away that is now the subject of intense speculation. [..] Some astronomers say the heat-emitting object is an unseen collapsed star or possibly a “brown dwarf” — a protostar that never got hot enough to become a star." – US News World Report, September 10, 1984.

Could it be that Uranus (image 1) was pointing to the object astronomers had found in the direction of Orion? If so, then Uranus must also have been in that area in the sky. So let's see where Uranus was on these four critical dates:

<image 2>
Image 2: Uranus in the sky (blue dots)

Image 2 shows Uranus as the four blue dots to the right of the star Pollux. The position for each date goes from right to left. What is important here is that on all four dates Uranus was in the area left of Orion, which is clearly visible to the right, indicated by the stars Betelgeuse and Rigel.

It is important to know that Uranus is moving along an imaginary line, which we call the plane of the ecliptic, an imaginary nearly two-dimensional disk on which most planets of our solar system revolve around the sun. This means that Orion is actually below the ecliptic:

<image 3>
Image 3: plane of the ecliptic

If according to the Washington Post article astronomers had found the object near the western edge of Orion, then this would mean that at the time it was below the ecliptic, which would explain why they were searching the sky with infra-red telescopes from a polar orbit (IRAS) and from the south pole (SPT).

On June 6, 2008 youtube user BZCAPMOOR posted a video with an image from WW Telescope of an unknown object at the western edge of Orion, at coordinates 5h 49m 15.0s, -4° 2' 36.0":

<image 9>
Image 4: object in WW Telescope at 5h 49m 15.0s, -4° 2' 36.0" in June 2008

Could this be the object astronomers have been referring to? To my knowledge it has not been cataloged or designated in any way. From what I have found on the internet, this image was taken by Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) between 2000 and 2005. It was then processed and used by World Wide Telescope. This would mean that the object was in the direction of the specified coordinates near the constellation Orion between 2000 and 2005.

What makes this image even more interesting is the fact that at the very same coordinates Google Sky is showing us something completely different:

<image 10>
Image 5: object in Google Sky at 5h 49m 15.0s, -4° 2' 36.0" in January 2014

Using the stars as reference, image 5 appears to be the same as image 4, but with more brightness added to it. However, the object itself has been made completely unrecognizable, making it look like a cluster of stars when viewed from a distance. Only when zoomed in the sloppy cover-up becomes clear. WW Telescope is now also showing a manipulated version of the image.

This makes image 4 probably the first image of this mysterious object ever to reach to public domain.

Trail of Earthquakes

We have already seen that between 1700 and 1952 very large earthquakes occurred repeatedly in connection with Uranus. We have also seen that with each subsequent earthquake Uranus had progressed to the left, suggesting that the object is moving from right to left through the sky. Let's see what happened after 1952:


As we can see from table 2, these mega-thrust earthquakes not only became stronger, they also began to occur more frequently. This could be an indication that the object is inbound. For each of these earthquakes I have made a thorough analysis of the respective planetary constellation and believe to have found a continuing trail:

<image 6>
Image 6: Earth-Uranus alignment in Gemini on 1700-01-26

<image 7>
Image 7: Earth-Uranus alignment in Gemini on 1868-08-13

<image 8>
Image 8: Earth-Uranus alignment in Gemini on 1952-11-04 with Mars in front

<image 9>
Image 9: Saturn-Earth alignment in Gemini on 1960-05-22 (Earth-Moon small in the distance)

<image 10>
Image 10: Saturn-Jupiter alignment in Gemini square Sun-Earth-Moon (full) on 1964-03-28

<image 11>
Image 11: Uranus-Earth alignment in Leo square Sun-Earth-Moon (full) on 2004-12-26

<image 12>
Image 12: Earth-Saturn alignment in Virgo on 2010-02-27 (magnitude 8.8, Chile)

<image 13>
Image 13: Earth-Saturn alignment in Virgo on 2011-03-11

What we may conclude from the images 6 to 13 is that each alignment has progressed further to the left, starting in 1700 in the constellation Gemini all the way to Virgo in 2011. Between 1964 and 2004 the constellation Cancer passed without a magnitude 9 earthquake. Then, in 2004 there was another alignment between Uranus and Earth in the constellation Leo. In 2010 and 2011 two alignments between Earth and Saturn occurred progressing further to the left in Virgo.

Since 2011 there has not been a magnitude 9.0+ earthquake. So the question is, do we still have a lead that we can follow from 2011 to the present? Yes we do. Table 3 shows some significant earthquakes which I believe are also connected to the object we have been tracing through the sky:


I included the earthquake at Scotia Sea because it was very much related to the earthquake deep under the Sea of Okhotsk. Not only were these two events half a year apart, they were also on opposite sides of the globe, which I believe to be a big piece of the puzzle.

The images below are the planetary alignments for each earthquake listed in table 3.

<image 14>
Image 14: Earth-Saturn alignment in Virgo on 2012-04-11

image 15>
Image 15: Earth-Saturn alignment in Virgo on 2013-05-24

<image 16>
Image 16: Earth-Saturn alignment in Libra on 2013-11-17

The images 14 to 16 show us clearly that the alignments of interest have progressed even faster to the left and into the constellation Libra. As I have already said, the last two earthquakes are a big piece of the puzzle. They both occurred, half a year apart, with Earth and Saturn aligned going from Virgo to Libra and it shows us that the Earth-Saturn connection has been very consistent since 2010, continuing the trail where Uranus left off.

I believe that this trail of earthquakes is proof that we are dealing with an inbound object that will reach perihelion soon, perhaps in the constellation Ophiucus. When it does, it will be above the plane of the ecliptic and possibly visible to all on the planet.

A Cleansing Process

“I believe that the major earth changes will be initiated by what I will call the “Fiery Messenger.” There is even now a star of great power proceeding towards our Solar Body. The star, at this moment, is invisible to the human, or even telescopic eye, but it is set on a path which will bring it into conjunction with our Planetary System. As it passes by it will affect the motions of all the planets of our System, therefore, will bring about changes on the surface of the planets themselves. The effect of the passage will be to set in motion the earth changes that are prophesied. Various lands will sink, others will rise... So I say to you now, as I said to you five years ago, that these Earth Changes are coming. They cannot be avoided. They are part of the destiny of the earth.” – Teachers of Ramala, 1979

This citation is from the book “The Wisdom of Ramala”, first published in 1986. It was in 1990 that I read this message and at the time I really did not know what to think of it. But now it all makes perfect sense! As it appears, humanity has been warned for decades and we have had every chance to prepare ourselves both mentally and physically. Based on the trail of earthquakes, I believe that these changes are indeed coming. During 2013 we have had very unusual weather patterns, strange seismic activity, including strong earthquakes as well as great swarms of smaller earthquakes and increased volcanic activity, both of which have already created new small islands in the Pacific and Indian Ocean.

<animated image>
Image 17: "Faith in the Cleansing of Earth through Fire"

However, the most important thing to understand about these earth changes is why they are happening. When the Fiery Messenger arrives and starts to clean our planet by means of fire, we really need to possess the knowledge that all these events are divinely orchestrated. This series “Earth Changes” proves that beyond any doubt, especially part 5 “Full Circle”, and I strongly advise you to read it if you have not done so already.

There is still much negativity on the planet, much more than most people currently realize. And it is time for planet Earth to cleanse herself from that negativity in order to be able to continue her evolutionary development. However, the key to these changes will be your own attitude. If your personal energy field is sound and you are capable of predominantly transmitting positive thought forms and your actions and words sustain the highest good of all, then you will also be able to completely trust the coming cleansing process.

So it is not at all dooms day events that awaits us. The Fiery Messenger is not an intruder nor a threat. It is a Divine Means to cleanse and transform the planet and prepare its surface and life forms for a new Era in which humanity will reach a new height in its evolutionary development.

Copyright © 2014 Frank Hoogerbeets, Ditrianum Media Center You have my permission to copy and distribute this article as long as you do not change its content including this copyright notice.


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